How you get so much xp?

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


I talked to a guy the other day,he was lvling a toon and he said he went from 40 to 76 in 3 days zerging the quests!
My mesmer went only from 3 to 16 in 2-3 days(counting the 6 xp scrolls),meaning i got only 7 lvl ups by normal xp!And i am asking y now..what did i do wrong?I was running like a madman from one fight to another dealing as much dmg as i could to multiple mobs…

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Donari.5237


I have only done LA on 80’s so XP isn’t much on my mind. I’ll guess he was grouped so he had an easier time getting kill credit. Possibly he has played long enough to have enough AP to get XP boosts. Plus there are xp boosters you can use.

Events give far more xp than just killing things, too. Do enough to get gold in an event.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


How grouping up gets u easier kill gredit?

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


First you always have to assume players are full of kitten Three days to that person might have equaled playing for 16 hrs per day! So remember it’s all relative really. To maximize your XP gain use an XP booster, then a Guild Banner, Guild XP boost, then don’t forget foods. The ones using candy corn give +15%. After all that don’t forget to use the “Found Belongings” to buy Tomes of Knowledge. Which are worth one level each.


[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Axialbloom.8109


He would also be able to tag far more mobs than you, due to your low level.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Charak.9761


How grouping up gets u easier kill gredit?

When you’re in a party, you only need to do minimal dmg and you still get xp

without a party, you need to do a good chunk of damage on your own to qualify for xp from that mob

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: tertle.4621


You hardly need special events or scrolls to level fast.
I got level 80 at launch in 3 days (no crafting) [on a mesmer as well!]
Even had an anet dev congratulate and pose with me.

I still play the same character as I’m not a fan of alts, though I do look a bit more stylish now!

(edited by tertle.4621)

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

After a while you get DR on events, meaning you get 100 times less experience for it. You have to complete events outside of LA to counteract this. The best time to do it is in the 15 minutes of down-time when the LA event isn’t running.

Also, Birthday boosters, experience scrolls, food, etc, all help a lot.

You hardly need special events or scrolls to level fast.
I got level 80 at launch in 3 days (no crafting) [on a mesmer as well!]
Even had an anet dev congratulate and pose with me.

I still play the same character as I’m not a fan of alts, though I do look a bit more stylish now!

Nice, but nowhere in your post did you say anything useful on how you leveled so fast.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: NTDK.4897


How grouping up gets u easier kill gredit?

these are not exact number. Just an example of how it works:

If you are alone, you need to deal like 15% hp of mob to get xp, 20% hp to get loot.

If you are in a party, you and ur party member both hit the same mob, both of you only need to do like 5% hp to get exp and loot. The requirement is even lower if all 5 party members hit same mob.

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

In the 3 days I’ve been able to play I have like 17 levels saved up in terms of found belongings that 100=1 level. Plus the tons of events and monsters to beat on in there it would be pretty easy to level an alt.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Agent Of Jyggalag.8375

Agent Of Jyggalag.8375

Might be due to multiple reasons, but the one that I bet is the real issue is your low level status. At lower levels, your character will do less damage to enemy npcs and since you entered a lvl 80 instance you were hitting “glancing” blows which do little to no damage. This makes tagging mobs harder and in return, harder to nab that exp. I’d suggest the obvious, crafting if you have the gold to get at least 15 lvls, and doing your story also gives insane amount of exp, especially in early story modes. Also try swapping out characters at the last boss of dungeon runs. Seems to be popular. Anyways good luck and don’t worry, you’ll get there.

“To err is human. To blame it on someone else shows management potential.”

(edited by Agent Of Jyggalag.8375)

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: IVIUIEI.9631


I talked to a guy the other day,he was lvling a toon and he said he went from 40 whatever 3 days zerging the quests!
My mesmer went only from 3 to 16 in 2-3 days(counting the 6 xp scrolls),meaning i got only 7 lvl ups by normal xp!And i am asking y now..what did i do wrong?I was running like a madman from one fight to another dealing as much dmg as i could to multiple mobs…

There’s a xp booster that u can get from the birthday present that gives out 100% xp. Which means it doubles your regular xp that u get from whatever u’re doing. Plus u can also buy tomes from vendors with found belongings to gain levels.


How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: IVIUIEI.9631


And yes Dolyak event in LA appears more frequent then other events. U can gain a whole ton of xp from that.


How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Gery.2718


Nice, but nowhere in your post did you say anything useful on how you leveled so fast.

