Nice POST, sir……
Could definitely get the 12/12 achievements by doing Jumping Puzzles and Aetherblade slayer achievements
No need to do the dungeon (Although I would like to, since I want to know what happens to Mai Trin, the Inquest and the Aetherblades, sadly I can’t, as the dungeon proved to difficult for me and I’m afraid people will call me “taht n00b!” when they see me die. Oh well! I can always read the wiki for info! )
I’m usually typing on my phone
Could definitely get the 12/12 achievements by doing Jumping Puzzles and Aetherblade slayer achievements
No need to do the dungeon (Although I would like to, since I want to know what happens to Mai Trin, the Inquest and the Aetherblades, sadly I can’t, as the dungeon proved to difficult for me and I’m afraid people will call me “taht n00b!” when they see me die. Oh well! I can always read the wiki for info!
You can always join a casual guild. Most groups now that run the dungeon are actually pretty chill. If someone is complaining at you, simply block them. If the majority of the people are not friendly AND are in the same guild, leave before you get to Frizz.
That is fine, but what your post is going to translate to with most people with this mindset is:
“There are a lot of people in this game that are better at it than you are. A lot better. Stop trying, you can’t measure up to their standards no matter how much effort you put in. You won’t succeed. New content is above you. Have a nice day.”
I agree with your sentiment but the way you’ve worded your post isn’t going to elicit a terribly positive response from your target audience. Of course we can choose not to do the new content, but isn’t the point of new content to do the new content? There are legitimate reasons to be frustrated.
Um…okay? So you just made a thread to bash people who come on the forums and talk about what they like/don’t like. You also have decided that people who like the new dungeon are elitists who should be ignored? (I personally don’t like this new dungeon, but if people do like it, that’s fine with me, I’m not going to label them to make myself feel better).
Also you say not to come on here and complain, but that is exactly what you are doing, complaining….complaining about people complaining.
I think everyone should get on the forums and post their opinions as much as possible, it is important for every voice to be heard (weather or not I agree, and trust me, I disagree a lot).
I think it’s definitely worth remembering that you don’t need to do the dungeon, and especially don’t need to get all the achievements.
But I think taking the attitude of “this dungeon was made for hardcore elite players, I am not good enough and should not attempt ‘their’ content” is self-defeating. If you go into things assuming you will fail and shouldn’t even try you’ll miss out on a lot of stuff you might actually be able to do.
Based on this forum I was expecting the dungeon to take me several hours and be virtually impossible to finish. But I thought I’d give it a go anyway and, admittedly I had a good group who ‘carried’ me through the harder sections but other than the AoE attacks at the end I didn’t think it was harder than the normal dungeons, it just takes either practice or going with someone who knows the mechanics and can tell you what to do. Like the fact that you can’t dodge the lazers or tank their damage – you have to keep running and jump onto the boxes.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
You’re exactly right…I’m not worried about any achievements from this part of the LS myself, though I’m going to give the new JP a go when that drops.
I did not complete Halloween, not did I complete Wintersday or SAB…… the world did not crumble nor did it turn into a desolated wasteland nor did a zombie horde wipe out 90% of the population.
Clearly, you don’t play on EU Desolation server!
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
I going to keep trying. I only need 25 more golds to get that Golden and I really want to buy the Culteral T3 for my Asuran Engineer already!
Since I’m not a gold farmer and completing the dungeon yield 1 gold, it will save me some time gathering those golds. I know I won’t make that much money before it end but I will be alot closer to getting my achivement and armours!
I think everyone should get on the forums and post their opinions as much as possible, it is important for every voice to be heard (weather or not I agree, and trust me, I disagree a lot).
Unfortunately the fanboys show up regularly to drown out any critical comment, and Reddit is even worse. Some of us genuinely do not like the dungeon designs in this game and we really hate the jumping puzzles.
Everything seems to be designed around “taking way too long”, and “walking on the edge of a pin”, and then “jump at exactly the right time”. Story and Explorable modes has got to be the way to go here, if Anet ever brings out any permanent content. Seems like a big “if” to me.
Anet has had a good run so far because no other major title has been released since GW2. I played my last MMO right down to the bitter end as it imploded because of private servers. I would love to find another game to play but there isn’t much that is appealing right now.
No, it’s not required. But, I think it fair to say that people play the game for the achievements and the entertainment. Some people are somewhat fanatical about those achievements.
The point is, whether people like it or not, the game is there for their entertainment. If they play money, via gems for example, they’re in a business relationship with said company. And if they’re unhappy, they can complain or they can leave.
I think it’s better, from ANet point-of-view, to hear the complaints as opposed to the deafening silence of players simply leaving.
While I don’t agree with every complaint, by any stretch of the imagination, there is some validity in many of them.
It’s up to ANet to decided which are valid and which are sour grapes.
I just looked at the content list and the possible rewards when it came out and decided that I’m skipping this one. Main reason being that I’m not really interested in helping pirate scum fight other pirate scum. Let them wipe each other out for all I care.
Some people are OCD about finishing all achievements. They will complain until the event is gone and then they will realize it wasn’t that big of a deal they didn’t finish it. The time leading up to the end will be excruciating for them, though. They may even vomit a little bit.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….