Does this mean no more GW1 lore?
You yourself admit that guild wars 2 is 250 years AFTER guild wars 1. A lot of things have changed since then. The Elder Dragons have awoken, the Norn and Kodan have been pushed south, the assura have been pushed above ground. Oh, and Humans and Charr have a peace treaty.
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf
You yourself admit that guild wars 2 is 250 years AFTER guild wars 1. A lot of things have changed since then. The Elder Dragons have awoken, the Norn and Kodan have been pushed south, the assura have been pushed above ground. Oh, and Humans and Charr have a peace treaty.
That still doesn’t give reason to completely ignore so much amazing history. It just has to make a comeback in some way.
Um, we would not have GW2 if it weren’t for the initial success of GW1. To pull away from everything that made this game successful is kind of foolish. Especially with games like EQNext, FFXIV ARR, and Elder Scrolls coming out.
But if Thaumanova does in fact relate in some significant way to GW1 history or the Elder Dragons themselves then it could have a lot of potential. It would be wasted on even more Inquest folly.
GW2 is a new game. It needs to move forward with its story, not retell what we know. That’s what the vote was for to me. Maybe the new story won’t be as good as the old, but you have to try and move forward.
There are little nods to GW1 if you look around. You can find the graves of GW1 characters and the plains of ashford is obviously the starting area from GW1.
ArenaNet may take it as a sign that players do in fact want to see more content based on GW1 lore, rather than the typical “I’m not saying it’s Asura, but it’s Asura”
Meanwhile all of GW1 lore is human lore, but you don’t have a problem with that…
Face it, you had 4 games and 6 years to play GW1 based on human lore, stop trying to demand that GW2 be about the same old kitten. It’s time to let the other races and new stories have a chance to be in the spotlight.
I think you’re reading into this too much. The developers know of the desire for old lore. Wasn’t there a giant “Bring back Cantha” thread some time ago with developer responses?
ArenaNet may take it as a sign that players do in fact want to see more content based on GW1 lore, rather than the typical “I’m not saying it’s Asura, but it’s Asura”
Meanwhile all of GW1 lore is human lore, but you don’t have a problem with that…
Face it, you had 4 games and 6 years to play GW1 based on human lore, stop trying to demand that GW2 be about the same old kitten. It’s time to let the other races and new stories have a chance to be in the spotlight.
If that’s the case then they should be focusing more on the Charr in general, not the asura. To most people who are not extremely familiar with GW the Charr have become iconic of this game because they are the most unique race. (and no I’m not talking about Evon) People outside of the GW2 community equate the asura to gnomes because they are small and tech savvy.
First off, congratulations to Kiel supporters — no matter how much I may resent your leader and disagree with your reasoning, you won. Now that the news is out and Kiel has won, the long-time fan of GW1 that I am has to wonder, will we ever see more things in game based on GW1 lore?
The Bazaar of the Four Winds is coming to an end tonight. As a Living Story phase, the Zephyrites who run it are disciples of Glint, a dragon who you just might remember from the original Guild Wars, a dragon who was slain before the start of Guild Wars 2. The Zephyrites are very much a connection to GW1 lore, for those who take the time to learn of their backstory. And unlike a fractal, which does not move story forward and just serves as an interpretation of an event that happened sometime in the past, the Zephyrites look to become a recurring element that will drive the story forward as Guild Wars 2 continues to evolve.
Complaining that the lore of the first game never appears, at the culmination of an event that features a new group and zone that’s intimately tied to lore of the first game, seems a little short-sighted to me!
If that’s the case then they should be focusing more on the Charr in general, not the asura.
Charr have a bit more lore than the other new races because of their GW1 connections. I’d say that Norn need the attention most.
Also, even if they focused solely on Asura for the next 2 years, they’d still have less lore than humans.
GW2 is a new game. It needs to move forward with its story, not retell what we know. That’s what the vote was for to me. Maybe the new story won’t be as good as the old, but you have to try and move forward.
There are little nods to GW1 if you look around. You can find the graves of GW1 characters and the plains of ashford is obviously the starting area from GW1.
I understand there are little nods — all from launch. The point of this topic is that the Abbadon fractal would have brought more, which I feel is desperately needed.