He probably levelled by “farming” something. There were many bugged things that was imbalanced and gave too much reward, and people (as usual) found and used them. For example there was an event that restarted almost immediately after being finished (I’m not sure which one was it as I haven’t been there). I was one of the highest level in my guild at that time, but I had to take a 1-day break and when I came back some of my guildies were already ~30 levels higher than me, and that event they farmed was already patched.

But back at release it was generally easier to level than now (unless you craft, but new players don’t have money for that). I doubt I ever seen any event that didn’t have at least 5 players on it. I remember I just ran from events to events, tried to get enough for gold and then moved to the next one hoping I can reach it before finished and to get credit.
Now DEs have run out of their purpose… No ones doing it, the world feels like a giant graveyard with the amount of dead npcs caused by unfinished events. And right now people don’t care about saving a village, because it will be invaded again 5 mins later, back at release at least there were always people doing them so it wasn’t a big problem. I think anet should really make DEs easier for new solo players or add more rewards to them to compensate the lack of players doing them, and should increase the restart time of each event.

ps: oops sorry i went way offtopic

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Taygus.4571


You said it yourself from 40 to 76.
Higher levels have more skilss and can do more aoe damage. The level 80 boost isn’t much stat wise, and does nothing about the lack of skills.

The best level to then level in LA, seems to be at mid 30’s and up.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


After a while you get DR on events, meaning you get 100 times less experience for it. You have to complete events outside of LA to counteract this. The best time to do it is in the 15 minutes of down-time when the LA event isn’t running.

Can you confirm this from somewhere?Because i dont think 100 less is true!

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


You said it yourself from 40 to 76.
Higher levels have more skilss and can do more aoe damage. The level 80 boost isn’t much stat wise, and does nothing about the lack of skills.

The best level to then level in LA, seems to be at mid 30’s and up.

Actually i have all the weapon skills and going for shatter in mesmer i dont need many utility skills(2 max) to summon clones and deal dmg.But yea,maybe i should xp a little more on her!

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Aniki.6579


Like others have said, leveling that much is entirely possible in that short of a time. I got a level 40 guardian to 80 over the past week and probably only did the event around 10 times (now I’m currently tearing through the levels with a new elementalist). Tomes of Knowledge, XP boosters and banners, Halloween food, and potions of outlaw slaying are all your friends. Group up, stick with the zerg around Trader’s forum and tag all the events/mobs your can (especially the dolyak one). I’ll admit though, getting credit while zerging is much tougher for a memser (that’s my main) which is why I chose to level professions with reliable AOE skills.

(edited by Aniki.6579)

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Zach.3264


I’m pretty sure you don’t get xp from mob kills in LA. Only events.
You might even be better off just making a level 2 Guard and getting a staff, joining a full group of staff guards and just farming up kills. Open the bags and use the (forgot item name) to get the level tomes.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

After a while you get DR on events, meaning you get 100 times less experience for it. You have to complete events outside of LA to counteract this. The best time to do it is in the 15 minutes of down-time when the LA event isn’t running.

Can you confirm this from somewhere?Because i dont think 100 less is true!

You can confirm it yourself by doing 2 full LA events. On my level 30 character I got 1000 exp per event and after I hit DR I got 10 exp per event. Only way to get rid of it is by doing something else. Mobs still give about the same exp though, it’s just events that you get DR on.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


You can confirm it yourself by doing 2 full LA events. On my level 30 character I got 1000 exp per event and after I hit DR I got 10 exp per event. Only way to get rid of it is by doing something else. Mobs still give about the same exp though, it’s just events that you get DR on.

I have actually done LA events over 3 times each every cyrcle…all give same ammount of xp

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

I’m pretty sure you don’t get xp from mob kills in LA. Only events.

Um….what? As far as I’ve been able to see, you ALWAYS get xp from mob kills. Only times you dont are when you havent tagged the mob hard enough. You sure you been doing the LA event?

You might even be better off just making a level 2 Guard and getting a staff, joining a full group of staff guards and just farming up kills. Open the bags and use the (forgot item name) to get the level tomes.

This is what I’ve done for my guardian. I took her from level 2 to 80 in the span of 4 days, although i used crafting to get her 15-20 levels so she could get better weapons more quickly. Once she was at about level 40-45, every LA run would net 3 levels, one (and if lucky, two) from event and kill xp, and two (if unlucky, one) from found belongings (I averaged 200-250 bags since I did the LOOTSTICKS approach).

