Chapter 5 FTW
I can only concur to this. I truly love this new chapter.
As a former raider, I am interested in raids and part of the raid CDI but when I see that kind of content, I wonder if we really need raids. The feeling of dozens of players working together as an adhoc army across the map to coordinates efforts is so compelling. It reminds me of the Nightmare Tower chapter and the battle for LA chapters. Coordinating “anybody” may be frustrating from time to time, but it also contributes so much more at cementing a friendly community than locken content.
These are times like this when I really feel that I am playing a *MM*orpg.
Love the music too and enjoyed crawling through the Priory library. Very nice job writing hints towards/again ongoing theories and introducing new players to old lore. Loved how the devs are toying with the community with the wink toward “Tengus incoming” theories The hidden arcana is extremely beautiful and the small puzzles in there are nice.
Congratulations. Definitely love this game.
(edited by Gilgalas.7860)
Sounds good. At work and can’t play at the moment, but I’m pleased to hear that initial impressions are positive.
I am a bit concerned that this means that players will just dog pile into the Silverwastes and leave poor old Dry Top abandoned though. It could have consequences for anyone who still needs to play through the first part of LS2 or who need lots of Geodes.
Sounds good.
At work and can’t play at the moment, but I’m pleased to hear that initial impressions are positive.
I am a bit concerned that this means that players will just dog pile into the Silverwastes and leave poor old Dry Top abandoned though. It could have consequences for anyone who still needs to play through the first part of LS2 or who need lots of Geodes.
Personally I think Dry Top will always have a place for those people who really like jumping and vertical areas. Dry Top the “jumping zone”.
Also I agree Chapter 5 is amazing. I really enjoy the amount of content that they put in the zone and also how its steered to cooperative play. +9000 gj ANET.
Thanks for wasting my time. When you add content that requires achieving many running goals to get to the final goal, and don’t test anything out, and cant keep your servers working properly, it’s a MASSIVE MISTAKE to not track progress and put players back where they were when YOUR SYSTEM FAILED to work correctly AGAIN.
Why would anyone go back and try this broken content again? LS2 FAIL
i like chapter 5 new zone is more better that dry top i hope you release more zone like this. i hope LS2 will be good but first 4 chapters is bad
I see that the NPC’s no longer rez you when you are down. Thats real nice. NOT.