Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Jaymee.1560



Let me apologize in advance for this, as this question may have undoubtedly been asked before now, only I have no found it, so here it goes…

I made the back piece last night, and I was left with 32 Clusters left over, sooo…. I wondered a couple things:

1. Should I keep my clusters for future upgrading to this item or… sell them?

2. Is the Vine Back piece bound to change in skin appearance as the Living Story’s continue to be released?

I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


clusters keep on dropping and they lose value everyday so just sell it
you can farm them so fast again anyway
or probablysoon buy 50 clusters of the tp for the price for which you sold one now

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Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Well, it could mean two things from what I have read so far:

1. The backpiece WILL change on it’s own as the game gets updated with Season 2 content.

2. The backpiece could change on it’s own but you have to have the materials to make it so, hence there was the Cultivated Seed item I got alongside the Mysterious Vine backpiece. That would be a really kitten move on Anet’s part if they would go that route.


Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Donari.5237


The Dulfy guide did say at its end: “You are all done until the next patch!” Which to me suggests there will be a new series of steps to grow the next stage, rather than an automatic change.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Evans.6347


I believe you will have to ask your questions to your local fortune teller, because I do not have the power to see the future myself.

However, if they tell you something interesting, do come share!

Joy to the world, ignorance is bliss

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: onemantankwall.3641


Next patch will give you the ingredients for the use with the cultivated seed and the current back pack its gonna be exactly like spinal blades but across chapters so to show as if its growing.

The cultivated seed is the answer to this question… Of course there will be a new pot as it mentions and itll upgrade your backpack prob till its ascended be prepared for either alot of farming or a pretty hefty gold sink

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Belenwyn.8674


If we are lucky the mysterious vine rucksack will become the first new legendary item at the end of season 2.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Arianhod.3485


keep them, or just sell and buy them again later (prices are dropping). From Dulfy (which is a quote from the devs):

‘Players will be able to start construction of a new back item that will grow and change as you adventure during these next two episodes.’

It’s a-me, Aria!

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: onemantankwall.3641


Will grow and has the potential to grow is 2 diff things anet….

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


I hope it grows like Audrey.

And attacks players who get behind me.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I’m expecting it to change in appearance as this season goes along and to also, at some point, have the ability to become ascended. Much like the way the spinal blades progressed.

So I would keep leftover materials at this point, unless you need gold now and don’t mind possibly refarming the same items later.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: nearlight.3064


The next patch will probably give us a way to ascend it so we can live the full PHIW dream of FULL ascended NOMADS!!!!!!111!!!11!!1

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: wolfyrik.2017


I wouldn’t get too excited, if I were you. I’ve just this last few minutes, completed my Mysterious Vine, after a week of horrific, tedious deforestation-based grinding….
‘Anti-climax’ isn’t the word.

A tiny, barely visible backpiece with barely visible particle effects, and an additional seed in your inventory which bascically tells you, you’re going to have to make an even more grind-heavy magic clay pot. I don’t think the backpiece is going to grow, we’re just going to grow a second backpiece, which is even more of a grind than the first.

Why else would we need a second seed?

I r sad, now……

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Hopefully we can get a legendary backpiece this living story. I am bored of exotic and ascended trash

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

The next patch will probably give us a way to ascend it so we can live the full PHIW dream of FULL ascended NOMADS!!!!!!111!!!11!!1

Well, the Spinal Blades had an option to select your stats, so here’s to hope that the final version of this will have the same.

If not, fill up the wardrobe some more.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: lin.6487


The next patch will probably give us a way to ascend it so we can live the full PHIW dream of FULL ascended NOMADS!!!!!!111!!!11!!1

Well, the Spinal Blades had an option to select your stats, so here’s to hope that the final version of this will have the same.

If not, fill up the wardrobe some more.

yeah but even the exotic version had the choice to of your own stats. am guessing they will keep using the nomad stats. i really wish we can pick our stats. but oh well we can transmute it if not.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Morte.5916


I did the story once each on my four L80 characters. It plays differently on all of them, fine with me. I’m not bothered about achievements, so I’m not sure what I got; I wouldn’t repeat it for achievements. I might repeat it to try other builds, though.

Whilst I don’t hate the back item skin, I don’t think it suits any of my characters so I’d leave it hidden. As for stats, I prefer the masterwork berserker’s item from the main personal story. Hence now I’m just storing the parts, in case it gets the option to change stats later.

But I’ve been farming/crafting related bits to sell, which has paid for one and a half sets of strength runes so far. I’m getting fed up with it but I can’t complain about the results.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

FYI – Anet wouldn’t introduce a rare item drop, if it’s only used for a single part of a Living Story. So we can assume with high confidence that Foxfires will be used for other things. <cough>PrecursorCrafting<cough>

Translation: Speculators are eating up all cheap Foxfires on the TP, and might see their investments double or triple once more Living Story arcs are released.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Or you just want to boost the price now, so you can make a nice profit for yourself.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Or you just want to boost the price now, so you can make a nice profit for yourself.

I’m offended that you’d think that I’d take the path of a manipulative trader. My post was formed based on sound reasoning.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I think it’s highly likely that the future evolutions of the Vine backpiece will need more Foxfire. However, I’m also patient enough to slowly farm the Foxfires I need myself (as permanent additions, they aren’t going anywhere), so I’m not going to buy now or speculate on them.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I can tell you the future of the Mysterious Vine backpiece.

It will sit in my storage/wardrobe, gathering dust with all the other ridiculous backpieces.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Erukk.1408


clusters keep on dropping and they lose value everyday so just sell it
you can farm them so fast again anyway
or probablysoon buy 50 clusters of the tp for the price for which you sold one now

This would be true only if Anet never releases another use for them. The only use for them now is to build/grow the new backpack. Once people are done with that, there’s nothing to do with them other than to sell them to someone who is still doing the backpack or hording them.

If they do add another use for them though, especially a repeated use like some type of crafting, you can fully expect them to rise in price again. And if they are used in the next stage of the backpack in the upcoming LS, you can expect a huge spike in prices on the first couple of days.

Future of Mysterious Vine Backpiece?

in Living World

Posted by: Liston.9708


clusters keep on dropping and they lose value everyday so just sell it
you can farm them so fast again anyway
or probablysoon buy 50 clusters of the tp for the price for which you sold one now

This would be true only if Anet never releases another use for them. The only use for them now is to build/grow the new backpack. Once people are done with that, there’s nothing to do with them other than to sell them to someone who is still doing the backpack or hording them.

If they do add another use for them though, especially a repeated use like some type of crafting, you can fully expect them to rise in price again. And if they are used in the next stage of the backpack in the upcoming LS, you can expect a huge spike in prices on the first couple of days.

That’s why I hedged my bets. I have the back piece + quite a few foxfire, while selling a lot of foxfire. I won’t maximize my return this way, but won’t take it in shorts if they rise or fall in price either……

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB