we are not the target audience

we are not the target audience

in WvW

Posted by: caveman.5840


it really is a shame ETOM is such a karma train

i would go there when my server is dead but all there is to do is follow the train

or roam and be killed by a train

when two trains run in to each other from dif teams…
they dont fight each other they turn the other way and go for the next point to cap lol

players dont spread out on the map and defend different points
because there is no reason to defend .

just cap the next point

(edited by caveman.5840)

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in WvW

Posted by: yanniell.1236


People are really wrong if they think T1 has enough people to spare and still keep a minimum viable population. The days when T1 queued all maps all the time are long gone. Besides reset night, it’s really rare to see a queue, and it’s not uncommom to roam in the BLs on non-prime time and don’t see a soul.

The WvW population as a whole is diminishing, and what we need is less servers, not new prices on transfers.

That’s not what the people coming to us from T1 report their own experiences are. Some are people that have left our server to go to T1 and have returned, and others are people who have never been off of T1 until now.

Well, it’s saturday, like just 12 hours after reset, and here is the amazing T1 queues:



we are not the target audience

in WvW

Posted by: yanniell.1236


Lol, this conversation just happened right now. I think it’s appropriate for the topic. The mighty T1:



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in WvW

Posted by: bIG wERM.7561

bIG wERM.7561

yeah eotm is pretty useless. The irony is that it solves what would be coverage issues by combining servers but then just fails everywhere else.

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in WvW

Posted by: Jess.6710


shrugs The game is 2 + years old.. it is reasonable to now merge the servers.

[NUDE] Jesuki – Far Shiverpeaks

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in WvW

Posted by: joric.1042


honestly, imo wvw is not fixable at this point. it needs a complete overhaul and a new system implemented. its obvious where the focus is in this game. spvp and living story aka pve. wvw content at this point is just an afterthought.

Jorik Nightcloud
Crystal Desert

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in WvW

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


People are really wrong if they think T1 has enough people to spare and still keep a minimum viable population. The days when T1 queued all maps all the time are long gone. Besides reset night, it’s really rare to see a queue, and it’s not uncommom to roam in the BLs on non-prime time and don’t see a soul.

The WvW population as a whole is diminishing, and what we need is less servers, not new prices on transfers.

That’s not what the people coming to us from T1 report their own experiences are. Some are people that have left our server to go to T1 and have returned, and others are people who have never been off of T1 until now.

Well, it’s saturday, like just 12 hours after reset, and here is the amazing T1 queues:

WvW is not dying! you photoshoped the time! Lies!

we are not the target audience

in WvW

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


honestly, imo wvw is not fixable at this point. it needs a complete overhaul and a new system implemented. its obvious where the focus is in this game. spvp and living story aka pve. wvw content at this point is just an afterthought.

Why would they care, most of the WvW focused players stopped playing the game, even my friend that has been a die-hard GW fan (he played gw1 through gw2 launch) stopped playing because it got boring.

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in WvW

Posted by: caveman.5840


because they are still one of a hand full of games that offer wvw.

but if u go to games like tera the number one complaint u will here about gw2 is nothing changes

most of these people being old gw2 players tired of nothing changing

where tera just got new skills

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in WvW

Posted by: Videles.6759


I to think that mergin small servers in WvW to get equal numbers is the best solution. I’m sure anet has the statistics for it. Just based on the amount of WvW players.

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in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


honestly, imo wvw is not fixable at this point. it needs a complete overhaul and a new system implemented. its obvious where the focus is in this game. spvp and living story aka pve. wvw content at this point is just an afterthought.

Why would they care, most of the WvW focused players stopped playing the game, even my friend that has been a die-hard GW fan (he played gw1 through gw2 launch) stopped playing because it got boring.

Why bother if they can target the Skrit audience!?

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

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in WvW

Posted by: lorndarken.3702


bump bump bump bump

we are not the target audience

in WvW

Posted by: Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Well, Anet plays WvW. Some of the devs belong to WvW guilds.

For the Toast!

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in WvW

Posted by: Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Nanyetah Elohi.4852

One quick thing Anet could do to revitalize WvW is almost embarrassingly simple. They could redecorate. Leave the mechanics as is, but make everything look different, including the wildlife. It would cause a stampede of PvE people.

They’ve used this in other parts of the game. I hope the idea would be to make the landscape look better instead of worse, the way it has gone, tho.

For the Toast!

we are not the target audience

in WvW

Posted by: Ultimaistanza.4793


One quick thing Anet could do to revitalize WvW is almost embarrassingly simple. They could redecorate. Leave the mechanics as is, but make everything look different, including the wildlife. It would cause a stampede of PvE people.

They’ve used this in other parts of the game. I hope the idea would be to make the landscape look better instead of worse, the way it has gone, tho.

They’ve done this somewhat before during the first year Halloween and Wintersday, but they never decided to bring it back.

It would be be great for at least break some of the visual monotony and it wouldn’t be as difficult as making new maps. But, considering this has been mentioned to them time and time again and that it seems they’ve abandoned the WvW section now that the majority of people have put their pitch forks down from the drama a little while back, I don’t think we’re going to see it happen.