Meanwhile all of GW1 lore is human lore, but you don’t have a problem with that…
Face it, you had 4 games and 6 years to play GW1 based on human lore, stop trying to demand that GW2 be about the same old kitten. It’s time to let the other races and new stories have a chance to be in the spotlight.
Yes, but in GW1 different areas had humans that felt, you know, different. In Tyria alone the Krytans had a different personality than the Ascalonians, etc. Canthans were different than the Elonians. While they were all “human”, they felt unique. In GW2, the humans are simply, the humans.
I think you’re reading into this too much. The developers know of the desire for old lore. Wasn’t there a giant “Bring back Cantha” thread some time ago with developer responses?
It was one developer, and his responses were mainly in line with (basically) confirming what the rumors were and saying “it probably won’t happen for years, but if the players really want it we may look into it.” That’s what I said that worries me — I hope that the Abbadon fractal wasn’t one of those tests to see if the players really want more GW1 based content. If it was, we have failed.
I think you’re reading into this too much. The developers know of the desire for old lore. Wasn’t there a giant “Bring back Cantha” thread some time ago with developer responses?
Actually this election was the perfect test to see whether the players wanted ancient lore or steampunk. We chose it as they stated in the live stream so technically we aren’t allowed to complain. I would not be surprised if this extended to abandoning Cantha and Elona as well.
They might as well throw in cyborgs while they are at it. Or the Commando class. The tengu are ancient history too, who cares about them when there are robots in Divinity’s reach for the Jubilee. If we can lazor beam all the Elder Dragons into extinction then they no longer pose a threat to the races of Tyria. That means Anet would need to furiously work on making newer, more imposing baddies.
This is so true. Sad to see how the universe of gw is getting more and more destroyed.
I just want the devs to know that not everyone likes Steampunk.
If that’s the case then they should be focusing more on the Charr in general, not the asura. To most people who are not extremely familiar with GW the Charr have become iconic of this game because they are the most unique race. (and no I’m not talking about Evon) People outside of the GW2 community equate the asura to gnomes because they are small and tech savvy.
Personally, I equate them with orcs. Or any other war-obsessed race that’s generally found in a fantasy setting. I don’t find them to be the most interesting addition to the game.
Sylvari are your stand in sylvan race. A little more unique than elves, but still filling the same role.
Asura are your stand in tech race. A little more unique than gnomes but still filling the same role.
Charr are your stand in war race. A little more unique than orcs but still filling the same role.
Norn are your stand in shamanistic race. A little more unique than… err… trolls? Trolls from WoW, I guess? Still, they’re Norse, and everything has norse stuff.
This is so true.
Sad to see how the universe of gw is getting more and more destroyed.
I just want the devs to know that not everyone likes Steampunk.
I’m not a big fan of steampunk either but what did you really expect? centuries later everyone is using the same technology? Fighting the same enemies and having the same stories?
In fantasy steam punk is the representation of real life Renaissance-era/Age of Discovery. Did you expect Tyria to stay in the middle ages forever? It’s been near 300 years since the searing, and seeing how war spawns innovation it’s almost surprising they aren’t further along.
Perhaps Guild Wars 2 should have taken place a few decades in the future, I don’t know… but 250 years is a very long time… Look what we did in 250 years. And we don’t even have magic.
To all those who claim that the Abaddon fractal would have given us oh so much more lore: what do you base this on? We know nothing besides that it would have taken place during the first fall, it might have just as easily been that we’d never have seen any of the gods even in the background and no new lore at all, just nods to some who played GW1. It might also be that the Reactor will give us more lore, lore on things that are current and still affect the life in Tyria rather than something which happened hundreds of years ago.
Having GW2 take place in the same word as GW1 but 250 years in the future was a good decision IMO. It lets Anet include references to the first game as well as expand on their world building without being restricted by the setting og the previous game(s). Technology advances a lot in 250 years and while I agree that the Asuras and their laser, sci-fi tech can annoy me, I find the steam punk elements to have a logical place in the technological development.
Charr == Steampunk Klingons.
Don’t pretend you guys don’t like steampunk when arguing against…. the Asura?
Seriously? Do you know what steampunk is?
I realise the new content has steampunk stuff, but the new content has nothing to do with the voting, the new fractal choices, evon or keil. It was coming in regardless.
