Every Piece Matters Bugged?
Dragon Bash: Every Piece Matters
When I started the “Scene of the Crime” instance, I thought I used the investigation kit on everyone but it seems that I missed using it on Mai Trin. Having “Fast Ground-Target” option enabled, I didn’t know you had to super close to use it and I just thought I was having a glitch. I logged out so I can just replay the instance again, but instead Inspector Kiel gives me the following dialogue:
“The clues are adding up. If we had all the…”
She treats me like I completed the instance, but it doesn’t show as completed in my Achievement menu for the first half of it, nor have I received the Mail in my inbox regarding the second part. My inbox is not full.
I tried deleting the Investigation Kit from the inventory to see if that made a difference. I still can’t go back to the instance, “Scene of the Crime”, nor can I continue forward. When I talk to the dead ogre in Lion’s Arch, for example, nothing happens.
I would really like to finish the Dragon Bash story line! Thank you for taking the time to read it!
I am also having the same issue here.. except that i already got the kit twice, and talking to the NPC does not activate him at all (vorkk in lion’s arch)
2nd legendary – Sunrise 1330hours (leina proudmoore, Guardian)
3rd legendary – twilight in progress
I’m having the exact same issue as well.
I have no email for the 2nd part of the story and the NPC suspects are not responding to me. Please advise.
I am having the exact same issue as well. Please help as I really want to finish this quest.
Having the same problem. Have the investigation kit and nothing happens.
Ditto. I’m following Dulfy’s instructions as well. I enter the instance, get the Investigation Kit, use it on Mai Trin, exit and head to Vorrk and just get the “x leave” option. Dulfy says if that happens then destroy the kit and go back into the instance / start over. I’ve done it several times and get the same results… nothing. :/
Used a level 35 character and it triggered it. Hope it works for all. Figured it may be set for the lower characters from the information I read on the pinatas.
I’ve tried two 80’s, a 61, a 47 and a 32 so far and have gotten the same thing. I use the kit on Mai, get the “I beg your pardon” line of conversation, head to Vorrk and just get the “leave” option.
My friend had this exact same problem because he was playing on his lunch time and had to literally run out the door mid instance to go back to work. He ended up using a different character to go to divinities reach and pretty much start over. Once he got back to LA he stayed on character two to get the scanner and finish that instance. After having done the entire thing correctly and having scanned all 5 ppl he was able to pick back up again with his normal character like normal.
same thing with me. lv80 guardian completed the achievement up to the pt where I should get a mail but I didn’t. read dulfy.net, deleted the kit, and still nothing. went to al suspect location, all I get is the “leave” option as well.. logged on to my ele and its the same thing.
i have a problem with the achievement Every Piece Matters.
When i try to speak with Vorrk, Morraloo and Kasparak the only thing that i can choose is to leave the conversation.
I see this guide:
But i can’t re-enter the scene of crime and watch again the cutscene.
How can i do to take this achievement?
Thanks much and sorry for bad english.
Basically go back into the scene of the crime and use the kit on the people with the red stars over their heads. The one by the conversation and the 4 or 5 on the stage. Destroy your kit first though.
Destroy your kit, don’t drop it on the ground in front of them or in L.A. somewhere. Take it from your inventory, drag it out of your inventory and then click yes to destroy.
Then enter the instance again, get another kit, use the ground target skill on the npc’s with the red stars above their heads. There is one by the initial scene and 4 or 5 on the stage. When you get the reward it is safe to leave, don’t leave before you get the reward or it will bug out.
I also had this issue, and the problem is how do you GO BACK into the scene of the crime? seems like Inspector Ellen Kiel treats me as I have already finished the criminal scene
Destroy your kit, don’t drop it on the ground in front of them or in L.A. somewhere. Take it from your inventory, drag it out of your inventory and then click yes to destroy.
Then enter the instance again, get another kit, use the ground target skill on the npc’s with the red stars above their heads. There is one by the initial scene and 4 or 5 on the stage. When you get the reward it is safe to leave, don’t leave before you get the reward or it will bug out.
That IS the problem. We all seem to not have a kit and we CANNOT re-enter the instance.
So it seems a lot of people are experiencing this bug and it is not just me… Kiel treats me as if I have done the instance and I have received the mail, which I have done the instance but no mail.
If an Areanet staff member could give us a word on this bug it would be much appreciated.