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in WvW

Posted by: samanosuke asakura.6240

samanosuke asakura.6240

shrugs The game is 2 + years old.. it is reasonable to now merge the servers.

i am sorry can’t agree with this don’t you any server pride? i am vet on fsp. fsp was 1 place in the beginning. dropped hard and got back up. merging server will crush the servers pride. wvw is not broken its need more attention from anet. make tournaments tickets a weekly reward. make unique rewards in the form weps and armor and back pieces. sure we have the 2 of the 3 i mentioned but more frequent update wouldn’t hurt. as for eotm the basic idea was great but with current state of wvw its a joke map. remove aces to eotm until each map has a Q then make eotm available for play to players. current eotm doesn’t help your home-server its karma farm map and free kill maps for organized groups. also does emp grenades now as disablers should have been tested first i had 20 and tower 40 supp disabler use 10 supps how many times you think i disabled their rams and carat ? new siege to counter the disabler like shield wall or bubble around the rams wouldn’t hurt.(i use cata from time to time but i am think for more permanent bubble for those disablers)
or those sentry from eotm would be good in current wvw. anet need to update and listen bit more to their wvw core members. do little more update on wvw. because this is indeed 2y old. and indeed missing what has been said on these forum so far expansion new prof new weps to prof more skills and etc. hopefully my eng didn’t suck to much.

Honour and Pride and Devotion

Samanosuke Asakura Far shiver peaks

we are not the target audience

in WvW

Posted by: Avit.3165


One quick thing Anet could do to revitalize WvW is almost embarrassingly simple. They could redecorate. Leave the mechanics as is, but make everything look different, including the wildlife. It would cause a stampede of PvE people.

They’ve used this in other parts of the game. I hope the idea would be to make the landscape look better instead of worse, the way it has gone, tho.

They’ve done this somewhat before during the first year Halloween and Wintersday, but they never decided to bring it back.

It would be be great for at least break some of the visual monotony and it wouldn’t be as difficult as making new maps. But, considering this has been mentioned to them time and time again and that it seems they’ve abandoned the WvW section now that the majority of people have put their pitch forks down from the drama a little while back, I don’t think we’re going to see it happen.

They never bring it back, because none of the WvW players ever want all this pve events, in WvW maps, back then this created a huge queue and WvW maps full with clueless pve players. Took us a year of constant writing in this forum so we can finally get this pve events out from WvW.

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in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


I don’t know why people think evening out the WvW population would suddenly “fix” WvW. This would spread the collective community so thin than there would be next to nothing to do. The overall size of the WvW community has been shrinking since day one. People do not go to Tier 1 servers because they’re “stacked.” They go there because they want to actually play WvW. Many of the other NA servers have significant periods of dead hours. Tier 1 is not teeming with life at every moment, but it’s in a much better place than many of the other servers.

The WvW population has been in decline, and so some players who enjoy the game time and active communities go to where they still exist.

(edited by Nokaru.7831)

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in WvW

Posted by: Peterson.8345


can support what Nokaru said; my wvw guild (stationed in silver) disbanded few months ago so I decided to move to gold league… and now I am getting PMs from old members who still want to play wvw how are things in gold, since in silver for the most part of the day is absolutely empty, fills for few hours around prime time and then the population drops back to a few roams and an occasional zerg in the off hours… cant imagine how are things in bronze, that must be completely empty
and thats why people are stacking in top tiers, cuz the rest is slowly dying off, and if you want to play, you have to go to upper tiers…

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in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


can support what Nokaru said; my wvw guild (stationed in silver) disbanded few months ago so I decided to move to gold league… and now I am getting PMs from old members who still want to play wvw how are things in gold, since in silver for the most part of the day is absolutely empty, fills for few hours around prime time and then the population drops back to a few roams and an occasional zerg in the off hours… cant imagine how are things in bronze, that must be completely empty
and thats why people are stacking in top tiers, cuz the rest is slowly dying off, and if you want to play, you have to go to upper tiers…

+1. since anet doesn’t want to consolidate servers. players have to do it for them. pick on of top 9 and move…

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in WvW

Posted by: Dreadforce.6980


I won’t pay for a transfer not because of server pride or anything like that but because anet has not done anything constructive for wvw. If anything anet made it worse by giving free transfers before a tournament which hurt wvw a lot more than it helped so all in all they will not see any $ from me.

Another thing I think is wvw are bad while eotm rewards a a lot better so why not nerf eotm rewards and buff wvw rewards ? My guess is simple if makes metrics look good for wvw so someone can look and say wvw is fine look at all the activity.

we are not the target audience

in WvW

Posted by: met.9653


can support what Nokaru said; my wvw guild (stationed in silver) disbanded few months ago so I decided to move to gold league… and now I am getting PMs from old members who still want to play wvw how are things in gold, since in silver for the most part of the day is absolutely empty, fills for few hours around prime time and then the population drops back to a few roams and an occasional zerg in the off hours… cant imagine how are things in bronze, that must be completely empty
and thats why people are stacking in top tiers, cuz the rest is slowly dying off, and if you want to play, you have to go to upper tiers…

Move long time ago to t1 Deso not because I want win all the time but I want have ppl to play with. In current state of wvw I don’t go back to lower tier.
People get bored of wvw, same old stuff for 2y now. If anet don’t do anything soon even t1 will be empty.

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in WvW

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


They might just as well dump WvW and just have EotM, that is pretty much where they want to drive it anyway.

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we are not the target audience

in WvW

Posted by: Dante.8456


A lot of people seem to think that GW2 is PvE focused. I have to disagree. There is a lot more PvE in GW2 than in GW1 because the game had to appeal to more people. However I think the franchise has always had a strong PvP base. Just look at the quick levelling (especially compared to other games) and easily achievable max gear. PvE is interesting content but I feel the whole game is built with PvP in mind.

The problem is that the end-game of gw2 is largely non-existent. End-game PvE renders essentially zero reward. The fun side is PvP and WvWvW. The problem with WvWvW is that it simply is not rewarding enough for the time spent in there. I, like many other players, still player it for fun but constant zerg-friendly mechanisms take a lot of the challenge out of it. There need to be 1) more rewards 2) fewer zerg-encouraging mechanics & 3) rewards for non-capping (other objectives)

Desolation EU
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast