Fort Salma frustration (spoilers)
Kill the wolf attacking it quickly, then wait around for it to walk there. It also spawns in the same place every time.
I never had an issue with this….even on the first playthrough, it was easy to see what needed to be done, and it never felt as if I was unable to do so. :/
I figured out what was necessary by the second summoned minion. That was intuitive.
Jory bugged and disappeared (visually) for me after I died the first time. Luckily she didn’t bug like other reports I’ve seen here and stop spawning minions as well.
I’m actually ok with her summoning minions farther away from the boss (that’s an integral part of the challenge – keeping it alive). I’d prefer it not spawn several times on one side of the boss, then switch to the other side without warning – that felt kind of arbitrary. Making sure Jory stays visible (as I assume she was summoning the minion next to her) would have helped. Caveat: It is entirely possible it is always a fixed # of minions on this side, then a fixed # on the other – I haven’t replayed it to see if there’s a pattern.
Kill the wolf attacking it quickly, then wait around for it to walk there. It also spawns in the same place every time.
Sorry, this is just wrong.
Kill the wolf, use a party speedboost if you have one (I used the warhorn skill for ranger). It wasn’t the easiest thing in the world, but definitely doable and I personally did not in any way or form feel like I was degraded to henchman lvl.
It spawns in one of 4 places every time, actually. I failed miserably at it solo on my thief despite knowing what to do, but a fellow thief came and saved my rear, then we teamed up with more guildies to help them through. Worked pretty well with 4 of us, one on each spawn point, using blinds, roots, snares, anything to stymie the wolf attacks on the minions.
I kill the roots first, they take a while to respawn, then hang around two spawns to kill the wolf ASAP. Works for me.
They must have buffed it or something…I was able to solo it on my first achievement run. The first run (story) was enough for me to know what to do….maybe they made it harder.
The minions are week and pathetic. Not only are they hard to keep alive along with yourself, you introduce an achievement to not let one die. Its like a fat kid told not to eat a slice of cake in a bakery. It is near impossible without help.
Which is provided since Marjory revives and Kassamer will cast Time Warp…if you don’t die. Then they stand by the beginning yelling at you to get to work you pathetic excuse for a hero.
(edited by Captain Seyo.4285)
The minions are week and pathetic. Not only are they hard to keep alive along with yourself, you introduce an achievement to not let one die. Its like a fat kid told not to eat a slice of cake in a bakery. It is near impossible without help.
this is simply exaggerated. I agree to the point that the minions die fast but that’s only because the wolves are stupidly strong (everywhere). The achievement isn’t that difficult though. Just “ignore” the mini boss(every once in a while you have to attack him or he won’t die) and concentrate on killing the wolves. The second a minion spawns you have to switch to its enemy. Majority plays as Berserker anyway so it can’t be that hard. Even any other DMG build should be sufficient. At least when you have exotic gear or better. The only builds I could see having problems would be bunker/support builds. And you yourself get basically no dmg at all unless you don’t dodge the red circles.
Anyway it is FAR away from being impossible while playing alone.
I finished it yesterday with my ranger solo. Knight chest, leg and head gear. Rest was Berserker(also no ascended item).
On a side note: the minions always spawn at the same locations in the same order. Knowing that makes things a lot easier/more predictable
I solo this with my Full Zerker Warrior with a rifle on hand in one go.
So what’s the problem again?
I haven’t done the achievement run yet, but the first time through I noticed that on two occasions two minions spawned at almost the same time on opposite sides. Hoping that was a glitch though.
So what’s the problem again?
That 11 different people replied to the title of this thread without actually reading the OP.
I don’t really agree with the OP though, a mission is a mission despite the mechanics you have to work under.
(edited by Brega.6920)
So what’s the problem again?
That 11 different people replied to the title of this thread without actually reading the OP.
I don’t really agree with the OP though, a mission is a mission despite the mechanics you have to work under.
If the point of the mission is to fight a boss enemy, I don’t expect to have to be dependent on a slow moving escort quest to be able to take down a defense for a few seconds in which I have to inflict as much damage as I can then start all over again. I don’t see where there’s anything fun about this, or how it’s tactical. It’s the combat equivalent of Trahearne.
And yes, I’m aware the wolves spawn the the same place. I’ve used the tactic, but it doesn’t make it any less obnoxious.
Tactical would be say using the siege equipment in a certain way (specific ammo) to break the shield down, then half way in be able to go into the fight, still defending against its attacks, but the shields would be down. Or if the HAVE to have the iconics doing something like the minions, make it something we have to carry to blow the shield. Forces the player to dodge and maneuver in order to get to the target.
People keep saying that this is to keep from “bad players” from bashing their way through the fight. You’re still bashing, just have to bash and hope the thing you’re escorting gets there and then bash hard and hope the thresher’s shield doesn’t comeback up fast.
(edited by Ariella Goldstein.3562)
So what’s the problem again?
That 11 different people replied to the title of this thread without actually reading the OP.
I don’t really agree with the OP though, a mission is a mission despite the mechanics you have to work under.
Am I get the post wrong?
Isn’t the OP complaining about the AP being too difficult to achieved?
My post is to disprove him because I find it quite simple and easy as long as you have some good range dps. (I’m sure MANY OTHER CLASSES have higher range dps than warrior yknow.)
lol this is an mmo bring a friend for kittens sake
Just another “moar DPS” fest from ANet…
I was able to solo this the first try on a Mesmer with only Carrion armor.
It took forever, but it became a matter of patience and persistence.
It was pretty frustrating that after a bit, the 2 minion spawn points changed up and moved to the opposite side.
Slamming “Feedback” on the plant while its shield was down was the the way it primarily took itself down. My focus when it was up to keep at least one minion alive. to hit the shield. 15 minutes later it was done.
Interesting fight, but poorly executed and bugged.
It spawns in one of 4 places every time, actually. I failed miserably at it solo on my thief despite knowing what to do, but a fellow thief came and saved my rear, then we teamed up with more guildies to help them through. Worked pretty well with 4 of us, one on each spawn point, using blinds, roots, snares, anything to stymie the wolf attacks on the minions.
Pistol Whip + Scorpion Wire kills them every time. I completed it with my Thief on first run doing just that.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
So what’s the problem again?
That 11 different people replied to the title of this thread without actually reading the OP.
I don’t really agree with the OP though, a mission is a mission despite the mechanics you have to work under.
Am I get the post wrong?
Isn’t the OP complaining about the AP being too difficult to achieved?
My post is to disprove him because I find it quite simple and easy as long as you have some good range dps. (I’m sure MANY OTHER CLASSES have higher range dps than warrior yknow.)
First of all, I’m a her, second of all, it’s not about hard it’s about a frustrating mechanic that slows the pace of the fight down, and if the ONLY option to take the shield down.
I don’t want to be chained to an escort quest through, what is for all intents and purposes, a mine field while trying to pull a mob away from the escort. I find it annoying in the extreme. I also find it annoying that the spawns are all the way across the battle field rather than spawning near Jory, which would make more sense.
Aerin was hard, and at times frustrating too, but the mechanics for his shield didn’t have me depend on something like the bone minion. The crystals were easy to acquire, watch the pulse rate then hit him. Then it’s back to whatever style of combat you’re using, either chasing him from butte to butte or watching for him to centralize and hitting him there.
Again my biggest complaint is that there’s only ONE way to take the shield down, and it slows the fight.
I’m playing a guard using staff/greatsword (switch to the latter for the hold and pull in order to TRY and get the wolves off, though they still can jump at the minions even when chained) and I don’t see my DPS on staff doing all that great.
And no, I’m not all “geared up” nor am I a pvp or wvw player. I play for the story, not huge combats, which is one of the reasons I LOVE this game.
I mean how can you not feel frustrated when you get the thing half way down, die, and on the way back from checkpoint, not only are the characters who are supposed to be supporting you gone, but the kitten thing has regen to full strength. It was after that I said to hell with it.
Hard can be fun, hard can make you think and look for patterns you can exploit to the best advantage. This isn’t hard, it’s limiting and frustrating. The bug with Kass breaks the pattern because there isn’t the support mechanism that’s supposed to deflect more spore damage from the minion as it makes its run. I have yet to be able to pull a wolf away from the minion and keep it focused on me, well until the minion dies then it’s on me like crazy.
Even if, say, Anet pulled back a little on the boss’ spore attack, it’s still be frustrating as hell because it’s still an escort quest in the middle of a boss battle. The minions are slow, ponderous and lengthen the fight for no real good reason except for Anet to try something new.