Destroy your kit, don’t drop it on the ground in front of them or in L.A. somewhere. Take it from your inventory, drag it out of your inventory and then click yes to destroy.
Then enter the instance again, get another kit, use the ground target skill on the npc’s with the red stars above their heads. There is one by the initial scene and 4 or 5 on the stage. When you get the reward it is safe to leave, don’t leave before you get the reward or it will bug out.
That IS the problem. We all seem to not have a kit and we CANNOT re-enter the instance.
So it seems a lot of people are experiencing this bug and it is not just me… Kiel treats me as if I have done the instance and I have received the mail, which I have done the instance but no mail.
If an Areanet staff member could give us a word on this bug it would be much appreciated.
you’re right… like luna i cannot re-enter the istance so we’re stuck and we can’t get the achievements….
Im having the exact same problems. :<
Windows 10
The problem with this quest is, it’s either not explained properly in-game by the NPC’s or it’s bugged.
Either way, judging by the horrendous flood of people making all these threads and bringing up issues with it, means there IS a problem with the instance. As I said, either it’s bugged or it’s not explained properly.
Anet, I don’t know about other people, but I’ve been at this for 5.5hrs trying everything under the sun to get it to work and have read thread after thread, and guide after guide…
Nothing works. There is better things people can be doing with their time rather than trying to figure out if your quest is actually bugged or if the instructions are just poor.. Either way, list step by step what were supposed to do, to make this work. Many people already went through the debacle with the big boom achievement not working, we don’t need another one.
Same issue-can’t finish quest-destroyed scanner, can’t get another. Bugged quest or there’s some instruction missing. In addition, Trembling Song is not where the circle giving his location is at.
The problem with this quest is, it’s either not explained properly in-game by the NPC’s or it’s bugged.
Either way, judging by the horrendous flood of people making all these threads and bringing up issues with it, means there IS a problem with the instance. As I said, either it’s bugged or it’s not explained properly.
Anet, I don’t know about other people, but I’ve been at this for 5.5hrs trying everything under the sun to get it to work and have read thread after thread, and guide after guide…
Nothing works. There is better things people can be doing with their time rather than trying to figure out if your quest is actually bugged or if the instructions are just poor.. Either way, list step by step what were supposed to do, to make this work. Many people already went through the debacle with the big boom achievement not working, we don’t need another one.
I have tried going back to Divinities Reach on multiple alts and tried re-entering the instance in LA again on multiple alts with no success, I am stuck outside of the instance with no kit and no mail, how can this not be a bug? Some people can re-enter the instance at this stage or already have the mail and kit, so confused what I could be doing so very wrong.
They released a patch last night regarding at least part of this issue. Has anyone been able to do it since the patch?
I still am bugged and can’t progress at all. I don’t have the first achievement, can’t go back in the instance, tried going to DR on multiple charas, Kiel still treats it like I’ve done the quest even though I haven’t, and I can’t investigate any of the suspects since I don’t have the first achievement or the mail for the second part.
I made a bug report about it, I posted on the forums detailing exactly what happened (which looks like mine got deleted), and I’m really not sure what more I can do on my end >: I’ve tried everything people suggested on the forums and it’s just stuck.
(edited by Squiddling.5389)
I have exactly the same issue as well, cannot enter the instance again, even after destroying the kit. I am quite sure that I missed using the kit on one of the 5 initial suspects, because of the annoying “fast casting ground AOE” glitch.
Hopefully this could get fixed somehow, today’s patch did not help me.
Same problem here, did the instance, missed one of the characters to check I presume. Left instance. Hunted down 3 of the dudes, and got “Leave”. can’t go back in the instance even after deleting the bowl of purple soup.
Same here. Rechecked the story after the patch (was so excited and thought it will solve the problem).
Still not working…
Having the same problem here. The instanced part where i was given the kit wasnt working properly. The asura npc lost the notifaction above its head even tough i didnt do anthing but the text on the top right said i still had to use the kit on him/her.
So I relogged and after that it seemed as if i had completed that part. After that i tried to go to the skritt and ogre but the kit wasnt working nor i did get any chat options on these npcs. I tried to delete the kit and get a new one but i cant seem to restart the event (wich seems to be a option to other people)
I was hoping this would be fixed with this patch, guess not.
Windows 10
I have the exact same problem, cant re enter the cut scene either.
Same problems as you guys.
This thread had a dev response some while ago and it had a questions etc so go fill that out it will help us clear this bug faster.
Leader of the Iron Hall [Iron]
Server: Desolation now and forever.
Can’t progress either. Destroyed kit reading dulfy guide ankitten ow stuck. Can’t reenter scene of the crime
Same problem, I had the ogre corpse thing bugged (got only the “leave” option, not the “collect evidence” one) so I tried the dulfy guide (destroy kit – re enter instance) and get stuck ‘cause you can’t re-enter instance -.-
DESTROY Kit, obtain new one. Instance should restart.
DESTROY Kit, obtain new one. Instance should restart.
It doesn’t. At least, not for most of us. It seems like it did work for a minority few but most of us having a problem, as you can read from all of the post above you, have tried that and that doesn’t fix it.
I’ve had the same problem got my reward from scene of the crime went to talk to the suspects and they basically all tell me to leave….
So destroyed kit but no way to enter the instance anymore. Inspector Kiel just remind me who to talk about.
I goto Divinity and talk to Marjorie and she just tells me she’ll meet me in Lions Arch but isn’t there.
In the end I just grinded pinata’s to get my 8th achievement and the dragon wings…if they fix it I will probably go back and finish it otherwise I don’t really care.
I have not recieved any mails after i have completed scene of the crime. My inbox is not full and my story is stuck. I have interveiwed all 5 susoects and cannot go furtur …please help
It is nice to know that I am not the only one but it is still annoying that we miss out on rewards and we put in more than enough time I spent 2 hours trying to figure out where I went wrong, that is longer than everyone who has actually managed to do it.
It still doesn’t work. Tried it again last night. I’ve pretty much given up on trying to complete Dragon Bash in general, it’s just not worth the time. 2 bugged achievements is just too much, especially one that came attached with an item I would have liked to have had.
same here i cant advance
I have the same problem: no kit, no mail, can’t re-enter the instance… no achievs
Basically go back into the scene of the crime and use the kit on the people with the red stars over their heads. The one by the conversation and the 4 or 5 on the stage. Destroy your kit first though.
Tried this early on. It did not help. Any other ideas?
DESTROY Kit, obtain new one. Instance should restart.
I don’t have a kit to destroy.
Yes, in fact I did. It was an innocuous little sphere in my inventory.
After destroying the kit and going through the event again, I was able to complete the it, and then visit the various suspects and get credit for that, too. Thanks!
(edited by Obed.7629)
DESTROY Kit, obtain new one. Instance should restart.
I don’t have a kit to destroy.
Mine wasn’t working WITH the kit, so I destroyed the kit now I am stuck without a kit and I cannot re-enter.
I had fast aoe and buged it, destroyed the kit but couldn’t go back in … still bugged one week after.
Not that twenty something achievement points are going to make me lose sleep but I’d like to know if Anet is still working on it or I can simply forget about this, you know to stop trying it once a day wasting my time.
Can’t believe this still isn’t sorted!
I want to continue with the story line. I still only have the “leave” option, I don’t have the investigation kit cos I destroyed it and I can’t get back into either instance or cutscenes cos I’ve already done the achievement.
I’m stuck "/
Every time there is a patch I look through patch notes expecting a fix, log in and try everything over again, and every time it’s futile because I still can’t interact with anything, nor redo any sequence… Come on Arenanet, please fix this! Just give people who still don’t have this achievement a way to interact with the suspects (I know some people are not there yet, but I feel like this would be the easiest fix to the problem). Or you could destroy all the investigation kits people have (so that those of us who dropped them can at least retry the cut scene)! Please do something :’(
i accidentally destroyed mine in the scene of the crime, then i was unable to claim a new one and could not re-enter the instance
I am having the same issue.
I didn’t realize that having the quick-targeting on was resulting in the event at the stage feeling really buggy. I left the instance before its completion and cannot re-enter.
It’s telling me to go find those other people but they only have the leave option.
I’ve destroyed the Kit based off the advice that it would allow me to redo the instance, but now I don’t have the kit and still cannot enter the instance.
I’m hoping there a resolution. I really want to continue the story.
Content Marketing Manager
Hey everybody, this issue should have been resolved with the recent hotfix. Please let us know if you are still experiencing this bug.
Yaaaay! Mines working!
Cut scenes been reset and it seems to work after completing it again.
Thank you! It’s working now, I am in process of finishing the achievements.