Tequatl failing
Its there FOREVER.
Only TTS does him now, and they do it on overflow servers.
Its there FOREVER.
Only TTS does him now, and they do it on overflow servers.
I really hope youre joking. Even if I wanted to come back to GW2, which I hardly do at the moment, this would be a terrible turn of events for GW2. I understand Arenanet’s need and desire to make the encounter, as well as other world bosses, more difficult… But to degrade a part of the zone like that.. Terrible design. Its like ORR all over again with failed temples and people unable to map complete(or at least, it makes it a pain in the butt to do so).
The problem with Teq is that there is no incentive to do it. There is no “driving factor” for people to do it.
Make Teq randomly drop a specific precursor or ascended – you’ll start seeing people form groups for it…
Its there FOREVER.
Only TTS does him now, and they do it on overflow servers.
I really hope youre joking. Even if I wanted to come back to GW2, which I hardly do at the moment, this would be a terrible turn of events for GW2. I understand Arenanet’s need and desire to make the encounter, as well as other world bosses, more difficult… But to degrade a part of the zone like that.. Terrible design. Its like ORR all over again with failed temples and people unable to map complete(or at least, it makes it a pain in the butt to do so).
When the extrinsic values aren’t there, its not worth doing. I did it for the month, waiting 1-2hrs before reset hoping to get my hands on a teq weapon skin. Never got any good drops, which killed any incentive to keep going back.
It is the most broken event in the whole game right now. It is so broken, that no one wants to do it, besides some random people that have to gather from random servers and kill that abomination on an overflow server.
Waiting for Tequatl 3.0.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
It is the most broken event in the whole game right now. It is so broken, that no one wants to do it, besides some random people that have to gather from random servers and kill that abomination on an overflow server.
Waiting for Tequatl 3.0.
Is that abom still charging the mega-laser 100-0 in 2 seconds?
gg anet. just… gg.
So…is the overwhelming opinion a negative one when it comes to Tequatl 2,0? I thought he was a good change and people liked the changes.
BTW, how in the heck is this subject a Living Story subject? Why was it moved to the living story forums? It is an open world boss. It ties to no living story. It should be in the general forums…sigh…
BTW, how in the heck is this subject a Living Story subject? Why was it moved to the living story forums? It is an open world boss. It ties to no living story. It should be in the general forums…sigh…
New moderator, probably…
I thought the undead has always been there? When it says Tequatl’s presence remains, it’s refering to those fish-head-shaped landmines. It in no way hinders map complete or map enjoyment. The place is otherwise completely empty and uninteresting.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis
I thought the undead has always been there? When it says Tequatl’s presence remains, it’s refering to those fish-head-shaped landmines. It in no way hinders map complete or map enjoyment. The place is otherwise completely empty and uninteresting.
Actually some of the mobs that spawn during the event tend to stick around, so they aren’t worth xp or loot :/
ANet just need to make the Teq fight scale better for less people. Currently it’s impossible to complete unless you’re in a well-organised server with at least 80 or so people. This means that smaller servers and casual players will always miss out, and eventually they just stop trying. Obviously we don’t want Tequatl to go back to a situation where he was soloable, or even 5-mannable (he IS a Dragon Champion, after all), but if Tequatl was beatable by, say, 10 – 20 people who know what to do, I think that should be allowed.
My way of reworking the encounter would be as follows:
1. Tequatl’s Hardened Scales goes up at a rate based on the number of players in his area. With 80 or so players, it goes up at the rate it does now. With just 10 – 20 players, it only ticks up once every 20 seconds.
2. The hylek turrets do much more damage against Tequatl, making them the primary source of damage against him and reducing emphasis on the DPS zerg when there are lower numbers of players. This effectively means that, in an encounter with low player numbers, the 6 turrets can effectively kill Tequatl all by themselves. (I think shooting massive stakes at Tequatl’s head makes more sense than killing him by hacking at his feet anyway.)
3. Reduce finger and mob numbers/rank according to player numbers. Vets shouldn’t start spawning until there’s about 10 defenders on a side. Champions don’t start spawning unless there’s 30 defenders on a side. Only one Finger spawns per 10 players in a region.
4. The battery defense events should be completable by about 3 – 4 defenders at each point during low player numbers.
5. The Mega-laser itself deals a massive chunk of damage to Tequatl (about 10% of his health), stunning him for about 15 seconds afterwards as usual.
6. Increase the time limit for the entire fight to 20 mins.
Obviously we don’t want Tequatl to go back to a situation where he was soloable, or even 5-mannable (he IS a Dragon Champion, after all), but if Tequatl was beatable by, say, 10 – 20 people who know what to do, I think that should be allowed.
Honestly, I would prefer him to go back to the way he was (and for a lesser extent the rest of the bosses too).
All of the timers are a silly way to enforce a dps check. Why should people playing at off hours not be allowed to kill the world bosses? If that means a person ends so, solo’ing a world boss, so be it. Since champs started dropping bags, that has been the best way to make money (besides tp flipping). The world boss x2-x4 hp increase just hurts that even more, and combined with the timer means that they will/can fail now. Don’t get me wrong, I love the new mechanics introduced (wurm being able to heal, golem with his electricity), but the extra hp and a timer were a bit of a slap in the face compared to the champ train that keeps on chugging.
To be fair, if Teq scaled to be doable by ~10 people, I’d been fine with that. Honestly, I’ve been saying something similar since it came out. There’s no reason you need to have 80-120+ people on teamspeak, with 30+ minutes of organization to kill a boss, who drops very sub-par loot (at least he used to, don’t know how good it is now that they’ve been “increased”).
There’s a website that keeps track of how many times he’s been down by each server. Sure, Desolation most likely kills him a couple of times a day, but look at the rest of the servers. Even on servers with “very high” population he’s been killed <20 times. Then remember that only ~150 or so people can fit on each map versus the millions of people who own gw2. There’s no reason for content like this to exist.
Yeah just ignore that part of the world until they fix the encounter, that’s what most people do now. Once it’s fun again people will start doing it.
Its there FOREVER.
Only TTS does him now, and they do it on overflow servers.
Incorrect. My home server does him every night after reset.
The problem with Teq is that there is no incentive to do it. There is no “driving factor” for people to do it.
Make Teq randomly drop a specific precursor or ascended – you’ll start seeing people form groups for it…
No precursors, but you do get ascended. I got one last night. I see people pinging the chest drop after Teq just about every time we complete it (as stated above, that’s every night).
Some servers may not rally to do Teq, but others are.