My gf and I are LFG large-sized, laidback PvE

My gf and I are LFG large-sized, laidback PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Helifano.4103


We want a big guild where we will actually meet fellow guild members. I personally wouldn’t mind giving WvW a try but my girlfriend is ONLY interested in PvE. We don’t want a strict guild that forces us to exclusively participate with them and threatens to terminate our membership if we don’t want to voice chat with them. As far as voice chat goes, she isn’t a big fan but I’m willing to on occasion. I’d prefer TeamSpeak or Mumble but I guess I’d install Ventrilo if I really had to.

Our current primary characters are a Ranger and a Necro. We each also have secondary Guardian characters.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, we’re in the NA and we’d also strongly prefer the guild to be based in Sorrow’s Furnace. If our options are slim we’ll definitely consider a guild in another home world.

(edited by Helifano.4103)

My gf and I are LFG large-sized, laidback PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

We want a big guild where we will actually meet fellow guild members. I personally wouldn’t mind giving WvW a try but my girlfriend is ONLY interested in PvE. We don’t want a strict guild that forces us to exclusively participate with them and threatens to terminate our membership if we don’t want to voice chat with them. As far as voice chat goes, she isn’t a big fan but I’m willing to on occasion. I’d prefer TeamSpeak or Mumble but I guess I’d install Ventrilo if I really had to.

Our current primary characters are a Ranger and a Necro. We each also have secondary Guardian characters.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, we’re in the NA and we’d also strongly prefer the guild to be based in Sorrow’s Furnace. If our options are slim we’ll definitely consider a guild in another home world.

Hi Helifano,
My name is Edgar, leader of the Forgeman Destroyers [FORD], we’re a smallish guild on Sorrow’s Embrace of about 50 members, with around 12 active on a daily basis.

Most of us are adults with kids, so with our limited game time, we’re usually on from 9pm EST till midnight on Weekdays. We have a guild website , that’s updated on a regular basis, with access to a guild calendar for events, that is also shared with our guild alliance (2 other guilds). We have scheduled WvW every friday night, and Guild missions on Sunday night with our Allies.

The guild calendar is open to every member to post their own events. We also have a weekly lottery.

The main focus of the guild is PVE, but we do love our WvW with a side of PVP. Our voice comm is mumble, and joining us on there is probably the best way to know us and “fit” in.

I’ll send you a message in game tonight, I’m running an event , so I’ll try to reach you beforehand

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace