Server: Gandara
Note: English is my second language
So Lion’s arch gets destroyed and everything will move to another area. I’m 90% sure that will be Fort Trinity.
Fort Trinity is a neutral area for all races of tyria. every player will be involved with Fort trinity and the pact in there personal story and it is one of the phew area’s with enough space for all the crafting stations, portals and bank etc. Fort Trinity is also able to defend itself against aerial threats and counter them with there own aerial fleet. The only place that makes sense we run off to is Fort Trinity.
They already decided to move it to the Vigil’s Keep.
The temporary hub will be the Vigil keep.
Fort trinity as the main hub has some troubling issue. The most important being that it isn’t supposed to exist untill you have done your level 60 storyline (and it is in building mode till level 70).
They already decided to move it to the Vigil’s Keep.
They already decided to move it to the Vigil’s Keep.
Next time you can trust me.
fort trinity is way to far away for citizen to escape to
and yeah its been mentionned a lot already, vigil keep
I don’t think a level 70 zone would be very good as a hub. True, it is at least not tied to any single race or anything, so it would work based on that aspect, but not as far as being a high-level combat zone. Even if you could in theory port directly to Fort Trinity itself via the Asura Gates, it’d still be a death trap for anyone under level 70 who wanders outside the fort.
It’ll be Vigil Keep during the LS events surrounding Lion’s Arch. After that, who knows. Perhaps LA will just get rebuilt and resume its normal role. Or perhaps a new city.
I think Claw Island would have made a better choice as a hub.
uhmm, what about simply the most used city, divinity’s reach….
1.) the human is the most created race of all 5 races (and i have a survey to prove it)
2.) everything is easy to reach
3.) there is a big enough place to gather around
4.) it’s reachable for every level
the vigil has a keep deep in a lvl 30 area so it’s unreachable for anyone lower, it’s also not much of a hub since it’s not in a city instance.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
They already decided to move it to the Vigil’s Keep.
Next time you can trust me.
Just do add the particulair qoute in question:
All essential services that are unique to Lion’s Arch will be redirected to Vigil Keep for the time being, including Asura gates to other cities, Fractals of the Mists, and incarcerated cactus-faced troublemakers.
Even if the devs had not already said that services would be moving to the Vigil keep, they would have to make Fort Trinity a city to have it as a hub. It is in a level 70 area which lower toons could not reach, but events and personal stories happen there that would bar lower level toons from being safely being there.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
Not to mention Fort Trinity is too small. It already has 3 asura gates for the order bases, then it needs:
-5 more gates for the capital cities
-6 more gates for wvw/pvp. (HoTM gate, EoTM gate and 4 wvw gates)
-All dungeon vendors
-Mystic Forge
-Cultural weapon merchants (lionguard weapons)
Fort Trinity is supposed to be a stronghold against the Undead, not a city or a place where anyone can roam freely.
Zhaitan may have been slain, but Orr is still far from safe for a normal citizen.
the vigil is suppose to be a guild for vigil members, making that a main hub completely ruins that part of the lore.
would you like it if you made a guild hall and all of a sudden you see tons of ppl walking in your hall who are not even a member?
i seriously doubt it.
the vigil is suppose to be a guild for vigil members, making that a main hub completely ruins that part of the lore.
would you like it if you made a guild hall and all of a sudden you see tons of ppl walking in your hall who are not even a member?
i seriously doubt it.
The Vigil is an order whose main purpose is to help the helpless, so it makes sense that it will be a temporary hub until things settle down.
the vigil is suppose to be a guild for vigil members, making that a main hub completely ruins that part of the lore.
would you like it if you made a guild hall and all of a sudden you see tons of ppl walking in your hall who are not even a member?
i seriously doubt it.The Vigil is an order whose main purpose is to help the helpless, so it makes sense that it will be a temporary hub until things settle down.
You beat me to this answer. Exactly, this is exactly within the lore. They are nearby, public, equipped to take in refugees for a short time (being a well kept keep) and their mission is to protect the week from the threat of the dragons and other dangers. If they made it the perm. replacement, that would be bad, but as a temp. refugee camp, I think it is perfect.
the vigil is suppose to be a guild for vigil members, making that a main hub completely ruins that part of the lore.
would you like it if you made a guild hall and all of a sudden you see tons of ppl walking in your hall who are not even a member?
i seriously doubt it.The Vigil is an order whose main purpose is to help the helpless, so it makes sense that it will be a temporary hub until things settle down.
true but the keep isn’t exactly easy to reach, if what is said is true then even more questions arise.
like, where do all the portals come from (from main cities to the keep), how can they set things up so fast, why is my bank still accessible when everything is destroyed in LA, how do they fit all that in a small keep (because let’s be frank, the keep is maybe just 1/8 of LA) and so forth….
i’m not trying to derail anything, i just try to make sense of something i see no sense in.
divinity’s reach is far superior to a new hub and already exist, not to mention what you already have available just as what LA has and is beginner/low level friendly.
It’s pronounced Fort Trahearnity.
Can anyone tell my why a level 10 character would want to hang out at Fort Trinity? There is no way this place could ever be a hub, because new players could only get there through portals. This would be a bad idea if the developers did this.
Why on earth is everyone ASSUMING that LA will be permanently obliterated? Everything is shaping out to be a TEMPORARY (i.e. for the time this Living World event lasts) escape from Lion’s Arch because:
a) Vigil Keep is clearly unsuitable even as a temporary hub, having scarce territory, no amenities whatsoever, and sharing same instance as a popular questing zone;
b) there is no viable alternative to LA at this time for the pure fact of its geographical location. Anet would basically have to drop a new zone (city) atop LA completely to substitute it OR (which sounds even less likely) expand the world map in a manner that would move the geographical center further away to the east/west OR give a meaningful purpose to racial cities and have 5 hubs of equal significance (unlikely at all).
I’m with iFruit on this. I’m pretty sure the npc’s are evacuating LA while our purpose for the duration of this LW update is to push back the attack with Scarlet. Then upon her demise they will return to their homes. Sure, part of LA will be in shambles, as expected. Maybe they’ll have Marcello and Hoho-bot throw a new fundraiser to help rebuild it. But I sincerely doubt they’d do away with the area forever past this LW. It’s still needed for exploration, tied to Personal Story in more ways than one and has several localized achievements.
I’m with iFruit on this. I’m pretty sure the npc’s are evacuating LA while our purpose for the duration of this LW update is to push back the attack with Scarlet. Then upon her demise they will return to their homes. Sure, part of LA will be in shambles, as expected. Maybe they’ll have Marcello and Hoho-bot throw a new fundraiser to help rebuild it. But I sincerely doubt they’d do away with the area forever past this LW. It’s still needed for exploration, tied to Personal Story in more ways than one and has several localized achievements.
Seems most likely that zoning into LA the first time will redirect you to story instance —-> and then to the Vigil keep. Upon then zoning back into LA (i would imagine the map as it looks today and WP’s will be gone/different), you do all the battle and other stuff in the “devestated” LA region, like what they did for the Toxic zone.
Upon the end of the story arc, LA will be back in a very similar form, with maybe some scars here and there so it is memorable, but not enough to move anything around significantly. They are going to already have to re-tool some quests from leveling characters, I don’t think they want to put all the work into the holiday events all over again.
Why does everyone assume that lion’s arch will not be returning? No where did they say the city will be destoryed. It would only be invaded. The fact that they did specifically state that all LA services would be TEMPORARILY moved to Fort Trinity really convinces me will will see Lion’s Arch again. Considering the fact that they have to return passed events in LA back every year, I would assume that they are keeping LA. We will probably just get some new monuments or something.
To me, the biggest problem with the Fort Trinity hub concept is not leveling or zoning, but story.
For characters who haven’t reached that part of their personal story yet, Fort Trinity isn’t supposed to exist. Heck, it’s your character who names the danged place.
Yes, you can already sneak over there as soon as you can survive the mobs, but we shouldn’t be deliberately throwing newer characters and players into the middle of a giant spoiler without warning or good reason.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
For characters who haven’t reached that part of their personal story yet, Fort Trinity isn’t supposed to exist. Heck, it’s your character who names the danged place.
Also some very good points.
they could have moved it to Hoelbrak, kinda give other race’s city a little bit of limelight….
I hope Lion’s Arch remains a ruined city. I know many of you guys love it. I love it too. However, for the living story to actually feel like a living story, things HAVE TO change! We need to lose something that’s going to pull at our heartstrings and our lovely pirate plaza is the best suited for the chopping block. Rebuilding should be out of the question because that would just return things to normal. At best, it should be moved. I personally vote for taking over Southsun Cove. It’s nearby, screams “Treasure Island,” and really isn’t used for much. I can’t think of a better pirate paradise.
It’s infested with Karka and “owned” by the Consortium – who are the BLTP’s main enemy. Soooo, perhaps no Southsun for us xD.
With Zhaitan gone, they may as well set up in Arah instead of Southsun. Better staging post for moving into Cantha and Elona… in 2020.
Wasn’t there a lot of complaints around the racial home cities not being used enough? Wouldn’t this be the perfect opportunity for Arenanet to re-establish populations in those cities. It would make more sense to decentralise and use the racial cities than try to shoehorn everyone into a keep. We don’t really need a central location except for the attention seeking ‘look at me’ types who idle outside the bank.
But you do need a central location for FoTM. Also Lions Arch is an integral part of the in world economy (talking lore here, not TP). So yeah, there should be serious ramifications to it being destroyed.
I’m all for moving out into the racial cities. I spend all my time in the Grove anyway. It loads far quicker.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
But you do need a central location for FoTM. Also Lions Arch is an integral part of the in world economy (talking lore here, not TP). So yeah, there should be serious ramifications to it being destroyed.
I’m all for moving out into the racial cities. I spend all my time in the Grove anyway. It loads far quicker.
Not the mention all the Havens of the lionguard would be abandoned. Since they lost their purpose.
In the case LA won’t be rebuild that is.
I’m thinking a lot of people are now wishing they had bought the permanent pass to the VIP section of divinity’s reach glad I bought it
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
I’m thinking a lot of people are now wishing they had bought the permanent pass to the VIP section of divinity’s reach
glad I bought it
If Anet could put it on the gemstore right now, they could make a killing.
I’m thinking a lot of people are now wishing they had bought the permanent pass to the VIP section of divinity’s reach
glad I bought it
Nope. Still not worth it. Vigil Keep will have all the accessibility that LA has now. The Royal Terrace is still as pointless as ever, IMO.
the vigil is suppose to be a guild for vigil members, making that a main hub completely ruins that part of the lore.
would you like it if you made a guild hall and all of a sudden you see tons of ppl walking in your hall who are not even a member?
i seriously doubt it.The Vigil is an order whose main purpose is to help the helpless, so it makes sense that it will be a temporary hub until things settle down.
true but the keep isn’t exactly easy to reach, if what is said is true then even more questions arise.
like, where do all the portals come from (from main cities to the keep), how can they set things up so fast, why is my bank still accessible when everything is destroyed in LA, how do they fit all that in a small keep (because let’s be frank, the keep is maybe just 1/8 of LA) and so forth….
i’m not trying to derail anything, i just try to make sense of something i see no sense in.
divinity’s reach is far superior to a new hub and already exist, not to mention what you already have available just as what LA has and is beginner/low level friendly.
Assuming that Scarlet shuts down all the portals before the invasion, Divinity’s Reach is much harder to reach than Vigil Keep.
Reaching the Vigil would mean traveling north to Gendarran fields and then northeast, where as DR is two maps away.
Keep in mind that this is an exodus, so regardless of which path they take, it is assumed that many will die before reaching their destination.
the vigil is suppose to be a guild for vigil members, making that a main hub completely ruins that part of the lore.
would you like it if you made a guild hall and all of a sudden you see tons of ppl walking in your hall who are not even a member?
i seriously doubt it.The Vigil is an order whose main purpose is to help the helpless, so it makes sense that it will be a temporary hub until things settle down.
true but the keep isn’t exactly easy to reach, if what is said is true then even more questions arise.
like, where do all the portals come from (from main cities to the keep), how can they set things up so fast, why is my bank still accessible when everything is destroyed in LA, how do they fit all that in a small keep (because let’s be frank, the keep is maybe just 1/8 of LA) and so forth….
i’m not trying to derail anything, i just try to make sense of something i see no sense in.
divinity’s reach is far superior to a new hub and already exist, not to mention what you already have available just as what LA has and is beginner/low level friendly.Assuming that Scarlet shuts down all the portals before the invasion, Divinity’s Reach is much harder to reach than Vigil Keep.
Reaching the Vigil would mean traveling north to Gendarran fields and then northeast, where as DR is two maps away.Keep in mind that this is an exodus, so regardless of which path they take, it is assumed that many will die before reaching their destination.
About the space, the Vigil Keep is larger than we get to see, though many parts are non-explorable.
I’m thinking a lot of people are now wishing they had bought the permanent pass to the VIP section of divinity’s reach
glad I bought it
quick traveling in a city is free, everything already exists in any main city.
still not worth it, it’s like paying someone to use the food you bought your self.
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