If that’s the case then they should be focusing more on the Charr in general, not the asura. To most people who are not extremely familiar with GW the Charr have become iconic of this game because they are the most unique race. (and no I’m not talking about Evon) People outside of the GW2 community equate the asura to gnomes because they are small and tech savvy.
Personally, I equate them with orcs. Or any other war-obsessed race that’s generally found in a fantasy setting. I don’t find them to be the most interesting addition to the game.
Sylvari are your stand in sylvan race. A little more unique than elves, but still filling the same role.
Asura are your stand in tech race. A little more unique than gnomes but still filling the same role.
Charr are your stand in war race. A little more unique than orcs but still filling the same role.
Norn are your stand in shamanistic race. A little more unique than… err… trolls? Trolls from WoW, I guess? Still, they’re Norse, and everything has norse stuff.
That is spoken like someone that has never rolled a Charr. If you had you’d equate them more to the Roman war machine then stinking lame butt Orcs. They are quite an interesting race that is far more then just war.
Except I have rolled a Charr.
Just because they have Roman influence does not mean they cannot be equated to fantasy Orcs from various other sources. They are still the stereotypical war race, which was the initial point of comparison.
Why was my topic renamed? It wasn’t harmful at all — it’s sincerely how I feel.
Here’s the problem – GW1 Lore wasn’t all about humans ( see EoTN) – it had some really cool areas ( UW,FoW,Crystal desert) which could fit very well into current GW2 lore. I fear that if they move away from GW1 lore they’ll lose a good number of opportunities to make this game more fun and engaging.
Anet spent a lot of time fleshing out a beautiful and unique world in GW1 only to see most of it tossed away with the release of GW2.
Except for some skill and item names, some professions and the geographical overlap GW2 doesn’t share that much with GW1. The tone is different – moving from a more epic and serious way of presenting the game to a more casual and mundane one.
I fear these changes are going to increase now with this vote – and sadly it will be a loss for the entire playerbase. Those who didn’t play GW1 can’t really understand it since they have no basis for comparison.
To those of you who are making the " the majority has spoken" argument let me say this : the next vote they make about what fractal they should make or where to take the living story should sound like :
- option a – human lore
- option b – non-human lore.
And let the majority decide then. Human beings play mostly human characters. And in turn they want mostly human lore. So if you want the majority to decide then I think it’s pretty much not a contest at all.
You must have missed a great amount of text in GW1 if you feel that GW2 is sillier. I feel that if GW1 was fully voice-acted as GW2 is, that it would feel sillier. There was a LOT of silly dialog in GW1, but very few of it was in the cutscenes.
Here’s the problem – GW1 Lore wasn’t all about humans ( see EoTN) – it had some really cool areas ( UW,FoW,Crystal desert) which could fit very well into current GW2 lore. I fear that if they move away from GW1 lore they’ll lose a good number of opportunities to make this game more fun and engaging.
Anet spent a lot of time fleshing out a beautiful and unique world in GW1 only to see most of it tossed away with the release of GW2.
Except for some skill and item names, some professions and the geographical overlap GW2 doesn’t share that much with GW1. The tone is different – moving from a more epic and serious way of presenting the game to a more casual and mundane one.
I fear these changes are going to increase now with this vote – and sadly it will be a loss for the entire playerbase. Those who didn’t play GW1 can’t really understand it since they have no basis for comparison.To those of you who are making the " the majority has spoken" argument let me say this : the next vote they make about what fractal they should make or where to take the living story should sound like :
- option a – human lore
- option b – non-human lore.
And let the majority decide then. Human beings play mostly human characters. And in turn they want mostly human lore. So if you want the majority to decide then I think it’s pretty much not a contest at all.
Thing is, GW2 is 250 years ahead of GW1. The lore has changed drastically since then. So why should we do content based on old lore? Why can’t GW2 make new lore for itself? There is so much to build off of in GW2 for new stories and experiences. Why dwell in the past?
I loved GW1 and the lore it had. Keyword: had. GW2 is 250 years in the future from GW1. It shouldn’t have to live off the old lore of GW1 to be successful. It needs to move on and make a name for itself. Sure little references are fine and dandy. But content shouldn’t come from old lore that is in the past. It should be based on the present. The GW2 lore, not something that we’ve already done in the past.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
Thing is, GW2 is 250 years ahead of GW1. The lore has changed drastically since then. So why should we do content based on old lore? Why can’t GW2 make new lore for itself? There is so much to build off of in GW2 for new stories and experiences. Why dwell in the past?
