Gauntlet is not playable for every class
It is beatable by every class. Every class has a condition build/DPS build/Tanky build/Dodgy build.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
It’s the unfortunate side effect of making content more challenging. If they make content so that it can be beaten by every single class/build combination out there, it’s hard to make the challenging (for example, having the same encounter being beatable by a heavy DPS glass cannon, a slow DPS tanky character, a healing oriented character and so on). That’s actually why one of the main complains about PvE is lack of challenge.
So yes, you’ll probably need to respec and regear to defeat some of the encounters, as you might sometimes need as well for high level fractals (for example). It sucks if you have only one character with a spec you’re already confortable with but that might not be good for this particular content, and not enough gold to regear it (though getting cheaper TP rares and karma/badges of honor exotics might help offset the costs), but it’s the unfortunate side effect of trying to get more challenging content into the game.
At least this content will last for a month, so you have some time left, and will be back next year if you still can’t manage. Heck, I remember back when I played WoW missing the headless horseman event (halloween) the first time it came around just because I didn’t have a character with a high enough level to do it, had to wait for the following year for it to come back.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
It is beatable by every class. Every class has a condition build/DPS build/Tanky build/Dodgy build.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
Yeah…that’s not gonna happen. If I have change my build and gear every 5 minutes, I would rather not even participate.
It just goes to show that they balance everything around guardians and don’t really give two figs about the rest of the classes. Sure it’s beatable as a necromancer or ranger. You just have to try a hundred times harder. Balance!
It is beatable by every class. Every class has a condition build/DPS build/Tanky build/Dodgy build.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
Yeah…that’s not gonna happen. If I have change my build and gear every 5 minutes, I would rather not even participate.
That’s your choice of course. I’m going to personally see if I can avoid changing more than utilities/weapon sets initially until I get notably stuck, then I’ll consider respeccing if it seems to be needed.
First of all, it has already been beaten by every class. Stated design goal was to make you change up your build if necessary, as well as push your skill level. They succeeded, OP is just mad because he or she couldn’t beat it right away. Most players are happy to see challenging content.
Always have zerker gear on you.
The Gauntlet have been out for little over a day.
It will be here for a MONTH.
Just because you haven’t managed to do it yet doesn’t mean it is impossible.
I always wonder why people assume they should be able to beat everything released just within a few hours after release.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I’m glad to see challenging contents but I hate the way they reward by achievement. Its like giving a permanent scar for those who cannot beat it.
First of all, it has already been beaten by every class. Stated design goal was to make you change up your build if necessary, as well as push your skill level. They succeeded, OP is just mad because he or she couldn’t beat it right away. Most players are happy to see challenging content.
I don’t think that’s really applicable when certain classes can still largely faceroll their way through it. It’s just going to drive more players to those classes.
The PvE balance is broken and has been since launch. The guardian issue needs to be addressed if we’re ever going to have truly challenging content.
The Gauntlet have been out for little over a day.
It will be here for a MONTH.
Just because you haven’t managed to do it yet doesn’t mean it is impossible.I always wonder why people assume they should be able to beat everything released just within a few hours after release.
Kids have it so easy these days—it’s just that demand for instant gratfication. Or maybe his friend has the mini and he couldn’t get it right away. Meanwhile, said friend is farming lodestones while OP is falling from the ceiling. Actually, I hope that’s what happened because that’s hilarious.
To be honest, there really isn’t an issue with balance here. I’ve looked over a lot of posts about the gauntlet’s content being too difficult for certain classes, with some even claiming it’s -impossible- for certain classes, but I have to respectfully disagree. While the Liadri fight is certainly tough, I don’t think any one class has it easier than another. I think it comes down to the -player- having it easier over other players. Sure, guardians, mesmers and the like have access to built-in mechanics that allow them to completely ignore damage, but timing is still crucial with these, and many players that main these classes are still struggling.
Me? I main a Necro, and it took me a few tries, but I was able to beat Liadri myself, using only the two dodges my class is equipped with and no other real damage prevention mechanics. Just to note, I never once had to change my build or slot skills for this. I used the same 30/25/0/0/15 set-up with full berserker from tier 1 all the way to tier 3. So, while I agree this content is challenging, I think it’s silly that people are complaining about it being impossible or ‘too difficult’. The current level of difficulty for the gauntlet bosses is what A-Net likely intended it to be. While some people might be able to finish it quickly, it might take others a bit longer. As Chopps said, a lot of people are probably used to instant gratification. A lot fo what A-Net has done in the past has encouraged instant gratification, with many meta achievements being able to be accomplished through a few hours of grinding out content. This is different. It doesn’t involve any grind—it involves skill.
Sure, guardians, mesmers and the like have access to built-in mechanics that allow them to completely ignore damage, but timing is still crucial with these, and many players that main these classes are still struggling.
And how is that not an issue with balance? You said it yourself. Several classes have built in tools which allow them to mitigate one hit kills while other classes do not and since the entirety of the fight is based around avoiding said one hit kills you can’t really argue that there isn’t a disparity in difficulty here.
Seems to me like you’d rather play special snowflake than acknowledge the current issues plaguing PvE balance. Is it doable as a necromancer? Sure, I know of a few who did it on the very first day. Is it absurdly more difficult than on a guardian? Without a doubt.
There is however a rather big difference between some classes having it easier and it being impossible to do on some classes.
The first would always be true unless every single class was identical. The second is not true in any way or form.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
There is however a rather big difference between some classes having it easier and it being impossible to do on some classes.
The first would always be true unless every single class was identical. The second is not true in any way or form.
I don’t disagree there.
That said, all classes should come with advantages and disadvantages and I’m really not seeing the advantage of the necromancer in this fight. To be honest, this isn’t a new issue in regards to necromancers. It’s an issue which plagues us in dungeons too. When you get aggro as a necromancer you’ve got two choices. Dodge and dodge. Then you’re done unless you’re packing a sigil of energy or two which is pretty much mandatory at this point. Shroud simply isn’t designed to mitigate the ridiculous amount of damage put out by certain mobs and as a result the necromancer folds like tissue paper.
The Gauntlet have been out for little over a day.
It will be here for a MONTH.
Just because you haven’t managed to do it yet doesn’t mean it is impossible.I always wonder why people assume they should be able to beat everything released just within a few hours after release.
Kids have it so easy these days—it’s just that demand for instant gratfication. Or maybe his friend has the mini and he couldn’t get it right away. Meanwhile, said friend is farming lodestones while OP is falling from the ceiling. Actually, I hope that’s what happened because that’s hilarious.
Honestly I just get the mini myself, and it is now my most prized ingame item.
There is however a rather big difference between some classes having it easier and it being impossible to do on some classes.
The first would always be true unless every single class was identical. The second is not true in any way or form.
It has been completed with every class, and I don’t see the problem with having to change your traits depending on the fight. It gets you to try new things and really think about a strategy…but I guess if every class can’t go (14/14/14/14/14), then it’s obviously a stupid, way-too-difficult event that should be nerfed.
Also, as long as you use some dodge food (Bowl of Orrian and Truffle Stew), you do not need to use invulnerability skills. It’s all about kiting and dodging at the appropriate time.
#readingLFGisOP #savethewarden
I don’t want the ‘balance’ you’re asking for.
If we had it, there would be no professions.
Every alt would be the same. It’s those built-in ‘things’ that make them stand apart from each other.
You want those? Go Roll One.
I’ve heard awesome things about the Thief being able to all but do this in their sleep.
I don’t like the Thief profession. Just because it’s ‘easier’ to do on one, does not mean I’ll go roll a profession I can’t stand to play. Even If It Means I’ll Miss Out.
I’ll become more proficient with my current profession/skill level, or I Won’t.
I’m happy that ANet has added challenges for the ‘non-casual’ player. While this was marketed for ‘casual’ playing, there are players who want more, and can give it.
They deserve it.
It also gives me something to strive for. While I may not be able to do it this year, by the time it comes again next year, I just may kick that twit in the teeth Just you wait and see!
Those who think that every available ingame opportunity should be acquired in the first few hours of release… My opinion is they have entitlement issues. The content is here for a month. If it wasn’t meant to be completed in a month, it would be available for just a few days. When the Devs start releasing patches every few days… Well, then, we’ll revisit this. Til that time comes, you have 27days yet to pay your repair bills.
Just Like Me.
You non-causals? Go Get That Twit! (no Kittening for me )
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
It is beatable by every class. Every class has a condition build/DPS build/Tanky build/Dodgy build.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
That’s a stupid stupid design.
Imagine if you are designing a portfolio for your investor and telling them to sell off stocks and shares and reallocate funds to something else, I’m sure you’ll lose that investor in a heartbeat.
The game play design should adjust to provide good game experience to every player regardless of build.
