Living World new video!

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: thiago.5608


Thoughts on the new teaser of the new chapter?
In my opinion it looks amazing!!!

“The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.”

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Xukavi.4320


Was just about to make a topic about this. Looks like we will indeed be going to a hidden temple of some sorts. I also think we’ll be seeing some past events through some sort of memory holding item.

Edit: On second look, it looks like Ogden was keeping something hidden in the Durmand Priory, something that will take us into the past.

Elyas Wolfbane – Ranger, Xukavi – Thief

(edited by Xukavi.4320)

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I thought it might have been Hall of Monuments at first, but doesn’t make so much sense. The new maguuma zone looks suitably chaotic, but is the video hinting at a new shiverpeaks zone or one already in game?

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: thiago.5608


Maybe into a dungeon?

“The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.”

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


All I can say is WOW.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: thiago.5608


It looks pretty epic indeed! Lets hope for some good content this time.

“The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.”

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


Is the video on the rest of the LS or just the next episode cause it almost looks as if we might go to multiple new maps.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Xukavi.4320


Guys that looks a lot like the Durman Priory to me in the snowy zone. Also, its just for the next episode.

Elyas Wolfbane – Ranger, Xukavi – Thief

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


First half is showing what happened earlier in S2 second half is new ^^

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: thiago.5608


We will probably know what is happening or happened to Rytlock. Oh and that thing at the end of the video was a statue or it was moving his fingers?

“The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.”

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: ragin demon.9386

ragin demon.9386

from what can tell that last part is the Dragon’s Lair from GW1 and from the title i can only assume there might be some sort of portal to the past

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in Living World

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


Chances r this wont happen but would be really cool if we go back to when Destiny’s Edge meets Glint and we fight against Kralkatorik and win.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: suffish.4150


Indeed, it looks very epic. I will be looking forward to it all week!
It looks like more of dry top will be unlocked, with some sort of charr base there (or was that somewhere else? I will have too look again) or maybe even a new maguuma map.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

“S2 hurtles toward an unforgettable end”

To me that says we’ll have another short block like part 1 and then that will be it for Season 2, anyone else find that? Maybe… S2 will end just after the new year then… EXPANSION?!?!?!? Well we can dream anyway lol

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: suffish.4150


“S2 hurtles toward an unforgettable end”

To me that says we’ll have another short block like part 1 and then that will be it for Season 2, anyone else find that? Maybe… S2 will end just after the new year then… EXPANSION?!?!?!? Well we can dream anyway lol

Yup that’s pretty much what is going to happen at the end of S2 I bet. I hope (like S1) the last 4 or so episodes are the best. After that, it is very unlikely we will be seeing an expansion, but probably another few months of nothing and we will be seeing season 3 starting.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Sorean.5379


The dragon at 1:23 is Mordremoth ? Because that dragon (even if far away) looks like the same size as Tequatl,I really hope Mordremoth is some kind of giant venusaur-like dragon in the middle of a swamp (or he could even be the swamp itself) and not some agile flying dragon like Tequatl.

Even Zhaitan looked like he would struggle to fly because of his weight,since he was made by a lot of smaller dragons,he shouldn’t be able to fly that fast.

No hate btw,I loved that trailer,gave me goose bumps,the living story was pretty “meh” until now,now I’m excited! I just can’t wait to see Mordremoth,because when he dies,we will be one step closer to Kralkatorrik,my favorite dragon. (Also Deep Sea Dragon,but that one looks like will not appear anytime soon)

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The dragon at 1:23 is Mordremoth….

That’s the dragon you fight at the end of Dragon’s Reach pt2.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: suffish.4150


I think the dragon at 1:23 is zhaitan. I thought it was mordy after DR: Part 2, but after looking at it it has the same look as zhaitan does in Arah story mode.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Xukavi.4320


Up until 1:30-ish the recap of what happened in LS S2 so far. So the dragon you are referring to iirc is The Shadow of the Dragon.

Elyas Wolfbane – Ranger, Xukavi – Thief

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: SpartanBlake.4925


That crystal cave towards the end reminded me of Destiny’s Vault of Glass final boss area… HOLY kitten!

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Donari.5237


They said in Points of Interest the first half would be recap, and they weren’t kidding. It’s not just recap, it’s old footage. The dragon forcing its way between plant trunks is seen several times in the fight in the Omphalos Chamber at the end of the chapter.

The flying dragon in the crystal area is from the vision the Pale Tree gives you after that fight.

The new footage with teasers for what’s to come begins with the airship.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Sorin.4310


I think the dragon at 1:23 is zhaitan. I thought it was mordy after DR: Part 2, but after looking at it it has the same look as zhaitan does in Arah story mode.

It’s Mordy’s champion that attacked the Grove. You can tell by the big bush on it’s back, which is also present in the opening instance for Sylvari.