It comes down to wanting to have more control over the battle. To have a number of options to choose and execute to overcome obstacles. If Anet wants to having something outside the usual skills to take down something like this barrier, fine, but give me control over when and how to deploy it. That’s part of my job as the hero of this little story.
I don’t understand why this is so difficult for people to get. I want a better managed, better paced combat.
I also realize that Anet isn’t going to change anything in this release but I’m hoping the devs will see this and take what I’ve pointed out into consideration. Better to give the player choices than limit them.
Thought I do hope they fix the Kass and Jory bug, that’s just a bloody headache.
If the point of the mission is to fight a boss enemy, I don’t expect to have to be dependent on a slow moving escort quest to be able to take down a defense for a few seconds in which I have to inflict as much damage as I can then start all over again.
You obviously haven’t played GW1 with heroes or henchies Boy did they know how to kitten up a mission or quest. And the game wasn’t as forgiving as GW2 – if you fail a condition it often meant you had to replay the whole mission
If the point of the mission is to fight a boss enemy, I don’t expect to have to be dependent on a slow moving escort quest to be able to take down a defense for a few seconds in which I have to inflict as much damage as I can then start all over again.
You obviously haven’t played GW1 with heroes or henchies
Boy did they know how to kitten up a mission or quest. And the game wasn’t as forgiving as GW2 – if you fail a condition it often meant you had to replay the whole mission
Actually, that’s why I stopped playing GW 1, it drove me absolutely nuts at times. Urge to strangle rising…
The only thing that truly bothered me about the fight was Jory asking me to protect her minions, but then she would go and spawn them on the opposite side of the boss. If she wants us to protect her fugly terd-walkers from dying, it would make more sense to spawn them near us. It doesn’t make winning the fight impossible, but it does make the Butterfly and Viscera achievement a pain in the butt to get.
I just got it this morning, probably on my 10th try after getting the other two. Did it as a solo turret engineer. Beating the boss without having to worry about achievements is actually pretty easy once you’ve figured out what’s going on. But the achievement takes a bit of luck.
First thing you should check is if you can kill a tendril with the arrow cart before the fight starts. Makes things a bit easier if you can do it.
I usually fought from the NE side, planting my turrets near the East minion spawn so that they could hit the dogs at both the East and South spawn points. I would monitor the North and help the others where needed. The tough part is making sure you hit the boss when the shield is down. You gotta take advantage of every shield drop, because it seemed to me that the minions dropped faster and faster if the fight went on too long. I waited to use my Supply Crate for when I had multiple dogs to kill and couldn’t DPS the un-shielded boss myself.
My achievement failures happened when the minions spawned at the South and West spawn points too much. The time I finally got it, I was able to kill all the tendrils early and all but two minions spawned from the North and East.
But if you want to knock it out quick and easy, your best bet is to group up like others have said. And I’d suggest doing it before the popularity of the event dies off.
(edited by Qway.6397)
Ok , kill the jungle tendrils first , then its just easy to solo . if you wanna do the story achievements just take a group n all do it , also easy ty
I found this fight absolutely frustrating and not fun at all, completely ruined the experience for me. The annoyance came about by having the 2 NPC’s bug and the minions constantly dying and I couldnt take down the dogs fast enough.
What I had to do in the end was kill all the 3 vines, as they don’t respawn, and then use “Save Yourself” speed boost to get the dog to the boss faster.
I ended up dying 3-4 times more after that due to so much stupidity going on in that fight.
Did not enjoy it 1 bit.
Again my biggest complaint is that there’s only ONE way to take the shield down, and it slows the fight.
I’m playing a guard using staff/greatsword (switch to the latter for the hold and pull in order to TRY and get the wolves off, though they still can jump at the minions even when chained) and I don’t see my DPS on staff doing all that great.
You don’t really need to DPS the wolves, I’ve ignored them the whole time and they somehow disappeared after the minion exploded. Sometimes, the wolf even attacks the boss. lol.
Your weapon of choice is ineffective as you said. The ideal weapon for this is Hammer since you can trap the wolf or knock them away.
I mean how can you not feel frustrated when you get the thing half way down, die, and on the way back from checkpoint, not only are the characters who are supposed to be supporting you gone, but the kitten thing has regen to full strength. It was after that I said to hell with it.