What’s the point of changing my build if I have not played the build before?
If the game play dictates the build I should be running, then that is the very definition of a stupid design, expected coming from a game feature that was rushed to completion with low quality.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
It is beatable by every class. Every class has a condition build/DPS build/Tanky build/Dodgy build.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
I’d like to know the dodgy build for necro.
It is beatable by every class. Every class has a condition build/DPS build/Tanky build/Dodgy build.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
I’d like to know the dodgy build for necro.
As would I.
It is beatable by every class. Every class has a condition build/DPS build/Tanky build/Dodgy build.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
That’s a stupid stupid design.
Imagine if you are designing a portfolio for your investor and telling them to sell off stocks and shares and reallocate funds to something else, I’m sure you’ll lose that investor in a heartbeat.
The game play design should adjust to provide good game experience to every player regardless of build.
What’s the point of changing my build if I have not played the build before?
If the game play dictates the build I should be running, then that is the very definition of a stupid design, expected coming from a game feature that was rushed to completion with low quality.
That’s an odd analogy.
And no, you wouldn’t necessarily lose that investor. Investment managers know more than your average Joe since that is their day job – managing investments. If they want to sell a stock because it has reached it’s peak or they think it’s going to go down on bad results (bad Q3) then they’ll sell it and find a better stock to hold.
I don’t know anything specific about my mutual fund and the markets it invests in, but I trust the portfolio manager and I leave it at their discretion.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
I wonder how I’m supposed to get the ooze achievement with my ele. If anyone has a pure single target ele build that does that much damage, then please go ahead and link it.
Gunnar’s Hold
That’s a stupid stupid design.
Imagine if you are designing a portfolio for your investor and telling them to sell off stocks and shares and reallocate funds to something else, I’m sure you’ll lose that investor in a heartbeat.
The game play design should adjust to provide good game experience to every player regardless of build.
What’s the point of changing my build if I have not played the build before?
If the game play dictates the build I should be running, then that is the very definition of a stupid design, expected coming from a game feature that was rushed to completion with low quality.
So basically make everything easy just like the rest of the game?
If people don’t feel like changing builds there is nothing forcing them. If they however want to get the achievements they simply have to accept the fact that they need to actually adjust to the challenge at hand.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
So basically make everything easy just like the rest of the game?
You seem to be forgetting that this fight is already easy for certain classes. What I want are more balanced fights which effectively cater to the strengths and weaknesses of every class. I’m tired of the one hit KO nonsense. The game should be about more than just dodging. A few telegraphed moves are okay but when the entire fight is just one drawn out dodge-o-rama I think it’s time to draw lines. Get more creative.
All the classes CAN do the gauntlet… Most of them can even do it in pretty much any spec too… The problem is that for certain classes, certain challenges becomes purely luck based… Beyond that though, it’s just a matter or learning the gimmicks of each fight… And then I dont mean learning what skills they do, but the actual gimmicks… Like subject7 as an example, which even have an extra achieve… Well the entire gimmick there is that hey, those extra oozes, dont actually move, and they have ZERO prediction ability… Simply sidestepping round and round subject 7 at close range == profit with no hassle whatsoever… The only hard part skillwise in the these fights, are finding the gimmicks, not the actual fights themselves…
I wonder how I’m supposed to get the ooze achievement with my ele. If anyone has a pure single target ele build that does that much damage, then please go ahead and link it.
You dont need high dps… I’ve done it as an engineer shooting rifle in a tank spec… Just autoattacking… If you ignore the extra adds, you have PLENTY of time to kill subject7 with that way… Just circle around it at close range… Or if you prefer, go back and forth at longer range in a 90 degree arc, and then step in closer once you get oozes in the way… He should be at like 10%-20% hp max at that point and easily finished close range…
I wonder how I’m supposed to get the ooze achievement with my ele. If anyone has a pure single target ele build that does that much damage, then please go ahead and link it.
You dont need high dps… I’ve done it as an engineer shooting rifle in a tank spec… Just autoattacking… If you ignore the extra adds, you have PLENTY of time to kill subject7 with that way… Just circle around it at close range… Or if you prefer, go back and forth at longer range in a 90 degree arc, and then step in closer once you get oozes in the way… He should be at like 10%-20% hp max at that point and easily finished close range…
The thing is that he heals hard at that point so I can’t kill him in a bunker spec.