As for the new footage, my current theory (hope) is that since it’s said glint’s sanctuary was held in a single grain of sand, what if the hourglass breaking contains the grain of sand (though I believe the single grain of sand was more metaphorical – probably more than 1 grain of sand can grant you access to it), and the crystalline structures is the Sanctuary.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Genlog.4983


all i can think off is that we maby go back in to the past to learn more about dragons
maby some weakness ??

and what about Rytlock like the king says when you beat him ad AC there more deadly things beneath his tomb ??

maby it will we swarming with ghost there poor Rytlock

so much we don’t no and so much to tell

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Pheppo.9286


Wuuuuhaaaa!!!! Looks definitly great

The flying shooting ship … epic!

Server: Riverside [DE]
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Gulesave.5073


If we are going back in time, it might be to when the dragons were last sent back to slumber. Maybe Abby’s temple played a part in it?

I should be writing.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Wetpaw.3487


“S2 hurtles toward an unforgettable end”

To me that says we’ll have another short block like part 1 and then that will be it for Season 2, anyone else find that? Maybe… S2 will end just after the new year then… EXPANSION?!?!?!? Well we can dream anyway lol

I will take a pass to this LS in hopes my lack of participation will help contribute to the numbers/data of players not taking part in this content, and will lead someday to a no LS scenario.

Expansion, hell yes!

JQ Druid

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I was curious about one of the folks in the video at about 2:10 – was he a dwarf? If so, this should get very interesting.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I was curious about one of the folks in the video at about 2:10 – was he a dwarf? If so, this should get very interesting.

That is Ogden Stonehealer from GW1. He does appear in GW2 in certain storylines. He is a dwarf who was transformed like the others, but seems to have retained his personality

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Oh neat, I am looking forward to this even more!

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: GscGunner.2419


The temple thing in the snow mountains is definately durmand priory since you can also see the asura gate a bit on the left!

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Edusd.7893


The dwarf was Ogden, he had been in the game since launch.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: caledon.1864


if we go to the past, i would really like to see pre-searing ascalon again, small change but….

i’m so ouvert, i’m covert
human thief

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: KngGilgamesh.3481


I wonder how the season will end. Season one ended with the destruction of LA and they must top that since this is a dragon waking up. The other dragons completly changed the geography of their region. (a mountain range gone, an island lifted up, a huge scar of branded corruption).

Aren’t the vines Modremoth himself? I wonder what his main body would be like. He can probably be a map itself…

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Xukavi.4320


I wonder how the season will end. Season one ended with the destruction of LA and they must top that since this is a dragon waking up. The other dragons completly changed the geography of their region. (a mountain range gone, an island lifted up, a huge scar of branded corruption).

Aren’t the vines Modremoth himself? I wonder what his main body would be like. He can probably be a map itself…

My theory is that it’ll end with Mordremoth going all and andd actually changing the geography like the other Elder Dragons did when they awoke. It’s arguable that he already has but from the PoI episode I got the feeling like they wanna actually show the destruction of the geography from when an Elder Dragon awakens in game. They seemed to be very excited about having an Elder Dragon awake during the time period that we play in. Also I hope that this sets the stage for an Expansion to the game.

Elyas Wolfbane – Ranger, Xukavi – Thief

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Copestetic.5174


I wonder how the season will end. Season one ended with the destruction of LA and they must top that since this is a dragon waking up. The other dragons completly changed the geography of their region. (a mountain range gone, an island lifted up, a huge scar of branded corruption).

Aren’t the vines Modremoth himself? I wonder what his main body would be like. He can probably be a map itself…

My theory is that it’ll end with Mordremoth going all and andd actually changing the geography like the other Elder Dragons did when they awoke. It’s arguable that he already has but from the PoI episode I got the feeling like they wanna actually show the destruction of the geography from when an Elder Dragon awakens in game. They seemed to be very excited about having an Elder Dragon awake during the time period that we play in. Also I hope that this sets the stage for an Expansion to the game.

Brother Mhenlo will be waiting for us at the docks.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Arewn.2368


Was kind of annoyed that the first 80% of the trailer was just old stuff we’ve already played, but the end bit was great.

Abandon fractal inc? :P
Also, looks like we’ll be going deeper into Dry Top, pretty sure there was some new landscape in that vid.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: tryme.6295


Is it just me or Ogden Stonehealer is no longer a ‘stone dwarf’? Around 2:05 you can see him…

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Morsus.5106


“S2 hurtles toward an unforgettable end”

To me that says we’ll have another short block like part 1 and then that will be it for Season 2, anyone else find that? Maybe… S2 will end just after the new year then… EXPANSION?!?!?!? Well we can dream anyway lol

Yup that’s pretty much what is going to happen at the end of S2 I bet. I hope (like S1) the last 4 or so episodes are the best. After that, it is very unlikely we will be seeing an expansion, but probably another few months of nothing and we will be seeing season 3 starting.

And then 4 episodes, then months of waiting, then 4 episodes then season 4.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Xukavi.4320


Is it just me or Ogden Stonehealer is no longer a ‘stone dwarf’? Around 2:05 you can see him…

Ogden Stonehealer has been in the game sine launch and he still is a stone dwarf. You can tell by how he looks like he’s made of stone. He shows up a few times in the PS if you do missions dealing with the Durman Priory as he is apparently helping them with providing knowledge about the past.

Elyas Wolfbane – Ranger, Xukavi – Thief

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


Not sure where Marjory and Kasmeer are with all that crystal around them, but it reminds me of the Facet of Light.

Looks like some interesting events might be happening with part two.

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


GDI… more Kasory? geez.. Just when I thought we were moving away from the fail that is DE 2.0

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The crystal cavern looks very much like Glint’s secret lair from GW1, although that’s all the way over in the Crystal Desert. It might instead be another secret redoubt made by her (or perhaps her child), hidden somewhere in Dry Top. (Which from the trailer looks like we’ll be revisiting, with possibly a new area of the map expanded.)

There’s also a new kind of monster we’ll be facing, it seems.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


Had a crazy thought regarding what might be going on – but I had it in a GuildMag discussion, so I’m just going to say I had it for now and give it a chance to go in the GM speculation website article unspoilt (unless someone else has the same thought, in which case I’ll acknowledge it if I see it) so that if someone else does have the same thought between now and then, I can use this post as evidence that it was concurrent thinking rather than cribbing off someone else’s. :P

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well WoodenPotato has a video on the new video

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


What we see in the video is the heroes of the Living Story approaching Ogden at the Priory, looking through a storeroom of artifacts, and opening up an hourglass.

We also see the Living Story heroes traveling to a crystal area.

I believe…..
This crystal area is the same place where heroes defended the Baby Dragon in Guild Wars.

Ogden transports the heroes to the Dragon’s Lair by breaking open the hourglass.

Why I think this:
“Glint, known as Keeper of the Flameseeker Prophecies, Protector of the Forgotten, Foe of the Lich Lord, and Downfall of the Titans, is an ancient dragon prophet living within a single grain of sand in the Crystal Desert.”

living within a single grain of sand

You see the Living hero stories speaking with Ogden, and looking through priory artifacts and breaking open an hourglass and getting sucked in.

I would be willing to bet that the hourglass contains the sands that contain the dragon’s lair.

The stone dwarves were the ones defending Glint’s offspring.

…and it would only make sense that Ogden was still protecting the secret whereabouts of the dragon. And he has the sand safely stored away in an hourglass with him at the priory.

The place where the baby is located, though different than Glint’s Lair, is also inside a grain of sand

“The dragon child is safe inside a fortress… a tiny shard of sand within the massive Crystal Desert” – Consular Brand Oakencask


Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


Something to be aware of here – Edge of Destiny revealed that the ‘contained within a single grain of sand’ was a lie, concocted in order to discourage people from looking and to fool those who did try into looking for the wrong thing. It actually consists of billions of grains of sand which, when properly invoked, form the sanctum.

It’s possible that the sand in the hourglass is also linked to Glint, and thus that the sand can be used to invoke a sanctuary (or a portal to one) but the ‘contained within a single grain of sand’ part was a lie. If the hourglass is acting as a portal, it’s probably using ALL the sand in the hourglass to do so, not just a single grain.

(Additionally, the stone dwarves weren’t the defenders – the Brotherhood of the Dragon were. Since the Brotherhood were dwarves that turned to stone after the Ritual, then they were stone dwarves – but defending the child was only a priority for the Brotherhood, not for the stone dwarves as a whole. Ogden was not a member, although it is plausible that he has since learned some of their secrets.)

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: ThaSlayer.8573


The ceiling of the Abaddon temple has the same 6 orbs with different symbols surrounding a middle one with a world inside. Maybe Abaddon was behind the Elder dragons following the gods to Tyria from their own.

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: KngGilgamesh.3481


Had a crazy thought regarding what might be going on – but I had it in a GuildMag discussion, so I’m just going to say I had it for now and give it a chance to go in the GM speculation website article unspoilt (unless someone else has the same thought, in which case I’ll acknowledge it if I see it) so that if someone else does have the same thought between now and then, I can use this post as evidence that it was concurrent thinking rather than cribbing off someone else’s. :P

Can’t you use this for any thought whether its yours or not?

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: Donari.5237


Another point on Ogden, he has a little cave or dug-out house below the priory, it’s a POI. For all I know it’s a huge complex, actually, you get the POI without being able to go through the door. Perhaps that will be where we see that hourglass?

Living World new video!

in Living World

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


The ceiling of the Abaddon temple has the same 6 orbs with different symbols surrounding a middle one with a world inside. Maybe Abaddon was behind the Elder dragons following the gods to Tyria from their own.

Lord and master of buthurt, Abbadon…. wasn’t allowed to play with the other gods…. and got beaten by humans….. so called forth the dragons as part of the ultimate assdamaged scheme.