I loved GW1 and the lore it had. Keyword: had. GW2 is 250 years in the future from GW1. It shouldn’t have to live off the old lore of GW1 to be successful. It needs to move on and make a name for itself. Sure little references are fine and dandy. But content shouldn’t come from old lore that is in the past. It should be based on the present. The GW2 lore, not something that we’ve already done in the past.
We aren’t asking for the entirety of GW2 to be based on GW1 lore.
But a nod here or there post-release acknowledging what we accomplished back then would be nice. A perfect example of this would have been a fractal. Right now, it feels like GW1 practically didn’t even exist in context of GW2.
You must have missed a great amount of text in GW1 if you feel that GW2 is sillier. I feel that if GW1 was fully voice-acted as GW2 is, that it would feel sillier. There was a LOT of silly dialog in GW1, but very few of it was in the cutscenes.
Show me something similarly dark and beautifully made in GW2.
The idea of building a fantasy universe is continuity. It’s the concept of creating a world that feels immersive and sadly we don’t have that anymore.
I’m not saying GW2 shouldn’t be its own game – i’m saying it should build on the foundation that was GW1. It should take the best elements of GW1 and show us what they look like after 250 years.
They had some very cool areas, some very good ideas back in that game. Why toss all that aside when you can build on it. You don’t need to recycle old lore but what you fail to understand that continuity is brought by the fact that NEW lore comes from OLD lore. It’s linked. You can’t just take things away – put other things in unless it makes sense. And a lot of it doesn’t.
All I’m saying is build GW2 as a game in the present, but use the past as a foundation. Take the good bits from GW1 and change them – bring them up to speed and slot them in while adding new elements. Make the best of two worlds instead of discarding 6 years of lore, content and fun times that we had.
Ketto gets it – that world doesn’t feel connected to this one – it just feels like it’s been copy/pasted over. To create immersion you have to have continuity and to have continuity you have to create a link between then and now. How we got to here from there. The worlds – 250 years and now have to have some form of connection other than geographical superposition.
(edited by Harper.4173)
What’s this about steampunk? Did I miss a memo?
You must have missed a great amount of text in GW1 if you feel that GW2 is sillier. I feel that if GW1 was fully voice-acted as GW2 is, that it would feel sillier. There was a LOT of silly dialog in GW1, but very few of it was in the cutscenes.
Show me something similarly dark and beautifully made in GW2.
One instance of superb writing does not invalidate my claim that, as a whole, GW1 still had a great amount of silly moments.
What’s this about steampunk? Did I miss a memo?
Yeah I’m not sure what’s going on with all the steampunk crap but we seem to get more and more of it every patch. Can’t wait for it to be done with.
On topic, I still have yet to see any of the character or passion that they put into the GW1 lore in GW2. We ask for more GW1 related things because it’s the same map.. same universe.. same everything but 200 years later. It’s a shame that there’s not more GW1 references or callbacks and the fact that they seem to be steering further and further away from it is sad to see.
You must have missed a great amount of text in GW1 if you feel that GW2 is sillier. I feel that if GW1 was fully voice-acted as GW2 is, that it would feel sillier. There was a LOT of silly dialog in GW1, but very few of it was in the cutscenes.
Show me something similarly dark and beautifully made in GW2.
One instance of superb writing does not invalidate my claim that, as a whole, GW1 still had a great amount of silly moments.
That’s true, but it’s painfully obvious that aside from the map and a few of the returning character professions, this game has hardly anything to do with GW1 and that’s unfortunate. I’d like to see that change.
You must have missed a great amount of text in GW1 if you feel that GW2 is sillier. I feel that if GW1 was fully voice-acted as GW2 is, that it would feel sillier. There was a LOT of silly dialog in GW1, but very few of it was in the cutscenes.
Show me something similarly dark and beautifully made in GW2.
The idea of building a fantasy universe is continuity. It’s the concept of creating a world that feels immersive and sadly we don’t have that anymore.
I’m not saying GW2 shouldn’t be its own game – i’m saying it should build on the foundation that was GW1. It should take the best elements of GW1 and show us what they look like after 250 years.
