what if condition had diminishing return
in my opinion all this game needs is a Reduction in Condi and Boon spam…
the prob is not realy the dmg… its that Both Condi cleansing and Boon ripping does not worth anything for ALLOT of classes…
everyone is just spamming crazy ammount of boons and Condis nonstop 24/7
when the game was released a Single well timed cleanse worth ALLOT
having 3 boons up most of the times meant ALLOT
Ripping a few boons Worth ALLOT
now ? just Spam all of it till someone dies because you have infinite acces to all of it……
-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2
Nice idea but strongly doubt Arenanet is capable of figuring out how to program this given their history of balance patches.
Or you could just cap it to 25 again.
Imagine if boons worked like condis.
100 stacks of might would be cool.
well getting back how condis/hexes/stances/shouts and the other skill types were labeled and how each one worked in gw1 everything having a counter producing a need of clever and thinking gameplay would be a good change.
The gw2 balance issue might be cause everything is a boon and everything is a condition….
But i fear ANet is ok with how dumbed down this game is, and sadlyalot of players still think this is a a game that is hard to play, and they dont notice how ANet is carrying some of them.
ANet made a super casual game, but the skill usage should be reverted back to the gw1 scheme, this would help providinga better pve and pvp experience.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
But i fear ANet is ok with how dumbed down this game is, and sadlyalot of players still think this is a a game that is hard to play, and they dont notice how ANet is carrying some of them.
That makes no sense. Either the game is hard to play or it isn’t [Hint: It is, because lots of classes are difficult to learn]. The key to this is to remember how formulaic they are in terms of story, then apply this memory to the combat part of the game. They want to use the cliche, “Easy to learn and difficult to master”.
Unfortunately the learning curve is steep. If you find Mesmer (for example) easy to learn, you win, but if you don’t learn Mesmer, people who do will obliterate you on whatever class you play.
Is this “dumbing down” of yours the notion that you feel condi spammers don’t have to learn every other class? If so, it’s probably a good thing, and lowers the barrier of access to fun in the game.
read it well…. im not saying it is easy and hard… wtf.. its the 2nd time people give some different meaning to what ive wrote… sorry if my english isnt clear, not my main language but i actually try.
what ive said by other words…. the game is easy to play, but other players still think this is a hard game, they miss to understand this is a low effort game, all u need is to learn meta rotations from the classes and a bit how skills work.
I dont mind classes being easy to play or master, thats actually a good thing and i think we can agree with that, the problem itseflt is the balance due the boon vs negative effects work, wich is where the game is lacking and makes the game to much mindless, this is what i call the “game being dumb down” maybe i wasnt clear, but at least that part should be more complicated making players paying more atention to the targets besides the actual spam gameplay we have.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
I disagree with the OP’s idea. It makes no sense making the damage dimnish with the amount of stacks. What would make sense is the variation of damage dimnish with the amount of stacks increasing. Now, it’s just proportional, but other formulas may lead to a situation to which the additional bleed stack wouldn’t be that significant in the damage increase.
Now, we also have to remember that the nerf in the condi duration will greatly damage the ability to go high in stacks, which leads me to what Zoltreez says : the spam is terrible, as much for boons than for condis. I tried, just for fun, to focus on corrupting boons with my necro, and it’s insane : the fight begins, 15 boons pop almost instantly, you corrupt, and they’re back a split second later. It’s roughly the same with conditions : you cleanse, and it’s back a split second later. There also are cleanses mechanics that are really spammable…
I’m not sure there’s any good solution for that, as Aeolus said, because they made the fundamental choice with GW2 to put “everything” as boons and conditions, instead of keeping a more complex system. GW1 system might have been more intricate, but it also allowed for more granular tweaks on their side, and more subtle gameplay on our side (you couldn’t “just spam it”). Now, there won’t be any change there till GW3. I also want to underline that some effects (I’m thinking about some big bosses effects) should be labeled boons or condis, and are not, which shows they may be positive it’s an issue.
I think the OP’s idea is interesting, but that we’d be just as well, if not better served by changing all traits that do extra damage to low health players into extra damage to high health players instead. Let’s have longer fights, that will be a significant nerf to condition DAMAGE, and make players desire longer DURATIONs.
so how diminishing return i willuse bleed as example.
1 to 10 0% diminishing return
11 to 20 10% diminishing return
21 to 30 20% diminishing return
an so on.if bleed = 100 damage pre stack
1 to 10 is 1000 damage pr second
11 to 20 is 900 damage pre second
21 to 30 is 800 damage pre second
31 to 40 is 700 damage pre second
41 to 50 is 600 damage pre second
51 to 60 is 500 damage pre second.with diminishing return total damage would become 4500 damage pre second.
an with out diminishing return total damage would of been 6000 damage pre second.if you like it hate it or w/e just leave a comment
Yep good idea – let’s apply the same idea to power builds also.
1000 is 1000 damage
2000 is 1900 damage
3000 is 2800 damage
4000 is 3700 damage
5000 is 4600 damage
6000 is 5500 damage