Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: panzer.6034


They never fail to make an event with weapons skins. Lord, i hope that these aren’t the one’s we’re getting:

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: Electro.4173


They look like water daggers.

There are no water weapons in the game (well, the Krait and Orrian weapons drip, but they aren’t made of water or anything). I really hope they are water weapons and that they are the ones we’re getting, because that would be pretty unique.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: JerekLo.5893


Hey if I get Krait light sabers out of this, I’m good. That is all.

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Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: Exosferatu.2961


Did they mention that they are giving out more weapon skins? No.


Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: panzer.6034


Did they mention that they are giving out more weapon skins? No.

They also don’t mention that there will be an instance to fight mobs in. Care to bet if that will appear next patch?

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: Marquie Thomas.1873

Marquie Thomas.1873

Did they mention that they are giving out more weapon skins? No.

You do know that when they were about to introduce the halloween update the preview page was bare to the bone with out even so much as a video i doubt every thing has ben reveled about the patch on the preview page so chances for skin are high also the new halloween costumes were just put out and i don’t think the preview page even said any thing about them

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: Exosferatu.2961


Did they mention that they are giving out more weapon skins? No.

They also don’t mention that there will be an instance to fight mobs in. Care to bet if that will appear next patch?

Kessex Hills is an instance itself LMAO. The areas in Guild Wars 2 are instanced already, that’s why there are portals and loading screens when you enter them. Every area is also perfectly resembles square. Keep your gold to yourself and I’ll keep mine.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: panzer.6034


Did they mention that they are giving out more weapon skins? No.

They also don’t mention that there will be an instance to fight mobs in. Care to bet if that will appear next patch?

Kessex Hills is an instance itself LMAO. The areas in Guild Wars 2 are instanced already, that’s why there are portals and loading screens when you enter them. Every area is also perfectly resembles square. Keep your gold to yourself and I’ll keep mine.

So you clearly understood my point that having a story update without weapons skins is about as likely as having one without instances. Gotcha

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: Exosferatu.2961


Did they mention that they are giving out more weapon skins? No.

They also don’t mention that there will be an instance to fight mobs in. Care to bet if that will appear next patch?

Kessex Hills is an instance itself LMAO. The areas in Guild Wars 2 are instanced already, that’s why there are portals and loading screens when you enter them. Every area is also perfectly resembles square. Keep your gold to yourself and I’ll keep mine.

So you clearly understood my point that having a story update without weapons skins is about as likely as having one without instances. Gotcha

There were no weapon skins in Cutthroat Politics, Skypirates of Tyria, and Flame and Frost: Retribution.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: panzer.6034


Did they mention that they are giving out more weapon skins? No.

They also don’t mention that there will be an instance to fight mobs in. Care to bet if that will appear next patch?

Kessex Hills is an instance itself LMAO. The areas in Guild Wars 2 are instanced already, that’s why there are portals and loading screens when you enter them. Every area is also perfectly resembles square. Keep your gold to yourself and I’ll keep mine.

So you clearly understood my point that having a story update without weapons skins is about as likely as having one without instances. Gotcha

There were no weapon skins in Cutthroat Politics, Skypirates of Tyria, and Flame and Frost: Retribution.

Cutthroat was part of the Zephyr story that gave us Aetherized weapons. Skypirates involved them crashing Dragon Bash where they gave out Jade weapons. The Flame and Frost story arc concluded in Fused weapons. This new tower thing is a new story arc, thus, new skins.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


Those daggers (or so I suppose they are) look pretty amazing, in my opinion, especially in the context of the dark, toxic-looking environment. Whether we can get these ourselves or not, I hope to see more of them.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: skullmount.1758


This new tower thing is a new story arc, thus, new skins.

Or so you think. You know its gonna involve Scarlet somehow, which means its still part of the whole arc from this year (since she supposedly orchestrated each of those events).

Darkhaven server
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Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: locoman.1974


Did they mention that they are giving out more weapon skins? No.

They also don’t mention that there will be an instance to fight mobs in. Care to bet if that will appear next patch?

