Looking for mature Guild(Anvil Rock)
Free transfers to other servers are still available.
We’re on Borlis Pass, and we’re a mix of casual PvE/dungeon runners and WvW.
Mature experienced gamers many of whom have RL ties.
Come check out our website http://redsky.enjin.com/home
Or jump on our mumble during afternoon/evening hours and chat us up.
Looking for a organized mature guild with members 18+ in age. I’m a casual player and have background in DAOC, WOW, and Warhammer. Message in game; Phacia Lockheart.
Hey there, I have a similar MMO resume … started out with several years of DAoC.
I am GM for Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing. I think we may be a perfect fit for ya. We’re welcoming members from and home world, though for WvW we’re based on Ferguson’s Crossing. Transfers are currently free and mostly painless.
I posted about LO and invite you to give us a look and consideration. I hope to hear from ya.