They had some very cool areas, some very good ideas back in that game. Why toss all that aside when you can build on it. You don’t need to recycle old lore but what you fail to understand that continuity is brought by the fact that NEW lore comes from OLD lore. It’s linked. You can’t just take things away – put other things in unless it makes sense. And a lot of it doesn’t.All I’m saying is build GW2 as a game in the present, but use the past as a foundation. Take the good bits from GW1 and change them – bring them up to speed and slot them in while adding new elements. Make the best of two worlds instead of discarding 6 years of lore, content and fun times that we had.
But that’s the thing though. It is just old memories. We can’t change what happened in the past or do it different. It will be the same old memories no matter what. What should matter more than anything is what is currently happening. Not dwelling in the past.
I know, there was a lot of old memories and fun times in GW1. But they should stay that way. Memories that we had. Bringing them into GW2 and “revamping” them is just going to ruin those old memories. We remembered them for what they were at that time. And that is how they should stay.
We need to move on instead of living in the nostalgia of GW1 and the times we shared with friends there. We are 250 years in the future. Things change. We need to just learn to enjoy our memories for what they are, instead of trying to relive them again. Cause all that will do is disappoint us cause they will never be as good as what they used to be.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
You must have missed a great amount of text in GW1 if you feel that GW2 is sillier. I feel that if GW1 was fully voice-acted as GW2 is, that it would feel sillier. There was a LOT of silly dialog in GW1, but very few of it was in the cutscenes.
Show me something similarly dark and beautifully made in GW2.
One instance of superb writing does not invalidate my claim that, as a whole, GW1 still had a great amount of silly moments.
Guild Wars 2 has more silly in it – but a lot less of the good parts like the one above. If at all.
It’s just bland.
You must have missed a great amount of text in GW1 if you feel that GW2 is sillier. I feel that if GW1 was fully voice-acted as GW2 is, that it would feel sillier. There was a LOT of silly dialog in GW1, but very few of it was in the cutscenes.
Show me something similarly dark and beautifully made in GW2.
One instance of superb writing does not invalidate my claim that, as a whole, GW1 still had a great amount of silly moments.
That’s true, but it’s painfully obvious that aside from the map and a few of the returning character professions, this game has hardly anything to do with GW1 and that’s unfortunate. I’d like to see that change.
I initially felt the same way, but if you actually pay attention to a lot of things that you find throughout the world, the ties become much stronger. I suggest haunting the Lore forum to see some of the ties spelled out quite a bit more clearly.
I agree that the game feels a lot different from GW1 in more than one way, and I really think that voice-acting actually has a lot to do with that, as I tend to think voice-acted sequels of non-voice acted games feel completely different.
Still, if they strengthen ties to Lore, I’d rather it be more subtle and clever and less… Abaddon.
Or maybe just more stuff like the Arah explorables.
Yeah I’m not sure what’s going on with all the steampunk crap but we seem to get more and more of it every patch. Can’t wait for it to be done with.
OK but the Asura/Inquest are not steampunk if that’s what people are implying. They are magitek.
They combined with the Aetherblades, who were steampunk, to make a sort of hybrid steampunk aesthetic with lighting magic mixed in. But all of that was after the Reactor anyway.
Yeah I’m not sure what’s going on with all the steampunk crap but we seem to get more and more of it every patch. Can’t wait for it to be done with.
OK but the Asura/Inquest are not steampunk if that’s what people are implying. They are magitek.
They combined with the Aetherblades, who were steampunk, to make a sort of hybrid steampunk aesthetic with lighting magic mixed in. But all of that was after the Reactor anyway.
I was referring to the skypirates / aetherblade stuff that seems to be crammed further down our throats every new update.
Some people like the steampunk. Should the people who like it not get to enjoy it? It’s only been since July.
So for a whole month, you were forced to endure steampunk.
Why is The Fall of Abaddon that happened 1,071 years BEFORE GW1 (making it pre-GW1) is now suddenly “GW1 lore”.
Don’t tell me everyone was thinking it was about Nightfall…
I’m almost certain that GW2 will bring back some of the GW1 lore (though probably not the Fall of Abaddon specifically) that you want because of two reasons.
