Concept Profession: Zephyrite
Considering, as is pointed out by NPC’s in game, the Zephyrites abilities are a modified version of Elementalism that is somehow related to Glint and her magic… This would be a no xD. The lore just isn’t there to support it and it would end up being far too close to the ele.
Ele already has ride the lightning, magnetic grasp, a few leap skills, tornado etc.
Yeah I know… I play an ele every once in a while. I know everything you told me already, and I agree, its way too close in terms of aesthetic to ele.
The mechanics are different though.
Like the Kodan, aren’t the Zeph. a peaceful society averse to the mindless carnage the other races enjoy?
Yes, but the kodan will defend themselves as they do in the edge of the mists, so I suspect the Zephs will too if things get sticky. don’t think that a new profession would happen anyway, weapons and races would come first, but this was my idea to marry the current in-game mechanics with a profession mechanic.
Just a tribute and an idea and, since this is my favorite event in GW2, and seems to be for many others, I think some people might get a bit of a kick out of this idea
That’s totally why they are having us nuke each other with fireballs in the new arena… Lulz.
Like the Kodan, aren’t the Zeph. a peaceful society averse to the mindless carnage the other races enjoy?
I don’t really see how the armor makes a difference, although I know a lot of heavies are crying for another class, I’ve never been a purponent of 3/3/3 for each myself. Ultimately it’s about the play mechanic and how the class operates, not its armor. I think we have highly nobile professions, but none whose core mechanic is about movement which I think would be a great addition to the game. If you’re interested, I’ve developed four or five other concept professions, which you can find in the archived suggestions forum
Perhaps you’ve never played a staff ele – the entire game becomes about movement because a) your skills are basically just crowd control and nothing else and b) you are insanely squishy.
Dagger ele’s also involve a LOT of movement based skills. They have a couple of leaps, some backwards slides, pulls, etc.
Like the Kodan, aren’t the Zeph. a peaceful society averse to the mindless carnage the other races enjoy?
Doesn’t stop them mounting ballistas on their ship. They may avoid fights, but it doesn’t mean that they aren’t prepared for them.
a profession is to be implemented, the core mechanic, not the look or feel of the class, needs to be unique. Each of the eight current professions are unique on their mechanic first and foremost, with their looks and feels only superficial to that.
Warrior has a building power up system
Guardian has passive boons that can be sacrificed
Thief has initiative
Engineer has his toolkit
Ranger has her pets
Elementalist has attunements
Necromancer has a second life force
Mesmer has clones/phantasms and shatters
If a ninth class is implemented, the mechanic needs to be functionally different from the above list.
I think a movement based mechanic is different from those.
And yes, I’ve played staff and dagger/dagger ele, please don’t assume I’m a total rookie, I’ve also made about 5 concept professions to date that are much more than “hey guyz, wudent it be kewl if…”
I do put thought behind my work.
I would love a tonic that temporarily gives me the Zephyrite skills (not to be used in WvW obviously).
Why not in Wvw? The kodan have a tonic in edge of the mists and you can become the mecha devourer too wvw would be perfect for it! The jump isn’t higher than the walls after all
Why not in Wvw? The kodan have a tonic in edge of the mists and you can become the mecha devourer too
wvw would be perfect for it! The jump isn’t higher than the walls after all
I actually think it would be ok in WvW. The only foreseeable problem is the sprint ability allowing people to escape WAY to easily – although in Edge of the Mists there is a spark form or something like that which does something similar.
My analytical side agrees that the elementalist and thief already have the ‘movement-focused’ side things covered, about as well as is probably appropriate in the general game.
My heart, however, thinks the Zephyrite theme is awesome and would love to play it more fully outside the Aspect Arena (which I’ve been looking forward to coming back for months but haven’t had the chance to dive back into yet. Curse you, real life! Ahem).
Regarding profession mechanics – rather than worrying about aspect stacks, what I’d probably be inclined to do is simply to have the basic skills use endurance, like they do in Sanctum Sprint and Aspect Arena. This limits their use and makes them compete with regular dodging. Some of their other skills, however, might enhance these or provide additional, related movement options (consider, for instance, how to a certain extent some skills for some professions already effectively act as an additional dodge on a cooldown that doesn’t take endurance).
Going back to theme… lorewise, the Aspects are described as a specialised form of air magic. In fact, the sun (Blinding Flash, Blinding Surge…), wind and lightning focus of the Zephyrites kinda give me the feeling that my Canthan air (usually) elementalist may have been an early member… However, according to the lore we’ve been given, the power actually came from Glint’s body, and thus is possibly distinct from bloodstone-sourced (originally) conventional elemental magic despite its similarities. It’s quite possible that one of the secrets of the Zephyrites is that there are more aspects that cover Glint’s more mesmeric side.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
If we forget the stacks, then the Zephyrite profession’s main buff should be vigor. They could share it in parties and have skills which bestow vigor on them, and cripple on their enemies.
I’d want to see a profession like that be heavy armor; my favorite mages wear plate mail C: