If you read or post on our official forums, you may have noticed the +1 button next to each post. Recently, we have updated this system with more features and visibility for you, the players. You can find the full forum update notes here. This post is to familiarize you all with the new features in our +1 system and how they affect you.
Added a link to user profile pages which shows posts that a user has +1’d, ordered such that top-most is the most recent
Added a link to user profiles to show highly rated posts ordered descending by score
When visiting a user’s profile page, you can view all posts that user has +1’d starting with the most recent, or see all of their own posts that have been +1’d by others sorted descending by score.
Both of these options are opt-in, because we respect your privacy and don’t want to force you into sharing information you are not comfortable with sharing. As such, you may not see these links in other user profile pages immediately. You will always see these links on your own page, regardless of your settings.
To allow others to view these pages on your own profile, click on your display name in the upper right of the forum, then on the following page, click “Edit Profile”, check the last two boxes and click “Save changes”.
Popularity is divided between popular and very popular as well as per-thread and forum-wide
What this means is that there are two levels of popularity, categorized “popular” and “very popular”. Currently these are indicated by a thumbs-up icon that appears next to the +1 button. If a post is very popular, the thumbs-up earns a star that appears within said icon.
Our future plans include updating these indicators to something more visually striking. Until then, this is how you will know if a post has achieved popular status.
There are also two levels in which posts are gauged for popularity, on a per-thread basis and forum-wide. Forum-wide popularity takes into account +1s from within a set time period across the forum. Per-thread popularity takes into account all +1s in a thread. Visually, a forum-wide popular post will have a red underline beneath the thumbs-up icon.
Over the next few weeks, we will monitor thresholds against post-scores and make adjustments as we see is necessary to ensure accurate display of popularity indicators. Going forward, if you read a post and like it, press that +1 button. It’s how you let us, and other players, know that you liked what you read.
(edited by Mark Katzbach.9084)