As far as events, I believe the majority of them give 7% from the event itself. So if you tag one mob at each of the miasma and rally point events, you’re looking at 21% from a single miasma cycle and another 21% from rally points. Throw in the fact that there’s 3 cycles in an hour, you’re looking at nearly two and a half levels. Hit the dolyaks the 4-5 times they pop, along with the children and ogres as well, you could probably level a character from 1 to 80 in a day if you were sufficiently hardcore.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Esmee.1067


Just to sum it all up:
- Mesmer, even if build for it, have some uptime to push out AoE, likely not fast enough to tag as much as say an Engineer/Necromancer. (My level 16 and 2 Engineer and Necromancer tag just as easily if not easier at that level than my Mesmer does at 80)
- Mobility is a similar story, though with short distances Blink and Curtain aren’t bad.
- He was most likely in a group for easier kill credit
- He likely used every buff available; Halloween Food, Nourishment, XP Boosters (some stack) Laurel Booster, Guildbuff, Banners etc.
- He might have tagged prioritized tagging events over simple kills (this greatly set me appart from some friends.)
- He might have had instances with more people zerging (there’re were more people zerging the first few days) making the events spawn harder (longer time to tag) but also more mobs (especially if you get a lucky moment the Miasma spawns in the Bank)

- Maybe he crafted a bit along aswell and didn’t tell you.
- Access to odd upscaled tag-beast skills (my Engi got upscaled in such an odd way her bombs dealt similar damage to level 80 zerk Ele’s abilities whilst Grenades hit like a wet-noodle)

If you did everything in this list (what’s possible) he might just have gone zombie for a few days playing 24/7 (take that with a grain of salt)

Nice catch on the non-informative brag-post in the middle.

(edited by Esmee.1067)

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


This is what I’ve done for my guardian. I took her from level 2 to 80 in the span of 4 days, although i used crafting to get her 15-20 levels so she could get better weapons more quickly. Once she was at about level 40-45, every LA run would net 3 levels, one (and if lucky, two) from event and kill xp, and two (if unlucky, one) from found belongings (I averaged 200-250 bags since I did the LOOTSTICKS approach).

As far as events, I believe the majority of them give 7% from the event itself. So if you tag one mob at each of the miasma and rally point events, you’re looking at 21% from a single miasma cycle and another 21% from rally points. Throw in the fact that there’s 3 cycles in an hour, you’re looking at nearly two and a half levels. Hit the dolyaks the 4-5 times they pop, along with the children and ogres as well, you could probably level a character from 1 to 80 in a day if you were sufficiently hardcore.

Lootsticks approach????
Also,how can i do this with an ele or a necro?Skillz aoe e.t.c

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Leveled my necro/thief in LA too, got about 10 levels/3h.

Only go to the events with a lot of enemies, AoE everything and don’t forget to use Food, Sharpening stones and Exp boosters. It’s really easy and fast imo (and basically free since I got the exp boosters from chests a long time ago).

Hope this helps.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Vol.7601


I got two guards to 80 in under 5 days. That includes about 40 levels of total crafting, 20 levels from the birthday reward.

In order to get enough exp farming LA, you need to be in a party and tagging every mob you come across. You need to know the best places to farm (around the forge).

Exp boosts are very handy, especially killstreak boosters when you end up with aetherblade miasmas events near top WP and the bank.

Throw in 15% halloween-themed potions, 10% foods and 10% banner exp + guild passive exp boost, that’s an extra +40 % exp.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Envy.1679


i got my first warrior, one of the first level 80s in the game, to level 80 without crafting in 4 days. nowadays its exponentially easier to level a character.

the answer is, keep doing events. the more events you do, the faster you level.

if you have the mats and gold for it, then crafting will level up very fast. use a crafting guide.


How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

This is what I’ve done for my guardian. I took her from level 2 to 80 in the span of 4 days, although i used crafting to get her 15-20 levels so she could get better weapons more quickly. Once she was at about level 40-45, every LA run would net 3 levels, one (and if lucky, two) from event and kill xp, and two (if unlucky, one) from found belongings (I averaged 200-250 bags since I did the LOOTSTICKS approach).

As far as events, I believe the majority of them give 7% from the event itself. So if you tag one mob at each of the miasma and rally point events, you’re looking at 21% from a single miasma cycle and another 21% from rally points. Throw in the fact that there’s 3 cycles in an hour, you’re looking at nearly two and a half levels. Hit the dolyaks the 4-5 times they pop, along with the children and ogres as well, you could probably level a character from 1 to 80 in a day if you were sufficiently hardcore.

Lootsticks approach????
Also,how can i do this with an ele or a necro?Skillz aoe e.t.c

Lootstick = Guardian staff 1 skill. Forward cone aoe that hits 5 targets at once, with, I believe, a 1/2 second cast time. Disable autotarget and skill promotion, find and event, run in circles mashing your 1 key. Follow event circle and repeat. Event ends, go back the way you came mashing your aoe loot button. Bath in the pile of loot. Rinse, repeat, rejoice.
As far as an ele goes, I honestly dont think you can unless you run d/? for lightning whip. Unfortunately, since the whole idea behind lootsticks is to scale events into elites/champs, an ele (AND a necro) is going to get squashed into a thin smear of bloody paste from just being looked at wrong. Main reason I dont take my ele to LA for farming.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Pipra.7580


I leveled an alt over 40 levels over the past two weeks with only an hour or two per day played. Run with the zerg, tag mobs, finish events, use the level scrolls, and the XP just keeps pouring in.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: jmt.8517


Learn the event patterns. I got a level 1 thief to 30 in the first week. Then made a guard and used all 26 scrolls I got from doing events in my thief. There both level 40 now. I didn’t have a party nor any xp boosts. Trick is taging events. Don’t stay for the finish unless no other events can be seen on map. Like others have said watch out for Dr and use xp stuff as well as get in a party. Hope this helps.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: roxybudgy.8205


I got my guardian from 55-80 in 3 days, combination of joining as many events as possible in Lion’s arch, and buying/using Tomes of Knowledge. And this was without any boosters at all.

I’m now working on my elementalist which was level 35, started this morning, did three or four runs of Lion’s Arch today, didn’t use any boosters, except for one run when I used some low level food, ankitten ow level 40. I also bought more Tomes of Knowledge, but I’ll save them for when my elementalist is closer to level 80.

Setting traits to increase damage and using AoE attacks helps a lot with tagging mobs.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: ToT.7018


Traded my belongings in for tome of knowledge (60 in total) and had instant level 20 booster from birthday.
Leveled my necro from 1 to 80 in 2 minutes.
Didn’t mind doing this as i have several level 80’s already

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I leveled my D/D Ele from 30ish to 80 doing casual LA runs. Maybe a few “serious” runs at 4-5 hours on the weekend days. Popped XP banners, boosters, 15% XP food, some junk sharpening stones or oil (can’t remember)

I also cashed in my belongings for levels.

It was pretty easy. I even kept upgrading my gear with the PTV gear from the WvW Karma vendor so I could be useful too.

It’s my 8th level 80 and I’m finally finished making characters. 1 of each class now

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Draknar.5748


When I play my alts in LA event, with an XP booster and proper use of Killstreak booster I get basically 1 level per run. It would be completely believable that someone could have leveled from 40-76 in 3 days, especially if they run it multiple times a day, plus he could have traded his heirlooms for the Experience Scrolls for extra levels. He would pretty much need to play 12hrs/day, but plenty of people do that.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


I’ve taken my Ele from 40 to 60 in 5 or 6 runs just from the events and kills have 6 level scrolls sitting in the bank ready to be used, but may keep them to use on my necro as hoping to max the Ele later today and then move on to the necro, strting to wish I’d used my alts from the start of farming instead of my ranger.

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Seras.5702


I leveled my warrior alt from about 36 (iirc) to 65 using the LA event. I ran the events, gathered heirlooms, used longbow for ranged aoe (since low level with sub-optimal gear = quick deaths in melee zerg), , completed events, and saved citizens. Basically did the event as I felt it was designed to be played. I can’t say how many runs I’ve done, but if I had to guess maybe about 20.

Also, I used a birthday booster (huge help!), as well as food and sharpening stones, and any banners that ppl dropped. With my standard guild bonus, I generally had at least +85% XP gains.

Also, I traded all Found Belongings for Tomes for +1 level each.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Fuzion.4193


I’ve been averaging about 2 levels a run. One through event-hopping all over the map to chase the huge chunks of experience while using an experience booster. The other is through turning in heirlooms and belongings I find, converting them all to a level scroll.

The beauty of this, too, is lower level characters have access to loot that converts to materials needed for ascended crafting – namely cloth.

These things are far more rewarding and valuable to me for continued play than a shot at some low-RNG chance of past loot.

(edited by Fuzion.4193)