Great Episode!!

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Renn.8241


Really enjoyed it anet!!
Keep up the improvements and good work it’s definitely showing!!

~Renn~ Jade Quarry – Norn, – Ranger.

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Fuin.8361


Agreed, the story is still great!

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Evans.6347


I always enjoy a good portion of optimism, even if it may seem blind to me.

Joy to the world, ignorance is bliss

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

The story is good, take time to like it.

Snow Crows [SC]

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: OMNIBUS.2913


I enjoyed this episode too but scannign through there sure is a lot of people hating on it. Personally i liked the open world events part tied to LS. Gives players a reason to go and do these events. They are also doing some much needed character developement on DE #2. I actually payed attention to find out more about them.

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Odinius.9826


Agreed, I for one really like the storytelling and all the new stuff they keep giving us.

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


I enjoyed this episode too but scannign through there sure is a lot of people hating on it. Personally i liked the open world events part tied to LS. Gives players a reason to go and do these events. They are also doing some much needed character developement on DE #2. I actually payed attention to find out more about them.

I think, if you dig a little, you’ll find that most people hating on it are doing so because of the event bugs we had yesterday – some of which were bad enough to stop all progression in the story and make players wait around (for potentially hours) before they could proceed.

Most of those seem fixed now, so today will be the real test. I like the integration of real world events into the story as well and hope they continue to do that.

Personally, I really enjoyed this story step and found some of the fights engaging. I went in expecting this patch to be smaller and more focused on story – which it was. I am hoping (especially seeing how this step ended), that we will be seeing some dungeon content added in the next update though. I think they have the perfect opportunity to do so (and it would give us more to do through the mid season break that has been rumored).

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: JerekLo.5893


This was a pretty good episode, it’s definitely a part 1 though. Seeing it and Part 2 together will really seal the deal on it, imo.

I actually thought using the world events to tell the story was a clever use of resources. If they hadn’t done that this episode would have been a lot of standing and talking, which would have been a little weak. The transition into game proper was rough, but like anything Anet tries they’ll learn from it.


Is Rytlock in UW? Because we totally need to go there and “rescue” him…yeah…

Jerek Lo | Singh | Slagg Blackclaw | Wilhelm von Wilhelm | Viscerious
Sorrow’s Furnace
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


The story had some plotholes for me. Why are we having problems convincing world leaders to a summit? It’s not like a trip will take weeks…asura gates and waypoints make travel easy acropss Tyria. It would be no inconvenience for them to meet at all.

Also, why is Rytlock unaware that Mordremoth is already in the Ascalon zones. He said the Shiverpeaks would protect them…but we just left Iron Marces and could have told him?

For me, it didn’t hold together very tightly this episode.

On the plus side, I liked that they involved the wider world and other stories. And that they used world events. It’s a shame they were so hevaily bugged or on constant spawn loops.

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


The game has always told story through open world events – most of the events in this release already existed. People just tend to ignore events unless it’s required.

A good chunk of the story in Orr is told through events. They don’t need to integrate it into story progression to tell stories with the events – that’s always been happening since launch.

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

only complaints was how buggy it was. much like the karka event real world stuff in ls is still a problem but i like the story and hope they fix the bugs(thinking maybe not having so much in one area might have helped) so a smoother transition next time. i like how they tied real world events into it. id say a 9 out of 10 for the patch minus one for all the bugs that had me take 10 hours to complete it. instead of 2 that it should but hey on a backup character i did do a few hearts in the area so that made up for the wait i guess

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


My only problem with the events in the LS is a couple month down the road players wont be able to do it because not many people would be in the map to help.

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Gaebriel.3754


I really liked it! Shame that it started a bit buggy so I couldn’t immediately do it, but then again that’ll teach me for trying to play on patch day. :-P

I liked that they brought back some characters from the original PS, and I must say I was very pleased with Braham’s voice acting for once. I never liked him and was kind of certain I would never like him ever, but finally he had some personality in his lines and acting, to my great surprise! Great job there! Also being a bit of a lore geek I was holding my breath how they would resolve that Curse of Ascalon thing since I was afraid they’d screw it up, but again I was very pleasantly surprised! :-D

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: notebene.3190


I’m not done yet, but having a really good time so far. Heading to Frostgorge now. I got my first day of crafting the two pieces of food done this morning. I made my pot and did the ley line conversion at the bottom of the lake. I’m trying to decide if I want to push some more story now or take a break and get some more Foxfire.

I like how it’s all just there, and you can push it fast, or do a little every day. They are doing a nice job of ‘shifting’ the chest items too. First few weeks, the luckies could make ambrite weapons, and now you can buy those pieces, but hey look, kites! I hope the strategy is on purpose, it’s a nice way to mix luck with insurance.

Well, off to figure out where I’m going to go next.

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I do enjoy this episode quite a bit.
Especially I love the little things, like the crown when you are a Human character.
The dialogue choices are nice touches.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Doghouse.1562


I’m reserving my opinion on this one. I’m liking the story a lot, and I think it’s got a refreshing depth to it that is nice to see. But I’m not so convinced by the implementation.

Irrespective of what it’s like right now, a few days after it’s released, I have a couple of concerns – both related to ANet’s stated aim of making the content permanently available. On the one hand I’m not honestly sure how good the various new open world events are still going to look/feel in, say, a couple of years time, when things have moved on and they’re trying to shoe-horn in LS4 – I suspect most people wil have grown heartily sick of trying to work around them. And, linked to that, I’m not honestly sure either how easy it’s going to be to do some of those events solo, or near solo, once there are no longer hordes of other players trying to do the same thing.

Personally, while I can understand what the appeal might have been to do it the way they have (frankly, it was probably simply quicker), I think it may prove a long-term error not to have instanced more of the content. But time will tell.

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Siobhan.5273


Well..I got through the the instanced part in Frostgorge before calling it a night..and here is what kinda has me scratching my head some..

Why does Braham act so weird around his mother, Eir? Like super weird, like he just walked in on her getting dressed, weird? I mean, I get that they’re not a close knit family, but, all the uhmm'ing was kinda odd. Do they have therapy options there in Norn land, cause these 2 need it

No news since October 28th 2014. Question asked straight up! 473 times. 647 days and thread locked..

Great Episode!!

in Living World

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


Well..I got through the the instanced part in Frostgorge before calling it a night..and here is what kinda has me scratching my head some..

Why does Braham act so weird around his mother, Eir? Like super weird, like he just walked in on her getting dressed, weird? I mean, I get that they’re not a close knit family, but, all the uhmm'ing was kinda odd. Do they have therapy options there in Norn land, cause these 2 need it

Kinda weird to start being buddy-buddy with someone you spent at least two decades having a low opinion of. Especially if it’s your mostly-absent mom.