When it ends
More likely it will continue to return regularly even after World 4 is finished. Or maybe it’ll be added permanently to the world.
Or maybe it’ll be added permanently to the world.
I’d like it to be permanently part of the world from the next update onwards, but I guess ANet reckons it’ll feel more “significant” if it comes and goes…
Or, assuming the popularity of the content remains unchanged, maybe they will just come up with a new plot and create additional worlds for it that way.
Nobody can really say, not even ArenaNet at this stage I imagine. But they did create some tech specifically for SAB, so gone for good and never seen again in any form seems pretty unlikely.
Nothing will be permanent in the hands of anet If it’s successful, anet will keep returning it as a temporary content i’m pretty sure. Making it permanent is something anet dislikes nowadays because it doesn’t have the same novelty to
force attract players to play.