Party of 5
It’s more fun with 5, but it adjusts to party size. I was doing it with one other person earlier.
Only did the infantile part so far and we did it with a group of 3. Not sure about the other parts.
It looks to be soloable, not like the “combat” adheres to the usual ruleset. May take longer alone, but if the monsters remain “retro” then soloing shouldn’t be an issue.
not positive if there’s a way around this, but you need five people to get past checkpoints and to open chests.
not positive if there’s a way around this, but you need five people to get past checkpoints and to open chests.
As far as I know it adjusts to party size, ie. in party of 5 you need five keys for a chest but in party of 2 you would need 2. The tradeoff being of course that with less damage output you need to repeat the pattern based bosses patterns for longer. Hence a solo run taking longer, when normal health or damage mechanics do not apply.
From what I’ve seen so far (stopped after the frog boss), the place should be solo only because unless it scales the mobs based on the number of players, the place must be a joke for 5 people, cheapening some of the achievements, like no deaths.
The frog boss specifically doesn’t look like it matters how many people you have. Once attackable, it seemed to only remain attackable up to a certain percentage, so having more people wouldn’t really matter.
Since this place is based on the old single player games these places are probably supposed to be done solo. If 5 people were actually expected, you wouldn’t be able to 2 hit mobs.
It is soloable, but is more fun (and slightly easier) with more people. I played with one of my guildies and we had a grand time.
The only thing that you might struggle on solo is the queen bees and the final boss.
I just found the bees to be easier if someone kited them while the other beat on them. I couldn’t find a space long enough in their pattern to beat them down quick enough. Just got kinda tedious lol. (This wasn’t the infantile mode that I was soloing). Actually I found the frog boss to be easier then the bees. Since he has a VERY obvious pattern.
Everything else is pretty much the same. The general mobs are easy to dodge or avoid entirely.
I don’t see the point in grouping up. I doubt it’ll be faster since you’ll normally have to wait for someone to get to the end before you can engage the zone boss. The first world can speed cleared solo in about 15-20 min. If you take into consideration the amount of time it takes to form a group, do the run, and downtime from waiting for stragglers; solo is faster.
The party of 5 was the worst idea. having it as a solo dungeon or at least for two would have been so much better and enjoyable. I am pretty fed up of these bad attitude speed runners, not all of us are there for the instant gratification of loot. The Super Box is an awesome world but unfortunately like most MMO’S, the nature of the beast is you will have some immature minded person, with little people or social skills to ruin it for all; especially if they decide to quit cause nobody is playing the game to the speed they want.
Unfortunately some of us have jobs, families, responsibilities than to stand in GW all day to know every jump at hand.. A solo would have been a great move gaming wise for Anet. In fact it would possibly bring more interest to new gamers having this perm on GW who look on 8 bit culture fondly and with nostalgic sentiments
P.S – if anyone is having issues with such toe-rag players, whisper to me inworld and we can try and set up some guild to work on such dungeons without the need to PUG and added stress of loot speed runners.. I know some people are having difficulty finding dungeon running guilds ( I know I did ) that don’t have patience for new or in-experienced players. Will be nice to hear from you, of if you do run such a guild – give me a whisper.
(edited by mzt.3270)
The party of 5 was the worst idea. having it as a solo dungeon or at least for two would have been so much better and enjoyable. I am pretty fed up of these bad attitude speed runners, not all of us are there for the instant gratification of loot. The Super Box is an awesome world but unfortunately like most MMO’S, the nature of the beast is you will have some immature minded person, with little people or social skills to ruin it for all; especially if they decide to quit cause nobody is playing the game to the speed they want.
Unfortunately some of us have jobs, families, responsibilities than to stand in GW all day to know every jump at hand.. A solo would have been a great move gaming wise for Anet. In fact it would possibly bring more interest to new gamers having this perm on GW who look on 8 bit culture fondly and with nostalgic sentimentsP.S – if anyone is having issues with such toe-rag players, whisper to me inworld and we can try and set up some guild to work on such dungeons without the need to PUG and added stress of loot speed runners.. I know some people are having difficulty finding dungeon running guilds ( I know I did ) that don’t have patience for new or in-experienced players. Will be nice to hear from you, of if you do run such a guild – give me a whisper.
u can run this solo, very very very easily. Idk if stuff scales or not, but i’ve ran it with max 2 people, generally solo and everything died fairly quickly, minus the toad king, he took ~6min by himself.
Be sure that if your party members leave that you actually kick them from the party or leave it properly.
I had a group of 4 but only 3 were in the instance (and I didn’t realize the other member was still in the party thus counting for doors/chests).
What we did to counter that was at the doors we just moved real quick across 2 of the pedals and it opened. Should have kicked the other party member though lol.
Be sure that if your party members leave that you actually kick them from the party or leave it properly.
I had a group of 4 but only 3 were in the instance (and I didn’t realize the other member was still in the party thus counting for doors/chests).
What we did to counter that was at the doors we just moved real quick across 2 of the pedals and it opened. Should have kicked the other party member though lol.
oooh that’s cool, will try that later tonight – Ta muchly
you can pass. the gates scale based on the nr. of players in the party ( if you are 1 you only need 1, if you are 3 you need 3, etc )
I just got done soloing the whole thing and it was pretty easy. The poison swamp was the only part that gave me difficulty, but I doubt that would’ve changed with more people.
Frog boss is EXTREMELY easy solo once you know his tells. Queen Bee Dogs are also really easy as they only have two attacks with huge tells as well.
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30