Yeah it was frustrating when Jory and Kas bailed on me, but I still finished it with my Thief. I would use a hammer with my Guardian.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Ariella, Guardian should be one of the easier classes to do this with. I’ll have to try it on my Guard to see. I’d say this is a build or lack of DPS issue making this fight overly long for you. GS should be a great weapon choice. I’d go Hammer myself with it having a punt, protection, good DPS, and crowd control. Symbol healing trait should help keep the minion alive as well.
For the fight itself, you are supposed to be a team. More so, Jory and Kasmeer should actually be considered friends. They are calling out how they can aide YOU in getting to the Boss in the dialogue. It sounds like the difficulty and duration of the fight created frustration, which lead to this feeling of being a henchman.
Ariella, Guardian should be one of the easier classes to do this with. I’ll have to try it on my Guard to see. I’d say this is a build or lack of DPS issue making this fight overly long for you. GS should be a great weapon choice. I’d go Hammer myself with it having a punt, protection, good DPS, and crowd control. Symbol healing trait should help keep the minion alive as well.
I got it with Staff, some buffs I’d been saving for a rainy day, finally being able to time the barrier so it cut off the wolves from following the blessed minions, and getting rid of those vines was a godsend.
For the fight itself, you are supposed to be a team. More so, Jory and Kasmeer should actually be considered friends. They are calling out how they can aide YOU in getting to the Boss in the dialogue. It sounds like the difficulty and duration of the fight created frustration, which lead to this feeling of being a henchman.
The calling out didn’t bother me as much as we’re being funneled through this one mechanic. Even after I got the patterns it was still a frustrating thing having to watch those blasted minions, keep them alive. I would much rather be the one who was dealing the the barrier myself. Rather than a minion, Jory could have given me some poison that would have done the same, or Kas giving me a globe that had chaos magic that would have disrupted it. The fact that the minions spawned so far from where the characters come in, and that they’re slower than a glacier, where those hounds are fast (I saw in another thread in the bug forum that it seems like they’re going too fast, but YMMV). I would have rather had more options on how to take the thing down.
As I said though, taking out those vines made things much easier. Thank you to whomever mention that. Flipping vines!
Still doesn’t change the basic point active vs. passive on dealing with the shields, giving more than one option to take things like that down.
i would have to disagree with OP. having one mechanic to work around makes this a “teaching moment” that has been long overdue in this game. so much of the game is just run up to mob/boss and AA til its dead (because there are so many ways to “skin the cat”). Anet devs realize the main player base has been trained poorly by world bosses and melee stacking….so they are retraining the general masses through the LS (especially with the new mordrem mobs)…………kudos.
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
i would have to disagree with OP. having one mechanic to work around makes this a “teaching moment” that has been long overdue in this game. so much of the game is just run up to mob/boss and AA til its dead (because there are so many ways to “skin the cat”). Anet devs realize the main player base has been trained poorly by world bosses and melee stacking….so they are retraining the general masses through the LS (especially with the new mordrem mobs)…………kudos.
Teaching what? Retrain? What are they retraining? This is supposed to be a fun game, and it’s not supposed to be played in any one mode. Giving several intelligent options in order to overcome obstacles, ones that give the player agency in the fight, are better than being depended on a kludge system of slow moving escort quests through minefields.
I hate this kind of talk, it stinks of elitism. It’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun. people should be able to play their own way at their own pace, and not how any one person thinks it should be this way only. Options are good things, intelligent options even better.
The thing that really bugs me (aside from some achievements being bugged) is how Kasmeer and Marjory mysteriously disappear midway through the fight. The boss is actually darn easy when you have that awesome Time Warp plus some NPC help. But by yourself? It can be a bit of a struggle killing the Wolves, avoiding the spores AND DPS’ing the boss.
i would have to disagree with OP. having one mechanic to work around makes this a “teaching moment” that has been long overdue in this game. so much of the game is just run up to mob/boss and AA til its dead (because there are so many ways to “skin the cat”). Anet devs realize the main player base has been trained poorly by world bosses and melee stacking….so they are retraining the general masses through the LS (especially with the new mordrem mobs)…………kudos.
Teaching what? Retrain? What are they retraining? This is supposed to be a fun game, and it’s not supposed to be played in any one mode. Giving several intelligent options in order to overcome obstacles, ones that give the player agency in the fight, are better than being depended on a kludge system of slow moving escort quests through minefields.
I hate this kind of talk, it stinks of elitism. It’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun. people should be able to play their own way at their own pace, and not how any one person thinks it should be this way only. Options are good things, intelligent options even better.
they wanted to maintain a “shield mechanic” for the boss…… give me 3 “fun” ways to break down the shield, that doesn’t include DPSing it.
i will easily tell you why they won’t be fun for some segment of the player-base.
if its one mechanic, that can be attacked from different angles (as it is…defend and then dps, while avoiding condis…however you see fit), its fine….and preferable. it teaches you to attack a problem differently with different builds. i’ve done the episode with different classes and builds (power zerk glass w/ little condi cleanse and hybrid rabid/zerk with vedry nice cleanse) and i have to attack them differently (this also includes the mordrem mobs). this is fun….yet makes it easier for casuals to figure out, since its the same mechanic no matter what un-optimized build they bring. they’ll either learn to get better in the build they are in, or adapt their build to be more efficient. the cool part now, is “most efficient” might not be the same zerk build its always been.
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
i would have to disagree with OP. having one mechanic to work around makes this a “teaching moment” that has been long overdue in this game. so much of the game is just run up to mob/boss and AA til its dead (because there are so many ways to “skin the cat”). Anet devs realize the main player base has been trained poorly by world bosses and melee stacking….so they are retraining the general masses through the LS (especially with the new mordrem mobs)…………kudos.
Teaching what? Retrain? What are they retraining? This is supposed to be a fun game, and it’s not supposed to be played in any one mode. Giving several intelligent options in order to overcome obstacles, ones that give the player agency in the fight, are better than being depended on a kludge system of slow moving escort quests through minefields.
I hate this kind of talk, it stinks of elitism. It’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun. people should be able to play their own way at their own pace, and not how any one person thinks it should be this way only. Options are good things, intelligent options even better.
sry but he has a point. even if there were more options the majority would simply take the easiest one. and that would be probably “just ignore everythign and DPS it down”. that’s why they make thigns like these.
and the fight was fun. it finally was more than “just go afk while your auto attack finishes everything”. best fight in a long time. actually the last one I had this much fun with was Liadri in the crown pavillon after they finally fixed the domes this year
(edited by Nanashi.6297)
i would have to disagree with OP. having one mechanic to work around makes this a “teaching moment” that has been long overdue in this game. so much of the game is just run up to mob/boss and AA til its dead (because there are so many ways to “skin the cat”). Anet devs realize the main player base has been trained poorly by world bosses and melee stacking….so they are retraining the general masses through the LS (especially with the new mordrem mobs)…………kudos.
Teaching what? Retrain? What are they retraining? This is supposed to be a fun game, and it’s not supposed to be played in any one mode. Giving several intelligent options in order to overcome obstacles, ones that give the player agency in the fight, are better than being depended on a kludge system of slow moving escort quests through minefields.
I hate this kind of talk, it stinks of elitism. It’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun. people should be able to play their own way at their own pace, and not how any one person thinks it should be this way only. Options are good things, intelligent options even better.
sry but he has a point. even if there were more options the majority would simply take the easiest one. and that would be probably “just ignore everythign and DPS it down”. that’s why they make thigns like these.
and the fight was fun. it finally was more than “just go afk while your auto attack finishes everything”. best fight in a long time. actually the last one I had this much fun with was Liadri in the crown pavillon after they finally fixed the domes this year
The last paragraph was what my earlier post was alluding to – if they can fix the mysterious case of the missing NPC, the mechanic of the ft salma event itself would be more obvious (the complaint in the OP).
Every profession has tools for this fight. You have to find them and use them. If you’re going up against this boss without bringing the proper tools, you’re going to have a bad time and that’s not the game’s fault. If you were bringing all the available tools your profession had, and still found it too difficult to achieve, then I think a lot of people (including Anet) would be more likely to listen.
Personally I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a nice mix of challenging, short, and accessible. The spawn locations of the minions was annoying, but not nearly enough for me to say the whole fight is stupid. In fact having part of it be a little bit annoying is what I like about video games. I don’t think everything should be exactly how I want it. I hope they do more like this in the future.
Jade Quarry
(edited by Adamantium.3682)