I can not stand Destiny’s Edge 2.0. They are way to soft to be any kind of hero. Rox looks like the newbiest charr ive seen, Braham is a disgrace to Eir and should never be called her son, Kasmeer I cant stand her, she is former noble who wants to be a hero but is scared of everything. Marjory is all right is guess she isnt so soft like the rest, she actually feels tough in her own way. Taimi is the best of them, I would like to see her join Destiny’s Edge and become best friends with Zojja.
Destony’s Edge are much more bad kitten . I miss their stories, I want to know what Eir is up to and Zojja. I want to see them get back together on a new journey to kill the new elder dragon. Anyone else with me here? I cant be the only one that thinks this new group is corny as hell and way too soft.