wvw and people using expliots

wvw and people using expliots

in WvW

Posted by: Occupare.3801


I dunno about the rest of you, but iv noticed that there is ALOT of people using curtain hacks/mods/exploits in WvW which imo is a big load of bull.. gives players a complete unfair advantage, and able to hit siege that shouldn’t be able to be hit, or siege hitting in places it shouldn’t be able to (line of sighting).. the fact that its happening on a regular basis is indicating anet really isnt doing anything about this.. (punishment wise bans, suspensions etc)..

now the sad thing is, you can be reported in game for a number of things, exploiting is not one of them, nor is hacking.. now these hacks/mods/exploits are very well known to mostly everyone (i wont go into details.) so i guess the whole point in this post is to ask Anet team, why there not doing anything about this, and why they are allowing these types of mods/exploits/hacks in this game. (as we all know it ruins games, look at WoW for example..) atm, being in a T1 server, and facing large numbers, with probly a good % of these people using these mods, is more then likely the reason WvW lags so badly?

any input on what action is been taken by anet (by a staff member response preferably) would be great.

wvw and people using expliots

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


Yeah I hate when players troll and then run to those small areas of invulnerability. They really need a report feature for players using physical exploits in game.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

wvw and people using expliots

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


Almost all wvw people using exploits.

Most people know running in very large groups will create skill lag, still almost everyone does it. Because of that opponents cant use all their skills.
So they are exploiting some broken system of the game.

wvw and people using expliots

in WvW

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Who cares about invulnerable spots? They are all at the edges of spawn, if you are forcing them back to spawn they can’t really hurt you.