Dragon Helm & Wings Dye Changes

Dragon Helm & Wings Dye Changes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Goloith.6349


Please ANET will you fix how the Dragon Helm is dye-able? We can dye the side of helm that nobody really sees, but I would really like to dye the helm and horns differently.

Also I see that the dragon wings are blue. This is cool and all, but I just picked up a Jade GS which looks sick, so I dyed my armor green and gold like my sword, but now I’m going to be stuck with blue wings. Please can you allow us to dye our wings too?!? I would love to have gold wings to match the rest of my set!


i7 920 OC 4.2Ghz, 2x 6970s in Eyefinity mode
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)

Dragon Helm & Wings Dye Changes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Topix.6974


I also would like both things as stated by the poster above.

Mentally On Call – 80 Elementalist
Mentally Disturbed – [MD]
Sanctum of Rall

Dragon Helm & Wings Dye Changes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Mimir.4690


Please allow us to dye the wings!

Dragon Helm & Wings Dye Changes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: BamYannick.9702


Oh how much would I LOVE to dye the wings!

Dragon Helm & Wings Dye Changes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: aeneq.1760


Will never happen, wings is a desired backpiece item and additional wings will be added at some point for sure. Making them dyeable just reduces the desire to get a proper one later…

For example if these were dyeable then the desire for a later introduced “dark themed wings” would be reduced.

Dragon Helm & Wings Dye Changes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: BlueSoda.6297


Well I wouldn’t say it’s not going to happen, here’s a quote from an interview a-net did with guildwars2hub.com. You can read the whole artical at this link: http://www.guildwars2hub.com/features/editorials/dragon-bash-begins

GW2Hub: Can we dye back items yet or in the near future?

Will: Not yet!


Charr Lawful-Neutral

Dragon Helm & Wings Dye Changes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Goloith.6349


Will never happen, wings is a desired backpiece item and additional wings will be added at some point for sure. Making them dyeable just reduces the desire to get a proper one later…

For example if these were dyeable then the desire for a later introduced “dark themed wings” would be reduced.

I’m not going to lie, but honestly that is just kitten poor creativity on ANETs part if that is their reasoning. It’s called make different looking wings for the other events, not just different colors. A person could say “why can’t I dye my jade GS”, but everyone knows that Jade is green-like……

i7 920 OC 4.2Ghz, 2x 6970s in Eyefinity mode
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)

Dragon Helm & Wings Dye Changes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Goloith.6349


Anyone else feel this way?

i7 920 OC 4.2Ghz, 2x 6970s in Eyefinity mode
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)

Dragon Helm & Wings Dye Changes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Morbyd.3761


The wings are a back item just like any other and back items aren’t currently dye-able. I think the ability to dye back pieces is something people have been requesting for a while. I suppose one day they may decide to add it but given the amount of work they’ve put into the look and animations, i kinda doubt it.
