Looking For Guild

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: McGamer.6703


Hello all,

I am not new to GW2 per say, but I do not have a max level character either. I played GW2 during beta and a little while after launch. Preferrably I think it would be awesome to be part of an all Asura guild, but if there is not one to join I would be up for considering other options. I am currently on the Tarnished Coast server.

I have played mmos since the 90s so I am a little picky in guilds. I am looking for an active and family friendly guild that has a website and regularly uses voicechat of somekind. I have a full-time career in IT and a son iRL so I stay pretty busy. I still find time to be online several days a week.

I am not huge on end-game and prefer to enjoy leveling and not rushing to max level. That being said, I am not big on PvP or WvW either because I am not a fan of the bolster system in PvP. After I reach max level I will most likely become more involved after that.

It is probably asking alot at this point in the lifespan of GW2, but I also do not want to join a guild that is only full of max level players that have nothing to do with newly joined members who are not max level. I want to join a guild that works together, not a group of individuals with their own agendas.

Thanks in advance

(edited by McGamer.6703)

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrKip.2914


my guild has many new players just started gw2 recently all doing Pve mostly,
our motto is : “you’re not forced to do what u don’t want to do”

there’s always a couple people online and we don’t expect people to be online everyday
there always voice chat between a couple members and some who don’t so they are
not there

on top we dont have a hierarchy in my guild every has the same rights we work together to improve the guild and build it up with the small group of people we have.

if this sparks your interests send me a pm or add me ingame as friend to have a chat
and see if you like this small helpfull friendly famly like guild

we’re on the fissure of woe server which for pve doesnt rlly matter since you dislike wvw and most of us are in range of gmt+1

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: McGamer.6703


Thanks for the reply, but I am not on the same server as your guild.

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrKip.2914


Thanks for the reply, but I am not on the same server as your guild.

with the new megaserver it doesnt matter only when u want to play wvw as that is what i’ve read.

Im online from 7pm and later so you’re free to check it out.



Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: McGamer.6703


Thanks for the info. I was confused on that since someone who read this thread here, messaged in-game asking what server I was on. I replied then never heard anything back from them, lol.

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrKip.2914


No problem, like i said i can check the forums during work as programmer but for ingame contact add me ingame tonight ill be online around 6-7 pm
and otherwise ill add you when im online

and then you can see what u think of our guild.

at least uou sound like someone we are searching for.

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


Hiya McGamer! My guild, Ember Solace, is a PvX guild on Tarnished Coast. We have about 56-ish members, and we focus mostly on PvE, with some PvP/WvW (which I know you mentioned not really being into at this time). We’re definitely active and family-friendly (we have a Purpose & Principles that we require everyone to sign and abide by), and we’re more on the casual side, so we don’t require people to do end-game stuff or run certain builds, etc.

We use TS for voice chat, and while some of our members are a little shy and don’t like speaking on it, many of our members are on TS frequently and enjoy bantering and chatting that way. We also have plenty of people in the guild who are not max level, and plenty of other people who are making alts. Last night, we did Twilight Arbor: Story Mode, and I know our new PvE Officer has some plans for leveling parties, where members join up and work on map exploration together while joking around in TS and harvesting ALL the nodes! =)

Anyway, if you’re interested, we have a detailed recruitment post, plus you can register on our forums and get read-access to our GW2 sections in order to get a feel for our community.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and I wish you luck on your guild search, whatever you choose. =)

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


Oh, I almost forgot to mention — we have a couple other parents in the guild, so we definitely understand about spending time with family and real-life coming first. =)

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: McGamer.6703


Thanks for the post, Aidyn but I did not say I was looking for a LGBTQ guild to join.

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


We have several non-LGBTQ people in the guild, but if you’re uncomfortable being in a guild with LGBTQ people, it’s for the best for you to find a guild home elsewhere. Good luck with your search, McGamer. =)

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: McGamer.6703


I never said it would make me uncomfortable, Aidyn. So I would appreciate it if you didn’t put words where none existed in my posts here, thanks.

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: McGamer.6703



I have found a guild to join.

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: McGamer.6703


I am currently looking for a new guild again.

(I won’t say which guild I tried out but to be clear, a guild full of cliques and individuals is not a guild. Additionally, veteran members and ‘officers’ ignoring guild chat gets old fast. The last guild also seemed to think that 6 out of 60 members is considered a guild actively using voicechat which is not true. That is a clique and the minority of their members.)

I am mostly online during late night hours and prefer a guild that actively uses voicechat and regularly communicates with all of their members. A guild is only as strong as their weakest link.

Looking For Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: IOWA.2476


We’re SoV — The Sovereigns of Vengeance. We consist of mostly working adults with lives and families. We do primarily WvW and tPVP with a splash of PVE.

A 150+ member PvX guild dedicated to Crystal Desert. We are loyal to CD and will never transfer off world. 100% Rep required. All Crystal Desert Players are welcome! Whether you a new, a veteran, casual or hardcore SoV has a place for you. (transfers to CD welcome). We prefer to run in small groups (10-20) with high organization and enemy pressure to hold maps longer and more consistently. It’s a game of control, patience, tactics, and smart moves.


• Active in WvW

• Teamspeak ( No Mic required, but reccomended)

• Proper builds (We’ll help you sort a build for your class if needed)

• Be friendly

• Be part of the team, part of the community

• Build master maxxed (or in the process of maxxing it)

Co-Leaders: Scolias, Will Knot, Kroissant X, Brave Lil Toasta, TheRemedy.4102, Mania for Life

Other recruiters: Elizabeth Journ, Wombo Combo,

Feel free to PM myself or the other GL’s/Recruiters in game if you’d like more information or to join us.

Or, get a hold of me on skype, SoV.Scolias or hangouts, sov.scolias

You can also email me at Scolias (at) teamsov.com

Watch some of the action at www.twitch.tv/scolias (usually stream PVP or WvW nightly.)

Website: www.teamsov.com