Potentially Unnoticed Season 2 Information;
Oh no, not Trahearne again -_-’
Son of Elonia.
theres alot of juicy info in there that could be considered spoilers so be advised.
that said, thanks for bringing attention to this.
There’s some interesting information in there.
And did anyone notice the name of the image of Eir and the Charr? Jamie_Ro_cover_concept_art. What cover is/was it planned for? Are we getting a new GW2 novel?
Oh no, not Trahearne again -_-’
Now, now, he can’t die unless we bring him back in . . .
Please let Trahearne turn bad so we can kill his worthless glory stealing kitten!
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Disrupting the economy
Racial prejudice
Well if this is true its very, very disappointing news. Two of those things are low fantasy issues that are found in real life and the third is the return of a much hated character.
My god did they not learn anything from season 1?!?? Its time for the Sylvari to take a step back and not be in the limelight for a change. I have a sylvari character and I’m sick of my race being in the thick of it. Give us a break!
Also how about some high fantasy stories?! like a search for an ancient magical artifact, or strange and wondrous creatures terrorizing the land, or some mysterious figure of power that commands a legion of undead. A bunch of traders disrupting the economy is such a lame idea, followed by a social story of racial prejudice.
BOOOooooo so boring. And why not lets bring back Trahearne to really make it terrible.
Disrupting the economy
Racial prejudice
Trahearne.Well if this is true its very, very disappointing news. Two of those things are low fantasy issues that are found in real life and the third is the return of a much hated character.
My god did they not learn anything from season 1?!?? Its time for the Sylvari to take a step back and not be in the limelight for a change. I have a sylvari character and I’m sick of my race being in the thick of it. Give us a break!
Also how about some high fantasy stories?! like a search for an ancient magical artifact, or strange and wondrous creatures terrorizing the land, or some mysterious figure of power that commands a legion of undead. A bunch of traders disrupting the economy is such a lame idea, followed by a social story of racial prejudice.
BOOOooooo so boring. And why not lets bring back Trahearne to really make it terrible.
Get out of my brain! It’s mine!
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Other than the Sylvari facing prejudice because of Scarlet, which we learned about just now during the festival, we found out about all the other stuff during the epilogue for s1.
We learned about the bandit activity during the meeting the at Dead End bar, since Marjory’s sister is a member of the Seraph going to investigate, and Laranthir was at LA during the epilogue. He’s the npc that gave the summery of what had happened to the place, and he gave alittle information of why he was there.
(edited by Erukk.1408)
Nothing new here. In fact, it’s actually a little inaccurate, as IIRC Laranthir didn’t petition Trahearne for an airship, he came with one.
Personally, the only thing that I think is really a hint as to where things are going is the reference to Brisban. Laranthir’s presence in LA seems to be mostly ArenaNet deciding to acknowledge that the Pact exists in the Living Story again, and the sylvari prejudice stuff is probably just ambience that’s unlikely to really go anywhere – it’s natural that Scarlet’s actions will make people less trusting of sylvari in general, but I doubt we’re going to see a playable race barred from LA, nor do I think the sentiment is strong enough to see disgruntled LA citizens marching on Caledon Forest. At worst, I could see pressure to abandon Bay Haven, but that seems a little too small-scale for Living World unless it conveniently sets up for someone else taking over the haven.
From ArenaNet’s perspective, tactically speaking it’s probably just a method of addressing the complaint about the sylvari being a universally loved Mary Sue race in a credible fashion without a retcon.
It might develop into something more serious if the ‘sylvari are freed dragon minions’ theory proves to be correct, as such a revelation would likely turn suspicion of sylvari up to 11. However, I personally don’t place much stock in that theory – I’m mentioning it for relevance, but I don’t think ArenaNet is going in that direction.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I’m really looking forward to seeing how they develop the anti-sylvari sentiments. I guess I should actually get a move on and finish my personal story – if they’re bring Trahearne back in, they’re probably going to make a concrete decision on PS/LW chronology.
