will WvWvW get fixed soon or not?

will WvWvW get fixed soon or not?

in WvW

Posted by: Ninkasi.5071


<<<Rant warning>>>

ArenaNet, what’s wrong with you? WvWvW is really not fun most of the time. It wouldn’t be so bad that WvWvW sucks if not for the fact that sPvP in GW2 has been absolutely butchered compared to GW1, only 1 game mode? only 4 maps? No simple 4v4 matches like the good old days, no monks (my favorite class of all time, despite the verbal abuse.) No tournament like in GW1 (that I am aware of)… No team arena. Additionally PvE has been somewhat ruined for me due to the taking away of instances, I am not interested in zerging my way through a grind of a game that SHOULD have some “RPG” in it, you know, with a non-boring storyline or something. (And if I wanted a persistant world I’d be playing UO or WOW or (insert tens of MMORPGs here).)

Yes, sometimes WvWvW is absolutely awesome, when the following is true:
1. My world is not winning by a ridiculously gigantic margin.
2. The enemy team(s) are not winning by a ridiculously gigantic margin.
3. I can SEE my enemies.
4. There are no perma-invisible assassins (..err, I mean thief) killing me instantly all the time.
The instances when all of the above is true is VERY rare these days.

sPVP is a joke, PvE is a joke, WvWvW (is sometimes) very exciting but seems to be a joke (most of the time). ArenaNet, you ruined GW1 with an over-abundance of purchasable upgrades. I was very apprehensive to buy GW2 because I thought it was just a moneygrab on your part, now I regret buying this stupid game and spending a week of my life trying to get it to work on WINE and trying to get into the server I needed to join. Not going to be buying any more games/premium content from ArenaNET anymore.

(edited by Ninkasi.5071)

will WvWvW get fixed soon or not?

in WvW

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

Thanks for your feedback.