1. Although Evon lost and the Fall of Abaddon will not be created Anet is definitely taking notice of how much people wanted/were excited for it. Considering Evon didn’t have much else going for him besides fractal, getting 48% of the vote definitely shows that players are interested in GW1 lore.
2. Many members of Anet talk about how they were split into groups over which candidate they wanted to win. This expresses that a good chunk of Anet is interested in creating stories tied more into GW1’s lore.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
I’m almost certain that GW2 will bring back some of the GW1 lore (though probably not the Fall of Abaddon specifically) that you want because of two reasons.
1. Although Evon lost and the Fall of Abaddon will not be created Anet is definitely taking notice of how much people wanted/were excited for it. Considering Evon didn’t have much else going for him besides fractal, getting 48% of the vote definitely shows that players are interested in GW1 lore.
2. Many members of Anet talk about how they were split into groups over which candidate they wanted to win. This expresses that a good chunk of Anet is interested in creating stories tied more into GW1’s lore.
Very true. I hope you’re right — it’d be nice to have some kind of confirmation that it’s in the pipeline, though.
Is GW1 lore being tossed out? Probably not, considering the election of these two was not a landslide victory. I think we will see more GW1 lore, but it won’t be a huge priority. It even seems that A-net is divided when it comes to GW1 and GW2 lore. Anthony scares the living daylights out of me though, because he could be one of the anti-GW1 lore people. Since the pro-stance of retconning certain ideas like the Cantha District in Divinities Reach, and his major support for the reactor fractal in this last event.
When it comes to new content though people like Josh Foreman’s SAB was brilliant, even with the light loaded lore it had. I enjoyed the two dungeons and what they brought to the lore table for GW2. Though some characters need better development. Nevertheless I am still holding out on the return of the Mursaat, Menzies, Dhuum, Glint’s children, and what’s in the wizards tower. Which the development team has touched up on and hopefully mean they will return one day.
(edited by Sindex.9520)
time to move on, lets see the story of the asuran reactor.
First, off congrats Kiel voters. I believe in order to make the Living World a success, we need BOTH new and old lore. Think about it, our world today is defined by both knowledge of our history as well as future progression. Both are necessary to the survival of our species: we need to know what happened in the past (whether it be recent or distant) to note what we like and don’t like. Using this knowledge of the past, we determine which things we want to keep or replicate (democracy, accidental scientific breakthroughs, famous paintings, etc.) and which things we want to archive but never let happen again (slavery, atomic weaponry, lead paint, etc.). At the same time we must think about the future: how to solve hunger, poverty, war, etc. Otherwise, our society stagnates.
There was no right or wrong choice, regarding which type of lore we should receive. Just two different views on how to proceed. Both have great opportunity for NEW things. It all leads to greater knowledge. I am bummed we didnt get the Fall of Abaddon. I’d be really disappointed if this is how people vote from now on: new, new, new, new. Time and again, we’ve gained great insight in uncovering ancient mysteries. Sure, we have an idea of what happened. But to see it is totally different and could’ve lead to NEW content based on what we learned from the Abaddon fractal, just like we might get new content based on Thaumanova. Just because things happened 1, 250 or 100,000 years ago doesn’t mean they have any more or less relevance. That’s why we still research the dinosaurs, prehuman primates, and ancient cultures. They all happened, there’s unknown or unclear reasons for them happening, and they can certainly happen again.
That’s not to say Thaumanova isn’t worthy of research either, I certainly think Abaddon is cooler than a reactor, but knowledge is still knowledge. We could gain more insight into chaos magic, and perhaps get lore on Lyssa!
(edited by Gregorius.1024)
Newsflash for people saying this is GW2 250 years later. Most lore is about the past. Especially vital dragon lore, which is also over a thousand years before gw1.
is Abbadon fractal still happening? please someone from Anet needs to answer this
is Abbadon fractal still happening? please someone from Anet needs to answer this
It is not.
Uh, yeah—————not even the “good ol’ USA” is the same 250 years later————gee———-who’d a thunk??
While I DO expect an (at least) tenuous relationship to GW1, that’s all “ancient history” with about as much “real-time effect” as the Punic Wars have on us today.
I feel for Glint, and hope she becomes a part of this story as well as GW1.
250 years later in 2013, history from 1763 and before is still mostly the same.