Kessex Hills is an instance itself LMAO. The areas in Guild Wars 2 are instanced already, that’s why there are portals and loading screens when you enter them. Every area is also perfectly resembles square. Keep your gold to yourself and I’ll keep mine.

There’s a difference between “instance” and “zone” (and this game uses both, BTW). When it comes to MMO, instanced means that there are several copies existing at the same time, each with its own caracteristics and situations. A dungeon, for example, is an instance since there’s one copy of the dungeon for every party doing it. An overflow map is also an instance. Districts in GW1 and every explorable area were instances as well.

Portals and loading screens don’t mean something it’s an instance, it means that it’s a zone (it’s zoned, not necesarely instanced). Basically the way it works is that the game divides the entire world in zones that can be loaded independently, so that it doesn’t have to overload the memory by loading the entire world at once. Every MMO does that, the difference is that some (GW2, AoC, TSW…) create portals to go between zones and load the entire zone when you cross them, others (WoW, LotR, Vanguard…) stream it as you go, each aproach has its advantages and disadvantages.

I don’t know how it is these days, but back when I played WoW I remember that when we got the fast flying mounts they were actually too fast for the streaming to keep pace… if you kept going and stopped you had to wait a little bit for the system to finish loading nearby enemies and features (trees, nodes, stuff like that), which made people get used to a “go – stop – go – stop” way to fly when they were looking for gathering nodes or enemies from the air.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: panzer.6034


This new tower thing is a new story arc, thus, new skins.

Or so you think. You know its gonna involve Scarlet somehow, which means its still part of the whole arc from this year (since she supposedly orchestrated each of those events).

Calling the whole thing an arc or each monthly 2-parter an arc is just a matter of semantics. My point is that every monthly 2-part story “segment” has come with weapons skins since Fused came out. If november passes with no new weapons skins, i’ll eat my hat.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Actually, those weapons the Krait are wielding look like the new Twilight Aetherblade weapon skins.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Actually, those weapons the Krait are wielding look like the new Twilight Aetherblade weapon skins.

Which means that Scarlet—bless her soul—will definitely be back to troll us. Some days I truly love ArenaNet and the amount of QQ they can make happen. Glorious!

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Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: panzer.6034


Actually, those weapons the Krait are wielding look like the new Twilight Aetherblade weapon skins.

Those swords don’t look like the Aetherized Nightmare swords to me.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


They look like the daggers though. When drawn, the particle effects almost completely cover the dagger.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: panzer.6034


The dagger looks even less like the weapon in the pic, IMO. You can see the whole dagger with the Aetherized Nightmare version. Plus, the krait version has spiny bits on the guard and pommel.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Yeah, after looking again at the weapons, you’re right. The particle effects on the pommel and crossguard that Crying Thorn has is missing from the Krait weapons.

Come to think of it, the blades actually look holographic… More of Scarlet’s tech?

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: skullmount.1758


This new tower thing is a new story arc, thus, new skins.

Or so you think. You know its gonna involve Scarlet somehow, which means its still part of the whole arc from this year (since she supposedly orchestrated each of those events).

Calling the whole thing an arc or each monthly 2-parter an arc is just a matter of semantics. My point is that every monthly 2-part story “segment” has come with weapons skins since Fused came out. If november passes with no new weapons skins, i’ll eat my hat.

Hadn’t thought of it, but yeah each monthly “segment” has had at least one new weapon skin in it, though pretty much half of them were all locked in RNG chests. This current only only had the 5 new ones though, unless they add more in the Nightmare Tower patch.

Darkhaven server
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Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: panzer.6034


Ahhhh. New patch comes and we have… more glowy blue kitten…

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Hehe. Feeling vindicated there panzer.6034?

At least this is for the most part better looking glowy blue kitten than was previously released. My main problem is that it’s too necro/Sylvari to be used by any of my characters. Well, not really a problem then I guess…

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Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: panzer.6034


Meh. In a way it’s nice since i can just skip this set entirely.

Nightmare Tower: aka, More Glowy Blue Kitten

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Speaking for myself, I always support more planty weapons. Not sure if they’re worth a Black Lion ticket though… (The Marjory/Kasmeer weapons, on the other hand… _)