keep up the good work!

keep up the good work!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


just wanted to say YAY Super Adventure Box is back

having read the forums i was a bit taken aback by all the negativity about world 2, people saying its too hard, too long, requires specific items, ect. ect.

well i’m loving it, i always feel disappointed when new content comes out and im able to finish it within a few hours but this should keep me going all week if not longer to find all them secrets you guys hid in there.

(and to anyone who has been saying that world 2 is to difficult, try going though it first on infintle mode so you can get to see whats coming and how to solve the puzzles)

can’t wait for world 3 some time next year

keep up the good work!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


can’t wait for world 3 some time next year

I can’t imagine what kind of p2w nonsense that is going to be. Would much rather just pay a sub instead of this current model. Of course with destiny,eso etc on the horizon I don’t think it’s going to be a concern for anyone.

keep up the good work!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


can’t wait for world 3 some time next year

I can’t imagine what kind of p2w nonsense that is going to be. Would much rather just pay a sub instead of this current model. Of course with destiny,eso etc on the horizon I don’t think it’s going to be a concern for anyone.

if you really think that this system we have at the moment is a P2W system? Then you must not have played a Korean MMO or at least not enough time into one to hit the pay or grind wall (no offence to anyone who enjoys korean MMO’s but i don’t have the time nor the desire to ether pay out or grind away for digital items).

i mean do you want to have easy access to everything? that would just make the content A: simple B: there would be no scene of achievement at completing it.

keep up the good work!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: LinkR.6190


can’t wait for world 3 some time next year

I can’t imagine what kind of p2w nonsense that is going to be. Would much rather just pay a sub instead of this current model. Of course with destiny,eso etc on the horizon I don’t think it’s going to be a concern for anyone.

if you really think that this system we have at the moment is a P2W system? Then you must not have played a Korean MMO or at least not enough time into one to hit the pay or grind wall (no offence to anyone who enjoys korean MMO’s but i don’t have the time nor the desire to ether pay out or grind away for digital items).

i mean do you want to have easy access to everything? that would just make the content A: simple B: there would be no scene of achievement at completing it.

Agreed. People really have no idea what they are talking about when they call the coin P2W. Even with the coin, it can still be an immensely frustrating experience. I Wanna be That Guy has infinite lives and most people still can’t beat it, but since you can’t really completely lose I guess that means you may as will consider it beaten, right?

keep up the good work!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


i mean do you want to have easy access to everything? that would just make the content A: simple B: there would be no scene of achievement at completing it.

Please explain to me how having easy access to everything makes the content simple? Further explain to me how having easy access to everything would in some way trivialize the achievements as part of completing the content.

A good example would be the jumping puzzles in lions arch. There is a simple one, a medium one, and one that is a bit more complex. All have easy access to them. Yet they are not all simple, and yes I felt a sense of achievement when completing all three of them. So I find your argument that easy access trivializes something to be lacking.

keep up the good work!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: LinkR.6190


i mean do you want to have easy access to everything? that would just make the content A: simple B: there would be no scene of achievement at completing it.

Please explain to me how having easy access to everything makes the content simple? Further explain to me how having easy access to everything would in some way trivialize the achievements as part of completing the content.

A good example would be the jumping puzzles in lions arch. There is a simple one, a medium one, and one that is a bit more complex. All have easy access to them. Yet they are not all simple, and yes I felt a sense of achievement when completing all three of them. So I find your argument that easy access trivializes something to be lacking.

Does this mean you think they should have done an easy, medium, and hard version of it to accommodate different levels of skill? I must be misreading that, because SAB DOES have three levels of difficulty. Besides, even so, no matter what people will ALWAYS complain they can’t beat the hardest mode. It’s a common case of, I see it exists, so it is my right to possess it.

keep up the good work!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


i mean do you want to have easy access to everything? that would just make the content A: simple B: there would be no scene of achievement at completing it.

Please explain to me how having easy access to everything makes the content simple? Further explain to me how having easy access to everything would in some way trivialize the achievements as part of completing the content.

A good example would be the jumping puzzles in lions arch. There is a simple one, a medium one, and one that is a bit more complex. All have easy access to them. Yet they are not all simple, and yes I felt a sense of achievement when completing all three of them. So I find your argument that easy access trivializes something to be lacking.

ease of access being simple is a design 101, you don’t make complex toys, books or games for young children because they would not be able to ether enjoy it or understand it.

that is why they added infantile mode! (not that infantile is designed for young children but that it is a simplified version of SAB so that everyone has access to it)

for the second question i’ll use the examples of legendarys, in GW2 while legendarys have become more common now you still stop and turn your head when someone runs past you with one. however what do you think you happen if everyone was easily able to make one? then they would have lost most of there appeal as you would no long feel any sense of accomplishment at having crafted one.

and tbh if your playing Video games in general for a sense of accomplishment there are games far better suited to be sinking your time into than an MMO

(edited by TheTaffer.8761)