yak's bend:

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


are you happy with blackgate owning everything everywhere?
if not, hit them instead of GOM sites. i don’t know why you were backing them up this week for them to take everything from you.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


It’s kinda late for this…

But yeah, it’s hilarious how they teamed up with BG at the beginning of the match just to be owned at the end.


yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


yeah i saw that. and i’m looking at it. it’s sad.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


YB isn’t getting owned as badly as YB owned Darkhaven and Anvril Rock last week, the 3 orbs buff is way too much and needs to be toned down for the attacking servers to have a chance. Anvril Rock gave up pretty early in the week because they couldn’t get through our zerg when we got 3 orbs, but Darkhaven spent all week trying to take out Bluebrier.

Right now it’s:
BG: 314K
GoM: 148K
YB: 147K

If you think YB is getting owned badly, check this out:

The week eneded with us over 490K and neither DH nor AR reached 100K and the entire map was blue.


Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

(edited by Teknobug.3782)

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: chronos.4239


It’s kinda late for this…

But yeah, it’s hilarious how they teamed up with BG at the beginning of the match just to be owned at the end.

Come bro really BG didn’t team up with yaks bend we stomped the stuffing out of the both of you guys. As I can recall as soon as we took first it was us getting attacked by both of you guys. Even when you guys double teamed us your zergs were so bad and uncoordinated it hurt to watch. The numbers back that. Gate of sadness sore losers/hackers whatever you wanna be called.

[AAO] Hohenheimm

(edited by chronos.4239)

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


It’s funny, from Anvil Rock here. Looks like it’s tougher going up against even numbers than the 15-20 people a map Yak faced in our first match up. Congrats on the excellent screen shot. The one thing I remember most fondly about our match up was your players setting a ram up at our elevator.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


If you think YB is getting owned badly, check this out:

The week eneded with us over 490K and neither DH nor AR reached 100K and the entire map was blue.

Wow, that’s the worst match up I’ve seen yet.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Osiath.4823


The funny part is that you guys actually believe Yaks Bend teamed up with anyone LOL.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: fatalis.9416


Was more a case of having contept for GoM after the Orb hacking/exploiting during the first 2 days of the match up…..Will be a while yet before that grudge fades away

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


They wasn’t? At the beggining of the match Yak’s was somehow passive on Eternal and attacked mostly GoM’s stuff, when logically you should go for the strongest. Even if they’re not teamed up, they sure helped BG get this 100k point gap by attacking GoM in critical moments.

There even was a theory, according to to which Yak’s Bend went for 3rd place so they can dominate in next match like they did with Anvil Rock and Darkheaven.

And about hacks. We’re not really happy about this either. As you can see – we got nothing from this, only bad reputation.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Osiath.4823


So what youre saying is… Instead of “teaming” against you, we should have teamed against the “strongest” one such as BG, so to speak?
As for your theory.. Trust me a lot of people pretty much stopped WvW mid week because after steam rolling towers and keeps with no challenges it got boring. So that theory is dead wrong, we want fun not boredom…

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Either way you’re “teaming up” against someone. Attacking us you got nothing, only helped BG gain this 100k gap.

Oh, and this wasn’t my theory. Just a thing a read in the chat.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Not gonna lie. We never teamed up with anyone. Although hacking all three of our orbs on day one definitely smurfed us off enough to focus on GoM for awhile.

As for focusing on Blackgate we were mathematically eliminated from beating backgate but could still have beaten GoM with a bit of effort. I’ll take second over third anyday. It’s just common sense.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Ashane.3520


Your still going on about the orbs?

You dont see GoM bringing up Yak’s Bend doing it… hell, we even have screenshots of your guy flying.

This is ridiculous to be honest.

Blackgate has more Oceanic players, that’s painfully obvious. When you go to bed and we’ve gotten back everything they have taken over the night, wake up and its all back in their hands…. it should tell you that you should probably work with the other side that dosent have alot of oceanic players either.

Did none of you play DAoC? RF:O? Shadowbane?

