Account Bonus
You got a different chest first.
You will get that 1% magic find in the next chest. First is the 500 point chest. 1 chest per day until ALL are paid in full to you. People NEVER read the patch notes anymore…
Seriously uncheck the “autoplay” on your log in screen so you get a chance to see the latest news and have a chance to click on the link!
kitten sorry for the post then. looks like the confusion was with the achievement chest I got just for logging in. Got random boons, copper harvesting tools, 10 slot bag ect. After about an hour I was rewarded with the 500 point chest. I was confused because that one was not grayed out like the others before I was actually rewarded it. and I did read the patch notes thank u, granted I may have missed the part about being rewarded a random chest not listed in the achievement panel. Sorry
You will get that 1% magic find in the next chest. First is the 500 point chest. 1 chest per day until ALL are paid in full to you. People NEVER read the patch notes anymore…
Seriously uncheck the “autoplay” on your log in screen so you get a chance to see the latest news and have a chance to click on the link!
I think Hydra is correct — the first chest I recieved today was for reaching 500 achievement points retrospectively. In the Achievement panel it says for 500 AP you will receive 1x Achievement Chest, 1x Laurel, 1g and an account bonus of 1% magic find. Tomorrows reward is for 1000AP and rewards 1% gold from loot.
I too have the same problem where both the achievement panel and the hero panel report 0%magic find.
512GB Samsung 950pro | 2TB SATA-3 | AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB
(edited by Nitro.4732)
The first chest is for 100 achievement points and has no bonuses. You cannot see it in the interface since it only displays chests you didn’t receive yet.
Well when I looked at the info for 100 points it never said 1% anything, just the 1 gold and 1 Laurel. Are you sure you are looking at the right chest?
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
ya seems we get two chests today. one however is called an achievement chest but its not listed in the panel the items I got were…
1 magic find boost
1 karma boost
1 exp boost
1 glory boost
1 crafting boost
copper harvesting sickle
copper axe
copper mining pickaxe
1 revive orb
1 10 slot bag
and 1 sip of liquid karma
still not sure how or why I got it but I’ll just go with it as I’m to afraid to ask lol
Well when I looked at the info for 500 points it never said 1% anything, just the 1 gold and 1 Laurel. Are you sure you are looking at the right chest?
ya im pretty sure. as u can see 1% magic find.
You’re looking at the second chest.
The first chest is 100 achievement points and will leave that “queue” of next chests once you obtain it. Look at my picture. Does that mean that my first chest was a 1000? No, I simply looted both the 100 and 500 chests so far.
Well I just logged back in and finally got the 500 point chest and did get the 1% MF, see I only got the 100 point chest all those hours ago. So you should have your 1% MF now.
Well when I looked at the info for 500 points it never said 1% anything, just the 1 gold and 1 Laurel. Are you sure you are looking at the right chest?
ya im pretty sure. as u can see 1% magic find.
You’re looking at the second chest.
The first chest is 100 achievement points and will leave that “queue” of next chests once you obtain it. Look at my picture. Does that mean that my first chest was a 1000? No, I simply looted both the 100 and 500 chests so far.
Ya didn’t know there was a 100 chest thought it was every 500 thanks for the clarification much appreciated