Gunnar’s Hold
To be honest, there really isn’t an issue with balance here. I’ve looked over a lot of posts about the gauntlet’s content being too difficult for certain classes, with some even claiming it’s -impossible- for certain classes, but I have to respectfully disagree. While the Liadri fight is certainly tough, I don’t think any one class has it easier than another. I think it comes down to the -player- having it easier over other players. Sure, guardians, mesmers and the like have access to built-in mechanics that allow them to completely ignore damage, but timing is still crucial with these, and many players that main these classes are still struggling.
Me? I main a Necro, and it took me a few tries, but I was able to beat Liadri myself, using only the two dodges my class is equipped with and no other real damage prevention mechanics. Just to note, I never once had to change my build or slot skills for this. I used the same 30/25/0/0/15 set-up with full berserker from tier 1 all the way to tier 3. So, while I agree this content is challenging, I think it’s silly that people are complaining about it being impossible or ‘too difficult’. The current level of difficulty for the gauntlet bosses is what A-Net likely intended it to be. While some people might be able to finish it quickly, it might take others a bit longer. As Chopps said, a lot of people are probably used to instant gratification. A lot fo what A-Net has done in the past has encouraged instant gratification, with many meta achievements being able to be accomplished through a few hours of grinding out content. This is different. It doesn’t involve any grind—it involves skill.
BS… People are complaining about it being impossible or too difficult, because the difficulty is in the entirely wrong place… The content isnt challenging and it does not involve any actual skill… The only skill it required is finding the gimmick, and that’s seriously NOT a fun way to do encounters… Nor are the fights that are purely luck based for certain classes… All of the classes have atleast one of those along the way so it’s about even playingfield for that part, but dont kid yourself thinking that gimmicks are in any way hard skillwise… People expect SKILL based difficulty, and when skill simply isnt enough, because they havnt found the gimmick, then THAT is when people complain about the difficulty… You can tell them the gimmick, and the fight suddenly becomes super easy… That’s not skill…
I wonder how I’m supposed to get the ooze achievement with my ele. If anyone has a pure single target ele build that does that much damage, then please go ahead and link it.
You dont need high dps… I’ve done it as an engineer shooting rifle in a tank spec… Just autoattacking… If you ignore the extra adds, you have PLENTY of time to kill subject7 with that way… Just circle around it at close range… Or if you prefer, go back and forth at longer range in a 90 degree arc, and then step in closer once you get oozes in the way… He should be at like 10%-20% hp max at that point and easily finished close range…
The thing is that he heals hard at that point so I can’t kill him in a bunker spec.
No no… Subject7, doesnt heal himself at any point… The adds do. If you stay in close however, the adds spawn further out, putting them out of range to heal him. And if you do the 90 degree arc staying at range, they’ll again, spawn outside the healing range for the most part.. Each ooze heals very little… It’s when they stack up that it becomes a lot… If you run around at long range all the way around though, the oozes all spawn relatively close, meaning massive heals… Do either of the movements I said, and you wont have to worry about the heals
Try it as a Ranger! I foresee a Chopps comment inbound….. Be nice!
I’ve said it before, I’m really not a fan of “suffering” type of content. It’s not fun for me. The Mad King dungeon, even though difficult at times, was hilarious! When the whole party would fall and splat on top of each other again and again, that was funny. This is just suffering by annoyance. Nothing more than that for me.
Even when I get my mini, I’ll still A:forget to use them and B:Use the Kiel one
Try it as a Ranger! I foresee a Chopps comment inbound…..
Be nice!
I’ve said it before, I’m really not a fan of “suffering” type of content. It’s not fun for me. The Mad King dungeon, even though difficult at times, was hilarious! When the whole party would fall and splat on top of each other again and again, that was funny. This is just suffering by annoyance. Nothing more than that for me.
Even when I get my mini, I’ll still A)forget to use them and
Use the Kiel one
My main is ranger… I’ve done them all as ranger as well… Only Salazan becomes a pain due to the luck based nature of the fight for rangers… The other fights, are very easy, if you just know the gimmicks to each…
It’s absolutely not beatable by every class.
Try learning/beating the bosses while at the same time playing a Norn who, apparently due to some genius idea of making a solo fight in the open, while at the same time in a claustrophobic space which’ll make the camera useless.
If you have dps gear, and the right builds then yes you can. Those of us who’ve played support and tank (low dps) roles for months are out of the loop, because guess what?