The first day you could tell BG had more oceanics. Yak/GoM actually had the lead, BG was in last.. wake up, BG’s in first with the entire map green. That second Yak/GoM should have focused on BG exclusively. Then neither of us would be in this mess.

Stop asking for Dev’s to fix it and fix it your kitten self. This goes for any matchup where one server clearly has a oceanic advantage over the other two. Band together, make their life hell during the day to offset the point advantage they will get at night.

As they say in the NFL… Come on man!

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


The funny part is that you guys actually believe Yaks Bend teamed up with anyone LOL.

the funny thing is i have caps of yak’s defending a green territory. would you like to see it?

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: animus.5814


Gates of Sadness? I thought we called GOM Gates of badness?

Thx for letting me know guys….

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


Either way you’re “teaming up” against someone. Attacking us you got nothing, only helped BG gain this 100k gap.

Oh, and this wasn’t my theory. Just a thing a read in the chat.

it’s not one’s theory it’s..what happened

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Nanashi.5704


Yak/GoM actually had the lead, BG was in last.. wake up, BG’s in first with the entire map green. That second Yak/GoM should have focused on BG exclusively. Then neither of us would be in this mess.

Stop asking for Dev’s to fix it and fix it your kitten self. This goes for any matchup where one server clearly has a oceanic advantage over the other two. Band together, make their life hell during the day to offset the point advantage they will get at night.

when logically you should go for the strongest. Even if they’re not teamed up, they sure helped BG get this 100k point gap by attacking GoM in critical moments.

So last week when it was BG vs GoM vs CD why was GoM attacking BG more then CD…?
And as for the bit about BG having more Oceanic players i again refer to last week. i’d check in the morning and we would have lost pretty much everything to CD, get on in the evening and we’d start to take back our areas until we went to sleep and CD took it all back. If you want to blame something blame the free server transfers, because we clearly didnt have that many oceanic players last week.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214


the funny thing is i have caps of yak’s defending a green territory. would you like to see it?

I’m guessing that it was a group of Yak’s coming behind and breaking a siege. That’s us being dumb, not a conspiracy. Hence why we got last this week and spent 3 days fighting for our spawn towers.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Ashane.3520


So last week when it was BG vs GoM vs CD why was GoM attacking BG more then CD…?
And as for the bit about BG having more Oceanic players i again refer to last week. i’d check in the morning and we would have lost pretty much everything to CD, get on in the evening and we’d start to take back our areas until we went to sleep and CD took it all back. If you want to blame something blame the free server transfers, because we clearly didnt have that many oceanic players last week.

GoM wasnt. BG clearly gave up last week, as you can see from the queue time charts.

Which again, goes to the point about Oceanic. If you look at the first day’s charts, you can see BG has just about as good a graph as Crystal Desert. Problem is, BG just got wrecked that first night. Then they simply gave up. (Look at the chart, you can clearly see it took a nose dive after)

One clear thing to note with last week’s matchup.. is only for a hour did BG/CD not have a queue. Compare that to GoM, which had no queue for a 4 hour + period.

Blackgate’s: https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/6522/Blackgate.PNG

Notice how it takes a dip after the first day, larger dip after the second, then is non existent. (i.e. BG gave up)

Crystal Desert’s:

Again, notice how its fairly consistent. Being in the lead, they simply did not give up, but kept on pushing. (As anyone would.. if graphs are released this week, BG’s chart will look exactly like that.. BG did NOT give up this week)

Gate of Madness:

Again, similar to BG’s.. gave up.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Ashane.3520


To sum that up:

BG had oceanic players last week. They got wtfwrecked by Crystal Desert. They then simply gave up.

GoM has never had oceanic players, got wtfwrecked by Crystal Desert.

This week:

BG wrecks while we sleep, does not give up. GoM/Yak’s do not have a strong Oceanic presence, give up.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Erebus.4260


Was more a case of having contept for GoM after the Orb hacking/exploiting during the first 2 days of the match up…..Will be a while yet before that grudge fades away

Too bad you just believe the hype. I know for a fact that we didn’t fly-hack the Yak’s Bend and GoM orbs. But keep telling yourself that. It was a propaganda machine to pit Yak’s against GoM and you fell for it.

I have several guildmates who claimed to have escorted the Yak’s Bend Orb all the way back to Hills. And I believe them over some random user making random claims.

I can’t say for sure what happened on Black Gate’s Borderland.

On our own, we can’t even grab our own orb until someone breaks open the altar and steals it.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Distaste.4801


To sum that up:

BG had oceanic players last week. They got wtfwrecked by Crystal Desert. They then simply gave up.

GoM has never had oceanic players, got wtfwrecked by Crystal Desert.

This week:

BG wrecks while we sleep, does not give up. GoM/Yak’s do not have a strong Oceanic presence, give up.

Pretty much. BG at primetime isn’t what won them the match, that’s for sure.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Deya.3796


Yak Bend you havesome nerve to bring up our “hacking” when we have an SS of YOU doing it

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: chronos.4239


Your still going on about the orbs?

You dont see GoM bringing up Yak’s Bend doing it… hell, we even have screenshots of your guy flying.

This is ridiculous to be honest.

Blackgate has more Oceanic players, that’s painfully obvious. When you go to bed and we’ve gotten back everything they have taken over the night, wake up and its all back in their hands…. it should tell you that you should probably work with the other side that dosent have alot of oceanic players either.

Did none of you play DAoC? RF:O? Shadowbane?

The first day you could tell BG had more oceanics. Yak/GoM actually had the lead, BG was in last.. wake up, BG’s in first with the entire map green. That second Yak/GoM should have focused on BG exclusively. Then neither of us would be in this mess.

Stop asking for Dev’s to fix it and fix it your kitten self. This goes for any matchup where one server clearly has a oceanic advantage over the other two. Band together, make their life hell during the day to offset the point advantage they will get at night.

As they say in the NFL… Come on man!

you GOM boobs crack me up. We don’t have a large oceanic presence on our server. You guys were in it for one day that was it. You got beat down for the rest of the week. I think this is the second time we have dealt you in.

[AAO] Hohenheimm

(edited by chronos.4239)

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Too bad you just believe the hype. I know for a fact that we didn’t fly-hack the Yak’s Bend and GoM orbs. But keep telling yourself that. It was a propaganda machine to pit Yak’s against GoM and you fell for it.

That’s not even close to the truth. I was STANDING in the keep it was stolen out of defending the gates. Inner gates were never breached. Kitten, the outer gates were never breeched. We had the orb, then we didn’t. I was there the whole time.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: chronos.4239


To sum that up:

BG had oceanic players last week. They got wtfwrecked by Crystal Desert. They then simply gave up.

GoM has never had oceanic players, got wtfwrecked by Crystal Desert.

This week:

BG wrecks while we sleep, does not give up. GoM/Yak’s do not have a strong Oceanic presence, give up.

Pretty much. BG at primetime isn’t what won them the match, that’s for sure.

you keep telling yourself that. We stomped your face in at all hours of the day

[AAO] Hohenheimm

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Too bad you just believe the hype. I know for a fact that we didn’t fly-hack the Yak’s Bend and GoM orbs. But keep telling yourself that. It was a propaganda machine to pit Yak’s against GoM and you fell for it.

That’s not even close to the truth. I was STANDING in the keep it was stolen out of defending the gates. Inner gates were never breached. Kitten, the outer gates were never breeched. We had the orb, then we didn’t. I was there the whole time.

Was never in your keep. It spawns at the north altar where a group of 30 of us took it from legitimately within minutes of the match starting. I was in the group that took it so make up all the excuses you like. If you have some evidence indicating otherwise go ahead and present it.

(edited by Shredicus.8706)

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Ashane.3520


Pretty much. BG at primetime isn’t what won them the match, that’s for sure.

you keep telling yourself that. We stomped your face in at all hours of the day


The graphs dont lie.

You have a 3 hour block where GoM/Yak’s dont even have a queue to enter any battleground.

PvE is fun, yo!

Argue with math more kid.