Overflow servers became annoying ... Why?
Overflows created within 10 minutes of the invasion start will always have an invasion event. The events always start at the hour, give or take a minute. So if you make sure you’re ready to waypoint when the invasion goes live, you are guaranteed to get into an overflow that has the event going on (unless you take longer than 10 minutes to load the map).
If you get into an overflow that doesn’t have the event, it simply means that overflow was created more than 10 minutes after the invasion start and you were too slow.
Overflows created within 10 minutes of the invasion start will always have an invasion event. The events always start at the hour, give or take a minute. So if you make sure you’re ready to waypoint when the invasion goes live, you are guaranteed to get into an overflow that has the event going on (unless you take longer than 10 minutes to load the map).
If you get into an overflow that doesn’t have the event, it simply means that overflow was created more than 10 minutes after the invasion start and you were too slow.
You are incorrect. When the invasion goes ‘live’ (and even if you join in the first 10 minutes), there is no guarantee that you will be placed into an overflow in which the event is starting. It is supposed to place you into an overflow with a live event but I found that, more often than not, it places you into an eventless overflow.
Interesting. This never happened to me, yet I always map after about 5 minutes of the invasion start. I always join an overflow with an ongoing invasion event.
I so tired of people saying that the Overflow servers support the LS after 10 minutes.
The fact and practical reality is, that that is simply not the kitten case!!
I can’t count how many times I’ve been put into a deactivated overflow, and it is extremely frustrating and disappointing. Anet, take note!
guest to another server. try ET if you’re on NA server.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
I think out of about 100 tries, I have only gotten into one (yes, one) overflow that actually has an event. The other 99 have all said “Not active in this overflow.”
I don’t mind being in an overflow if I am doing random hearts, DEs or whatever, but if the “main event” doesn’t pop in the overflows, what’s the point of trying? Hanging out and watching the LS list on your UI is the only option for even having a chance to get in on the event itself.
I wonder how many people are actually being left out because the events don’t “overflow” with the people doing them.
Because of this issue, I will more than likely not be able to even finish the meta achievements for this LS.
Good job, folks… /endsarcasm
Events should be designed to work on overflow server period!!! It’s poor design to create events that leave players hanging, who can’t play or complete them. I’ve been kicked from events when I died and ported to a waypoint only to end up on a overflow server where the event wasn’t running, losing rewards and 20-25 mins of time!!!
i have never gotten this problem for all the overflows i have joined within the 10 min limit.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
I was in an event at the end at Scarlet, and then had a client crash dew to massive players or something sent to the send error report popup only to log back in in the exact same spot in an overflow where the event was not taking place, this was my first time at this event. This is a massive problem, the cost in silver is for ports and repairs is too high just to loose out at the big payoff at the end. There needs to be some sort of memory catch or something that remembers players that were in events and got disconnected so there placed back into the proper instance to finish the event. Particularly for these limited time events.
Maybe its a difference in worlds and server groups. Im in EU – Gandara and I have never joined a overflow within 10 minutes of an event starting and not seen the event.
Iv even joined many maps 30 mins late to find myself in a overflow well into the second or third stage of the event. I might just be lucky, but I havnt a complaint on this since a few days after the invasions started.
I’ve actually gotten to participate in the event maybe one third of the time I have attempted it. It is a bit frustrating. I don’t play that often much anymore, so when it happens, I just sign off and go play something else.