I just hope we get my favorite enemy back. White Mantle leading us to the return of the Mursaat!
Disrupting the economy
Racial prejudice
Trahearne.Well if this is true its very, very disappointing news. Two of those things are low fantasy issues that are found in real life and the third is the return of a much hated character.
My god did they not learn anything from season 1?!?? Its time for the Sylvari to take a step back and not be in the limelight for a change. I have a sylvari character and I’m sick of my race being in the thick of it. Give us a break!
Also how about some high fantasy stories?! like a search for an ancient magical artifact, or strange and wondrous creatures terrorizing the land, or some mysterious figure of power that commands a legion of undead. A bunch of traders disrupting the economy is such a lame idea, followed by a social story of racial prejudice.
BOOOooooo so boring. And why not lets bring back Trahearne to really make it terrible.
Watch Log Horizon.
Okay when I read this “Mere moments after Scarlet drew her final breath, the roar of an Elder Dragon was heard across Tyria. The citizens of the world don’t know it yet, but their new threat lies to the west, in Magus Falls.” I started searching around on the wiki.
I came across this page: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magus_Falls As the pages states Magus Falls existed of “Magus Stones and The Falls” I investigated further and came across the page about Rata Sum: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Rata_Sum
Now what I’ve noticed and I hope I am right
is that I think we are finally getting Polymock!!!! :P
A quick overview of the Polymock Quest Chain states:
Hoff is the champion in Polymock who recides in Rata Sum. He is the last opponent of the Polymock quest chain. Hoff will give your character three Polymock starter pieces so that you may begin playing.
Yes Hoff is ofcourse dead, but it could be that he passed his skills on to his children
How is any of this related?
Heh, I wrote this! I just want to remind everyone that this information is by no means official, at least, no more official that anything else that appears on the wiki. The information on that article is simply a compilation of things that have appeared in-game, online, or elsewhere, and as such none of it is “new”. The wiki is written and maintained by players, and anyone is capable of adding or changing information on it—including you! For information on how to help, see the wiki page on editing.
Disrupting the economy
Racial prejudice
Trahearne.Well if this is true its very, very disappointing news. Two of those things are low fantasy issues that are found in real life and the third is the return of a much hated character.
My god did they not learn anything from season 1?!?? Its time for the Sylvari to take a step back and not be in the limelight for a change. I have a sylvari character and I’m sick of my race being in the thick of it. Give us a break!
Also how about some high fantasy stories?! like a search for an ancient magical artifact, or strange and wondrous creatures terrorizing the land, or some mysterious figure of power that commands a legion of undead. A bunch of traders disrupting the economy is such a lame idea, followed by a social story of racial prejudice.
BOOOooooo so boring. And why not lets bring back Trahearne to really make it terrible.
Watch Log Horizon.
Everyone should watch Log Horizon, all time great suggestion right here. +infinity
Please let Trahearne turn bad so we can kill his worthless glory stealing kitten!
I give you so many +1 for that =p
Would make my day to kick his backside
Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
Just in case some of you hadn’t read it
Taken from Wiki; http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World_season_2And at Fort Trinity, in Orr, Laranthir of the Wild, having heard tell of a connection between Scarlet and the dragons, has petitioned Marshal Trahearne of the Pact to send an airship to Lion’s Arch to investigate.
Oh… I hope that the airship gets attacked by a dragon and everyone but Trahearne survives.
Or maybe he could be gravely injured, and the playable character is forced to kill him in an act of mercy. However, as it is quite cold, he is recycled for firewood. Everyone then sits next to the campfire and has emotional flashbacks of the personal story, to the tune of ‘Fear Not this Night’.
Then everyone has a healthy salad in his honour.
He won’t die. He’s a major character in the personal story, and anet won’t destroy the “continuity” by having him die.
Disrupting the economy
Racial prejudice
Trahearne.Well if this is true its very, very disappointing news. Two of those things are low fantasy issues that are found in real life and the third is the return of a much hated character.
My god did they not learn anything from season 1?!?? Its time for the Sylvari to take a step back and not be in the limelight for a change. I have a sylvari character and I’m sick of my race being in the thick of it. Give us a break!
Also how about some high fantasy stories?! like a search for an ancient magical artifact, or strange and wondrous creatures terrorizing the land, or some mysterious figure of power that commands a legion of undead. A bunch of traders disrupting the economy is such a lame idea, followed by a social story of racial prejudice.
BOOOooooo so boring. And why not lets bring back Trahearne to really make it terrible.
That’s the MO of the Living Story writing: subversive writing that tackles social justice issues. The high fantasy, the epic adventures, those things come second to duplicating social justice stories in Tyria.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see the black market story intersect with Kasmeer’s sob story, maybe even Marjory’s history as a Ministry Guard and her run in with E. It also fits in with Consortium plots and Evon Gnashblade, he might be on top right now but that just means he can be knocked down again.
To be fair, this wiki article was written by a player just like anyone else. They have just formatted and interpreted the information we’ve all been given and thrown it onto a wiki page. It’s not even written in usual wiki style, it seems to be taking a slant and uses much more flowery language than would be normal for an article intended to document the game.
Hopefully they’ll stick to minor story lines like this for the living world and not waste time making more substantial living world content. I dislike limited content that I can only play/replay in a short period (particularly if I’m away at the time) – IMO Arenanet would be much better off producing permanent expansion content (larger, extra maps, big variety of new enemies etc.): it would be better for the fans and better for them as a business most likely.
Also how about some high fantasy stories?!
That’s the MO of the Living Story writing: subversive writing that tackles social justice issues. The high fantasy, the epic adventures, those things come second to duplicating social justice stories in Tyria.
I agree with you, because that’s how it feels when I’m playing the game.
Does Anet want recognition for addressing real world problems in a MMO. “Hey look at us! we’re educating people on corruption, prejudiced, sexual diversity, labour exploitation. Pat us on the back please for being thought provoking!”
I get enough of those issues every time I watch the news or open a newspaper or just walk out the door in the morning, then I choose to spend some time escaping from that in a fantasy game. But oh no, that has to follow me there as well.
I wish they would drop all that and let me participate on some epic adventure where me (the hero, not Trahearne or Kiel) overcomes the odds to take down some almighty foe. I make friends and companions along the way, twists and turns, ups and downs. I’m sick of being a tourist on some lesson in morality.
blah blah blah..
Watch Log Horizon.
So I went and watched a bit of it. What am I looking for? Its about some kids that get trapped in an MMO. Interesting and entertaining concept.
Anyway I hope this next living story starts of with a bang and its nothing like: “please collect 20 samples of that thorn over there…”
Disrupting the economy
Racial prejudice
Trahearne.Well if this is true its very, very disappointing news. Two of those things are low fantasy issues that are found in real life and the third is the return of a much hated character.
My god did they not learn anything from season 1?!?? Its time for the Sylvari to take a step back and not be in the limelight for a change. I have a sylvari character and I’m sick of my race being in the thick of it. Give us a break!
Also how about some high fantasy stories?! like a search for an ancient magical artifact, or strange and wondrous creatures terrorizing the land, or some mysterious figure of power that commands a legion of undead. A bunch of traders disrupting the economy is such a lame idea, followed by a social story of racial prejudice.
BOOOooooo so boring. And why not lets bring back Trahearne to really make it terrible.
so basically elona
Disrupting the economy
Racial prejudice
Trahearne.Well if this is true its very, very disappointing news. Two of those things are low fantasy issues that are found in real life and the third is the return of a much hated character.
My god did they not learn anything from season 1?!?? Its time for the Sylvari to take a step back and not be in the limelight for a change. I have a sylvari character and I’m sick of my race being in the thick of it. Give us a break!
Also how about some high fantasy stories?! like a search for an ancient magical artifact, or strange and wondrous creatures terrorizing the land, or some mysterious figure of power that commands a legion of undead. A bunch of traders disrupting the economy is such a lame idea, followed by a social story of racial prejudice.
BOOOooooo so boring. And why not lets bring back Trahearne to really make it terrible.
so basically elona
Well if what I described is Elona, then Elona is what I want. Do they have good writers in Elona that aren’t fixated on boring moral issues.
I can’t wait for the 2nd to see what exciting new things they have drummed up for us.
Trahearne is coming back?
Good, i hope Mordy grabs him, rips him to pieces and munches on him.
Give us Mounts, Anet! Pretty Please with Chocolate, Whipped Cream, Cherry and Mayonnaise? d^_^b
Also how about some high fantasy stories?!
That’s the MO of the Living Story writing: subversive writing that tackles social justice issues. The high fantasy, the epic adventures, those things come second to duplicating social justice stories in Tyria.
I agree with you, because that’s how it feels when I’m playing the game.
It hasn’t for me, and I still scratch my head when people bring that up. (It’s not all that often if I’m not on the forums.) No, what it’s felt like . . . at worst . . . is being Sansa watching all the interesting characters do their thing knowing I’m “safe”. At best it’s been like being Ser Jorah bring indispensable to the characters doing things but not really doing much to change them.
There’s been no agency for the player characters, aside from being “valued” but not having anything valuable to do on their own accord. Always with someone else. A few times it made sense, some others it was “okay, I can roll with it” and a few times it was “get the heck out of my way and let me work”.
I’d say that lack of agency leads to a lack of connection, and follows right into a lack of interest when players feel their parts aren’t important to the plot.
That’s a far bigger problem than the “social justice agenda” people keep wanting to saddle onto the LS so far.
Nothing new here. In fact, it’s actually a little inaccurate, as IIRC Laranthir didn’t petition Trahearne for an airship, he came with one.
When you spoke to Laranthir in the epilogue, that he petitioned Trahearne to spare him an airship was actually part of his dialogue. So that’s where that comes from. He tells the player that he had to convince Trahearne to spare the ship by arguing the connection between Scarlet and an Elder Dragon.
As far as the seemingly-mundane black market traders in Brisban, I think we’ll find that’s more of a means to an end — by having Belinda being part of the mission to go get them it gives us a line into whatever’s going to happen out there, which will likely segue into a discovery or having the player and co be present during some kind of event that will lead us further along the path towards Mordremoth.
Yeah, I think Belinda is the actual hint towards the start of S2. The other two is just stuff that happened to occur as a result of the end of S1.
Once Mordremoth starts to make his presence felt, then the Pact will probably start playing a role, but Trahearne won’t necessarily be involved. In fact, it could be interesting if ArenaNet found a way to pull off having Trahearne play just a small, minor role when the dragon’s presence comes to the Pact’s notice:
“Commander, I asked you to meet me here because, at this critical moment in our efforts in cleansing Orr, I do not feel it would be in Tyria’s interest for me to leave Orr for any extended period. Through acting my battlefield commander in Orr, your work in destroying Zhaitan, and your efforts against Scarlet, you have earned the respect of all three orders, and your experience in the first skirmishes with the new dragon’s minions means that you have as much knowledge of the new threat as anyone does. Thus, I am placing full responsibility for the Maguuma front in your capable hands. Good luck, Commander.” Trahearne exits stage left, never to return until the story returns to Orr
The hard part, of course, would be making the idea of the PC commanding the Pact in the Maguuma believable under the LS structure.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
A group of black-market traders in the Brisban Wildlands have been disrupting the economy of Divinity’s Reach, and the Seraph are preparing to investigate.
Just me or does it seem that Jennah is kinda not into the whole free-market thing? (unless disrupting doesn’t mean that they’re simply offer better alternatives at lower prices).
Oh no, not Trahearne again -_-’
Now, now, he can’t die unless we bring him back in . . .
But he’ll still remain within the dream of dream, helping to forever shape the hearts and minds of Sylvari…