Please stop rushing content down, ANet?
I would love to see lot lot more but I ok with 2-3 big update each month
Actually, half of the updates (those at the beginning of each month) DO last for 1 whole month. The other half (those in the middle of the month) last for 2 weeks but have easy and quick achievements that can be done in 2-3 hours of gameplay.
The argument that some players are getting an advantage over others with AP is not serious I hope. 2% more karma and 3% more copper ohhhh overpowered! Not.
(edited by Breaking Bad.6241)
Tequatl is permanent, the new path is permanent. the last 2 update have been permanent so this thread doesnt make sense right now
First of all: There is a lot of stuff, that will come back: Halloween, Wintersday, SAB, Jubilee and according to an interview perhaps even the sanctum. At least in SAB you have the chance to do the missing achievements from the last relase now. I would guess, that this might happen to the other things too, just with a few additional stuff.
Temporary dungeons might come back as fractals and since the last patches they added more and more stuff that stays ingame: Tequatl/World Boss tweaks, Ascended Weapons, Scarlet Invasions and so on.
Arenanet decided to do it this way and we all know it since several month.
And why should a little bit of extra XP/Karma/MF really give an unfair advantage? they don’t give you more fighting stats and at least MF is much easier to get by salvaging blue/greens/ectos, than by farming AP. And Karma+XP doesn’t really matter, cause you get both more then enough and a few % difference aren’t game changing.
Of course it is always sad, if you miss an event (that actually happened to me twice), but you can still read what was going on and catch up with the story.
What’s this rant about? For me it seems pretty good. We’re getting something new, not a tooootal grand content, but at least new. It’s permanenkittens with lore of GW2 and it’s not a temporary festival. Good update, why not?
I consider myself a casual player and haven’t had much trouble keeping up with the achievements I want. there have been a few that were too time intensive for me but not the majority. Overall I am happy with the pace. It keep the game exciting and new.
They do Living Story because it’s an opportunity to bring new items to Gem Store so more people would buy gems for real cash. They don’t know that new expansion would attract more people to spend real money:P
Tequatl is permanent, the new path is permanent. the last 2 update have been permanent so this thread doesnt make sense right now
Is the new path confirmed as permanent? I hope so, I love seeing the amount of overall content grow.
sadly you cant make everyone happy, back in Jan it was once a month. Everyone did the content in 1 day maybe a week. Left and came back the following month for the next update. This was no good, they need ppl actively in the game making the servers look full and alive with ppl spending money on TP. Now the content is more permanent, ya the boss week achieves wont be here in 2 week but tech waddle owning everyone will. Yes the patches would prob be better with more time but like i stated before, you cant let ppl take too long of a break and only come during patches and leave.
On another note:
i don’t understand why ppl feel the game needs to revolve around their schedule? either you have time for the game or you don’t, either one is fine, there’s no fees, there’s no worries. The only thing making you aggravated is your own completionist attitude
(edited by Kingmutez.4931)
It’s a design implementation for the microtranscation route. Anet is largely run by ncsoft, and ncsoft is about making money, they are a business first and foremost.
So take a look at microtransaction, it needs to be inside a free to play game (outside of game retail price) in order to maintain. The primary rule is to never sell power, a pay-to-win option and they migfht of accidently drifted there with the infinite coin.
So by making sure players come on everyday, they are more likely to eventually purchase soemthing from the store, and once someone does that, they’re invested into the game and will continue to make those purchases.
The RNG boxes keep existing because players feel like purchasing them, the gamble route, hey I can win a 100g for almost $1. It sounds good in theory, but you will always lose and that becomes abusive.
It’s the same for the LS concept. If they make new content every 2 weeks, no matter how bad they may seem, they also attach new gemstore items. You as an invested player will come online to do the new content and work towards the new AP but that also means some of those players will purchase the new items, even if they are essentially useless, was that boombox purchase really necessary? no, but you bought it because you were invested and wanted something to play with.
If people would stop allowing abusive microtransaction from taking place, you may end up with either compelling gameplay or a broken game.
Just, don’t make purchases unless you fully enjoy the new content but also remember that gemstore purchases go to ncsoft not anet and ncsoft can do anything with that money, like put it towards wildstar, a game that essentially will draw players away for a WoW clone.
Here’s how I look at it….
If its all Temporary, then I won’t care much for the October 1st update, because all it does is add a new path to an already existing dungeon that will last for a grand total of about 28 days. Why spend the months of hard work on something that is only temporary? I will play it for about a day, depending on how hard the content is, then probaly forget it ever existed in two weeks, like much of the other Living Story/World.
Whether you play it or not is your own thing, but the fact that I absolutely have to log on every time an update is sneezed out to understand the story (also load up the guildwars2 webpage to read out of game short stories), just spells out ‘FORCED’ with great big letters to me.
If Anet is going to atleast put some sort of Living Story overview in the game somewhere, then the content wont feel so forced anymore, and I wouldn’t mind it at all because I wont have to log in every other week just to keep up with the story and other players. Since that wont be happening any time soon, I don’t care for the these updates all that much (also, Achievement Points don’t matter much to me, since the time it take to get those rewards you would have gotten ten times that amount just playing the game (except for a pitiful boost to experience, karma, magic find, and gold, and also some weapon and armor skins. Im not going to miss those!)
If its Permanent, which some people seem to point to, then Great! I’ll get to it when I get to it. It might be in October, It might be July next year, whenever. I will go enjoy the story when I want to go enjoy the story, not when someone else tells me I have to. I Enjoyed the Gw2 Personal Story, and I remember characters like Tybalt Leftpaw really well, because no one was trying to force the character down our throats. Scarlet? I still don’t know what she’s all about. Canach? wth ever happened to him? What about…whoever, it was that, we captured in the Aetherblade retreat? Ellen? So, since she’s been elected to that position, she’s gone from the Living World for now? if so, GREAT! I was getting tired of getting her story shoved in our faces, and constantly stealing the spotlight from the players anyways!
If Guild Wars 2 is a Great game (which I and other people generally think it is), then let the game speak for itself and stand on its own, leave worrys about player numbers, $$$ from the gem store, and the temporary illusion of full servers every other tuesday out of the equation.
Here’s how I look at it….
If its all Temporary, then I won’t care much for the October 1st update, because all it does is add a new path to an already existing dungeon that will last for a grand total of about 28 days. Why spend the months of hard work on something that is only temporary? I will play it for about a day, depending on how hard the content is, then probaly forget it ever existed in two weeks, like much of the other Living Story/World.
Whether you play it or not is your own thing, but the fact that I absolutely have to log on every time an update is sneezed out to understand the story (also load up the guildwars2 webpage to read out of game short stories), just spells out ‘FORCED’ with great big letters to me.
If Anet is going to atleast put some sort of Living Story overview in the game somewhere, then the content wont feel so forced anymore, and I wouldn’t mind it at all because I wont have to log in every other week just to keep up with the story and other players. Since that wont be happening any time soon, I don’t care for the these updates all that much (also, Achievement Points don’t matter much to me, since the time it take to get those rewards you would have gotten ten times that amount just playing the game (except for a pitiful boost to experience, karma, magic find, and gold, and also some weapon and armor skins. Im not going to miss those!)
If its Permanent, which some people seem to point to, then Great! I’ll get to it when I get to it. It might be in October, It might be July next year, whenever. I will go enjoy the story when I want to go enjoy the story, not when someone else tells me I have to. I Enjoyed the Gw2 Personal Story, and I remember characters like Tybalt Leftpaw really well, because no one was trying to force the character down our throats. Scarlet? I still don’t know what she’s all about. Canach? wth ever happened to him? What about…whoever, it was that, we captured in the Aetherblade retreat? Ellen? So, since she’s been elected to that position, she’s gone from the Living World for now? if so, GREAT! I was getting tired of getting her story shoved in our faces, and constantly stealing the spotlight from the players anyways!
If Guild Wars 2 is a Great game (which I and other people generally think it is), then let the game speak for itself and stand on its own, leave worrys about player numbers, $$$ from the gem store, and the temporary illusion of full servers every other tuesday out of the equation.
I agree so much with you. I really like the Guild Wars world, I’ve liked it since Prophecies but I think it’s important to add, this world doesn’t feel immersive anymore. There are no secrets and honestly, you’re not the hero because there’s a big army of flooded people trying to get through the short term content with you, so you feel like a number. I remember doing a poll early on about short term content after the first one-time scheduled event happened, I think it was a dragon attacking places or something. Since the world of GW2 was still new to me I put on that poll that I’d like to see new short term events, this poll won and what emerged was the living story we all know and… love? I think it’s great that anet pushed the boundries and tried something incredibley new but honestly, Guild Wars 2 has become my least frequently played MMO because I just can’t handle the constant new temporary content. The only permanent thing we’ve been getting at the end of it is backpacks, and after awhile, they’re going to fill up our inventory because they’re bound.
Now, back in the day, the most similar thing to this system was the Guild Wars 1 Holiday events and the hats /costumes. The best thing about this was you could get the hat/item on any character or all of your characters, and if you didn’t have the space for it, it was documented by the hat keeper and you could drop the hat in the bottomless trashcan and if your whim decided it wanted it back, it only cost a few coins.
So, to make sense of what I’m trying to say, I’m saying is if anet is not going to return to permanent content like they had in gw1, they should have better methods of reaping the permanent rewards.
- Step 1: Halve the rate of releases. Make it once per month like it originally was. That was a good rate of releases.
- Step 2: Keep the amount of content, but reduce the gimmicky achievements that’s basically do New Content X a number of times, and do Old Content Y with this alteration. Those aren’t very enjoyable.
- Step 3: Put more polish and plot revelations into the updates.
- Step 4: ???
- Step 5: Profit for everyone.
This said, I generally agree with the general feel of this thread from what I’ve seen. Living Story is going in the wrong direction, and it’s hurting. I’ve been a steady player since June 2006 and I love the game and put a lot of work and effort into the community since I joined it, and even I’m getting tempted to call it quits on this game. Can’t imagine how it is for folks who aren’t as dedicated to the Guild Wars series feel.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.