GuestGate: the new LS Meta
Human nature … path of least resistance. I’ll leave it to you to connect the dots.
That said, is this actually a problem or is this just how the community is deciding to interact with this type of content using the “tools” provided by the game? I guest to blackgate for the wurm, but only guest for marionette if my server’s map or overflow is too empty to attempt the event, but I don’t feel like it is a big deal/hassle to guest to another server to attempt this content and it means I’m not stuck in an empty map trying to do content with too few players.
FA is still doing Mari daily (three wins today, including one perfect run,) and we’re currently organizing for wurm and practicing heads while we gather people. I’m sure plenty of other servers have abandoned the events, but we’re buckling down
If your server has no skill I feel sorry for you son; I got 99 problems but dodging ain’t one. Either way, all LS content dies down toward the end of its life (which is today).
Technically the Wurm isn’t LS content – the only achievement associated with it was the daily Boss Thumper (but that could be done with Marionette). Oops!
Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working.
Still might be Guest Wars, Black Gate isnt the ONLY server defeating Marionette. TC is defeating Marionette consistently.
(edited by BuD.7851)
How would you solve it? also, Why not guest to another server? Why always blackgate? The only reason its always populated is because people always think its populated, so people go there to find people, Its a catch 22.
Dragonbrand attempts and beats the Marionette regularly. Hell, Even Devona’s Rest beat it earlier this week while I happened to be there.
Maybe the reason your server cant beat Marionette is because everyone is assuming your server can’t beat it and guesting to Blackgate? Not only is that a pretty crappy attitude for your server to have, it also hurts Blackgate because guests are flooding their main maps. Seems extremely selfish to me and doesn’t do anything to solve the problem.
Get some commanders together. Decide on a time for a run and post if on your server forums. Add an announcement in your server TS. An hour beforehand have people recruit advert the event in LA and Queensdale so you have time to organize. Nag at people to join the server TS and run down Warden tactics.
Its a community event. Work on your community and you wont have to jump on the coattails of other servers.