No matter how well you learn the fight, you only have 2 mins. Maybe if someone had tested the gauntlet with a variety of race/class combinations, it wouldn’t be this broken.
And yet it have already been beaten by all classes, so clearly it is beatable by every class.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
It’s absolutely not beatable by every class.
Try learning/beating the bosses while at the same time playing a Norn who, apparently due to some genius idea of making a solo fight in the open, while at the same time in a claustrophobic space which’ll make the camera useless.
If you have dps gear, and the right builds then yes you can. Those of us who’ve played support and tank (low dps) roles for months are out of the loop, because guess what?
No matter how well you learn the fight, you only have 2 mins. Maybe if someone had tested the gauntlet with a variety of race/class combinations, it wouldn’t be this broken.
I’ve done them all as a Norn tank engineer… Including most of the extra achieves… They ARE doable… It’s all a matter of learning the gimmicks, for all except one very specific fights, which becomes luck based when you miss the critical mechanic that the gimmick is centered around.
…Stated design goal was to make you change up your build if necessary…
Can you link a source for this?
If changing up your build means respeccing into new trait lines, that’s an about face from earlier posts claiming that they wanted trait lines to give us a sense of permanence, and not be something that people change frequently.
Can you link a source for this?
If changing up your build means respeccing into new trait lines, that’s an about face from earlier posts claiming that they wanted trait lines to give us a sense of permanence, and not be something that people change frequently.
Why do you think there is a retraiter in the Pavilion?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
It’s absolutely not beatable by every class.
Try learning/beating the bosses while at the same time playing a Norn who, apparently due to some genius idea of making a solo fight in the open, while at the same time in a claustrophobic space which’ll make the camera useless.
If you have dps gear, and the right builds then yes you can. Those of us who’ve played support and tank (low dps) roles for months are out of the loop, because guess what?
No matter how well you learn the fight, you only have 2 mins. Maybe if someone had tested the gauntlet with a variety of race/class combinations, it wouldn’t be this broken.
It is absolutely beatable by every class. It is not beatable by every spec for every class. There is a clear difference. If you refuse to change to take up this challenge then the game is not at fault. Some races having a bit more challenge always sucks, but your point about classes is silly.
It is absolutely beatable by every class. It is not beatable by every spec for every class. There is a clear difference. If you refuse to change to take up this challenge then the game is not at fault. Some races having a bit more challenge always sucks, but your point about classes is silly.
Some classes can’t spec into helpful things like extra vigor and whatnot. In fact, I’d argue that spec is largely irrelevant on a necromancer when it comes to Liadri. It’s far more important to carry a sigil of energy to make up for the natural deficiencies of the class.
First of all, it has already been beaten by every class. Stated design goal was to make you change up your build if necessary, as well as push your skill level. They succeeded, OP is just mad because he or she couldn’t beat it right away. Most players are happy to see challenging content.
I also applaud the addition of content that is more challenging than the run of the mill.
However, your last sentence is certainly debatable. “Most players you know and can speak for” may not be representative of most players — or it might. Since we are not likely to ever know which is true, it might be more productive to focus the debate on things we do know rather than try to “win” the argument by citing “facts” that are unprovable.
That’s an odd analogy.
And no, you wouldn’t necessarily lose that investor. Investment managers know more than your average Joe since that is their day job – managing investments. If they want to sell a stock because it has reached it’s peak or they think it’s going to go down on bad results (bad Q3) then they’ll sell it and find a better stock to hold.
I don’t know anything specific about my mutual fund and the markets it invests in, but I trust the portfolio manager and I leave it at their discretion.
Investors who owns a portfolio is not your average Joe. Your argument is mutt.
Just like doctors, as well as investment managers, you would want to get a second, third, or even forth opinion. Blind trust is reckless.
So basically make everything easy just like the rest of the game?
Not easy but smart.
If people don’t feel like changing builds there is nothing forcing them. If they however want to get the achievements they simply have to accept the fact that they need to actually adjust to the challenge at hand.
Adjusting is not the same as rebuilding. Adjusting your house’s stability for earthquakes doesn’t not equate complete rebuild of the house from the ground up.
I can adjust my build in many fights without changing any of my allocated points, but requiring me to refund all points is a rebuild. Not only that it will require play style change, but also gear change to complement the build.
The encounters aren’t even smart. It’s a brute, sadistic game play with no value. One of the fight where you’re constantly tossed and knockdown is so unplayable for those profession with no or limited access to stability.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Well.. its a game based on player skill. Not on “Classes magics”.
