Where are the heroes?

Where are the heroes?

in Living World

Posted by: Phate.4871



NOTE: This turned from me being bugged about why living story doesnt use some of the information from the personal story(orders mostly) and then turned into my comparisons of all the living world and what I liked and didn’t like.


I don’t understand why we even are part of orders anymore. It seems like all the order leaders who were so eager to attack and strike out agaisnt the dragons literally ate themselves up so much they dont even care about tyria. Outside of the personal story, which sits in a stasis tube, they never show up.

I feel as though the Order of Whispers would probably know who the mysterious figure is at the guantlet, as well as it seems like they should have figured out who headed flame and frost. Why didnt the Priory perform some research and trade with the zephyrites? Why didn’t the vigil come aid against the aetherblades or in southsun?

Where are these all powerful orders in our living world? Does it matter what order I chose? Currently, no. I am just another shmuck along for the ride against waves of champions.

My warrior has better things to do than fatten up at party after party. My mesmer couldn’t be kittened to fight other illusions for sport money as a gimmick.

Sorry that this turned into a rant, but I lost the sense of adventure and story as my hero, the slayer of Issomir, went from a dragon killer, bane of the svanir, to little more than a npc that talks about “longstanding racial biases” or only ever says “hello” to the same characters that I fought alongside to reclaim their homelands.

Anet, living world isnt about hte rewards, it is about a story. Festivals arent a story. The speech better be good, because right now the Jubilee has made me flat out stop gw2 because I am that bored of grinding out a living world for achievments that involve playing the same champions for money. Flame and Frost had a great story, but it had no content till the very end, and was boring as a result. Southsun was chaotic, but helped bring people into a zone that otherwise was pretty empty. The Dragon bash was exiting as a party, but the achievments were just boring to get and had no meaning other than to run around pressing f, and I was able to forgo one story for more of a moot. Then in the sky pirates, I liked having better rewards and a challenge, but it felt rushed and out of place, since it isn’t really like asuran tech(the only real kind there is) and they feel too modern to actually be part of the game. In the bazaar, there was nothing to do except explore a bit, farm tokens for a leader I didn’t want offering rewards I dont care about. Not to mention it felt more like a bandaid to dump t5 mats more than a story, it was just a lions arch that had a risk of death by fall damage.

Then in the Jubilee we see more of the forced pirates and another party, but now their is no food, just a gladiator arean verus the same boring npc’s. Why isnt their a pvp gladiator arena(dont tell me to move to pvp, I want something more than the afterthoguht of a developer trying to get an esport out of a lore based game)

Anet keeps getting peices of a puzzle, but instead of taking the great storytelling from F&F, the rewards from Aetherblade pirates, the zone expansion of southsun, the art from the sanctum, and the difficulty of the t4 Jubilee, They cut all the story, all the exitement, and turned good rewards into a CoF grind that moves to another city every two weeks.

Tl;DR of the TL;DR

Start learning from the stuff people like and stop making temporary CoF farms and grindy achievements without any story whatsoever.

Tl;DR of the Tl;DR of the TL;DR

Fix living world to be a living world for heroes or all the players left will be grinding gold hoarders

FA warrior and mesmer.

(edited by Phate.4871)

Where are the heroes?

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Tl;DR of the Tl;DR of the TL;DR

Fix living world to be a living world for heroes or I quit.

you should delete this, “I quit” threats don’t normally go down well.

Where are the heroes?

in Living World

Posted by: Phate.4871


If you judge the eniter point of a post by the tldr of the tldr of the tldr then you missed the point

FA warrior and mesmer.

Where are the heroes?

in Living World

Posted by: Antara.3189


The heroes are on Vacation

Where are the heroes?

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


You have to keep in mind however that not everyone have completed or even started (oh well, almost at least since you are forced to start it) the personal story. Building the Living Story around that would be quite hard in that case.
Sure they could have a few different lines based on if you are in an order or in the pact or whatever (which they already do btw) but building it all around it would most likely take way too much time and resources, due to the fact that there are way too many variables.

The Orders are working as the Pact now, and they HAVE been part of the Living Story, even if it was not “in your face”-ish. The ones tracking down the Molten Alliance for one were the Pact forces and such.

As for knowing the identity of Scarlet and stuff like that we have to wait and see who is behind it before wondering why the Order of Whispers didn’t know who they were (for all we know it could be a former agent which would therefore knew how to avoid them and such).

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Where are the heroes?

in Living World

Posted by: Phate.4871


You have to keep in mind however that not everyone have completed or even started (oh well, almost at least since you are forced to start it) the personal story. Building the Living Story around that would be quite hard in that case.
Sure they could have a few different lines based on if you are in an order or in the pact or whatever (which they already do btw) but building it all around it would most likely take way too much time and resources, due to the fact that there are way too many variables.

The Orders are working as the Pact now, and they HAVE been part of the Living Story, even if it was not “in your face”-ish. The ones tracking down the Molten Alliance for one were the Pact forces and such.

As for knowing the identity of Scarlet and stuff like that we have to wait and see who is behind it before wondering why the Order of Whispers didn’t know who they were (for all we know it could be a former agent which would therefore knew how to avoid them and such).

Just because a player isnt deep into the story, doesnt mean that the orders stop existing. You can visit the Priory on the map, as with all the other orders. You can see members of the order all around tyria, and pact members as well. Why dont we see them in the living story? because they have been forgot

FA warrior and mesmer.

Where are the heroes?

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Just because a player isnt deep into the story, doesnt mean that the orders stop existing. You can visit the Priory on the map, as with all the other orders. You can see members of the order all around tyria, and pact members as well. Why dont we see them in the living story? because they have been forgot

Of course not.
But having them taking a MAIN part in the story would create issues, especially with the Pact, since someone that have not played the Personal Story would have no clue about what the pact is.

They have not forgotten them, they have simply decided to keep them out of the Living Story (for now) as long as possible.
I also see that you for some reason actually ignored the fact that there WERE Order-members in the Living Story (Whispers had a spy that left intel that we had to find and the Vigil found the Molten Alliance Facilities), so they are quite clearly not forgotten.

They simply choose not to give them a major role, since that isn’t really their purpose.
Their purpose is to stop the Elder Dragons, not local politics.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square