Dear Arena.Net, as a consumer, I want to improve this game, and here’s what I think is wrong and/or should be improved in future.
1. Do not disregard player character’s personality. It was already almost destroyed in personal story, with all lines feel like they are made exclusively for human characters and just applied to other races after you beat your 1-30 experience, and I can understand that, although with silent protagonist, which we have now, you can add the required variety in dialogue.
An example.
My asura character replies to Kasmeer in ep.4 something like “… that lie-detecting thing you do… wow.” I can imagine human or maybe sylvari saying such a thing, but not a brain on steroids that got the Snaff Savant prize. He just sounded like a half-witted skritt. I wonder who made that line.
2. Race of the character must be reflected in the dialogues. May sound related to my first point, yet it has it’s own spot here. Ep.4, during the summit my asura character talks to councillor Phlunt, and says “Are you? Like you were safe underground?”. Why is it “you”? Shouldn’t it be “We”?
Again, is that so hard to code? Somehow you do put some time and effort into engineer-exclusive lines/options, but disregard race choice completely.
3. Do not overdo so demanded “I want to be the center of the story!”
The fisrt part of the summit with you, the player, talking to the leaders was tedious and uninspired. Without voiceover it felt plain awkward, rushed and inessential. Why should we talk other this subject if it’s already a common knowledge – that Elder Dragons will consume everything if not stopped? The whole scene, as others mentioned, was structured like:
-Oh, we are <race x>, we have problem <y> and problem <z>, we can’t spare any more reinforcements to fight elder dragon!"
-But Elder Dragons are bad and will come for you!
-Oh, yeah, you are right, okay.
Was that really that important to the plot or were you just playing to playerbase’s demand to be more relevant to the story? I would be much more happy to hear Trahearne talking to the leaders and discussing the strategy, as he is the actual leader of the Pact, and inviting me during his speech to adress some topics, as we are more experienced with Mordrem, for example.
4. Innacuracy in everything. I understand that it’s very hard to make everything one hundred percent accurate to the lore, but. What is Pale Tree’s avatar? An etheral manifestation or a shining wooden body? Why the Shadow of the Dragon is trying to hit Omphalos chamber? Was it after the Avatar? After the player? Or the world leaders?
And how does Trahearne know that this was a Shadow of the Dragon and why he calls it that way? He couldn’t know it’s name, nor does player character. It’s just a more or less inspired name to identify it out of game context. A game mechanic. Can you imagine any of leading characters mentioning something like “champion destroyer troll” in context of the story? No. Same goes for Shadow of the Dragon. Kinda.
To be continued, I think.
No TL/DR, sorry. You are free to call it an opinion. You are not forced to agree with me.