Yeah, of all professions can beat it, but its all dependent in the player that is playing. For sure is not everyone who will can get it, some don’t have sufficient player skill to do it.
That’s an odd analogy.
And no, you wouldn’t necessarily lose that investor. Investment managers know more than your average Joe since that is their day job – managing investments. If they want to sell a stock because it has reached it’s peak or they think it’s going to go down on bad results (bad Q3) then they’ll sell it and find a better stock to hold.
I don’t know anything specific about my mutual fund and the markets it invests in, but I trust the portfolio manager and I leave it at their discretion.
Investors who owns a portfolio is not your average Joe. Your argument is mutt.
Just like doctors, as well as investment managers, you would want to get a second, third, or even forth opinion. Blind trust is reckless.
So basically make everything easy just like the rest of the game?
Not easy but smart.
If people don’t feel like changing builds there is nothing forcing them. If they however want to get the achievements they simply have to accept the fact that they need to actually adjust to the challenge at hand.
Adjusting is not the same as rebuilding. Adjusting your house’s stability for earthquakes doesn’t not equate complete rebuild of the house from the ground up.
I can adjust my build in many fights without changing any of my allocated points, but requiring me to refund all points is a rebuild. Not only that it will require play style change, but also gear change to complement the build.
The encounters aren’t even smart. It’s a brute, sadistic game play with no value. One of the fight where you’re constantly tossed and knockdown is so unplayable for those profession with no or limited access to stability.
So far in the other threads, it has been beaten by every class. Sure it requires a different build sometimes, and some classes have it easier than others in some fights, but its definitely possible to go from beginning to end in one class.
I disagree. In the fight that you’re complaining about, I WATCHED my friend change his build, meaning strictly traits, not gear. As a thief, he had no access to stability, and still won. Did it require some skill? Yes. Was it impossible? Not even close, he beat it in one run. Same with me, as a mesmer. Mesmers don’t exactly have a ton of stability, but got through it anyways after like, the second try.
So basically, this is a huge gold sink within a farmable area? No amount of retraiting is going to make you that much different without completely reequipping your character.
Someone already mentioned the full height issue. Yes, it kinda sucks being a full height Norn with these camera angles.
Ok, I’ll bite, for any Ranger how did you do the Pirates? I’m all about AoE on my Ranger and drilling down on one Pirate isn’t working for me.
So basically, this is a huge gold sink within a farmable area? No amount of retraiting is going to make you that much different without completely reequipping your character.
I have a full glass cannon Thief. I respecced in to Shadow Arts, Acrobatics, and Trickery (full defensive) while still using my glass cannon gear. I killed everything on my first attempt, including Liadri.
I killed everything on my first attempt, including Liadri.
Screenshot or it didn’t happen.
Well.. its a game based on player skill. Not on “Classes magics”.
Yeah, of all professions can beat it, but its all dependent in the player that is playing. For sure is not everyone who will can get it, some don’t have sufficient player skill to do it.
That statement relies on the faulty claim that there’s actual skill required for these encounters… There is no actual skill required to complete… It’s ALL gimmicks and luck… Neither of which has ANYTHING to do with actual skill…
So far in the other threads, it has been beaten by every class. Sure it requires a different build sometimes, and some classes have it easier than others in some fights, but its definitely possible to go from beginning to end in one class.
I’m not arguing whether it can be beaten or not, I’m arguing about the playability.
There’s no play value. It’s just like a secret question, one you know the answer, it has no longer any value.
Playing is suppose to be fun — this is not fun at all.
I disagree. In the fight that you’re complaining about, I WATCHED my friend change his build, meaning strictly traits, not gear. As a thief, he had no access to stability, and still won. Did it require some skill? Yes. Was it impossible? Not even close, he beat it in one run. Same with me, as a mesmer. Mesmers don’t exactly have a ton of stability, but got through it anyways after like, the second try.
Like I said, you may have beaten it but it has no play value due to constant knockdowns. I’m a Thief and I’ve beaten it also, but was it fun? A definite NO. Can you even describe the encounter as “playing?” Again NO.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I killed everything on my first attempt, including Liadri.
Screenshot or it didn’t happen.
It’s not as unlikely as you think… It just means he was told the gimmicks of each fight beforehand… Simple as that…
It’s not as unlikely as you think… It just means he was told the gimmicks of each fight beforehand… Simple as that…
Or was observant enough when he actually faced them.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square