LFG.. forever..
If you’re still on in 3 hours and on an NA server, whisper me and we’ll go together.
With all the good content that Guild Wars 2 has brought out, you would think a LFG tool would have been something they could have put in.
You can always try this: http://gw2lfg.com/
Nanaako ~ Elementalist | Shirogaane ~ Necromancer
I wanted to try it too, but it was bugged earlier today, so i just logged out, then i tried again several hours ago and no one wanted to invite or start one. I tried for around 15 minutes before i gave up. I think everyone else just gave up since it was bugged. :/
wtb LFG tool..
I found a group after two hours. We got in, made it to Champion Frizz and then wiped over and over and over and over until we said kitten it, it just isn’t worth doing and now no one in our party is ever going to finish the content. If you are going to make your content really difficult to get into you could at least make it PLAYABLE once you are in it.
Everyone wants players who have already done it
Wait… wut?? I don’t …. it wasn’t even working a few hours ago so it’s not like there was a long list of ppl who even fit under that category. Is this for real?
Everyone wants players who have already done it
Wait… wut?? I don’t …. it wasn’t even working a few hours ago so it’s not like there was a long list of ppl who even fit under that category. Is this for real?
Yes, because the mechanics are so bad there is a steep learning curve and some types of characters are just down right useless against some of the bosses. Especially pet classes. The pets die every ten seconds and are completely useless so half or more of many classes DPS is just gone for most of the fight. This is why WoW made pets immune to AOE and area effects. If you are going to calculate a pet into the damage threshold of a class it’s helpful that it doesn’t get instant killed by the unavoidable AOE.
You should join a helpful guild.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
With all the good content that Guild Wars 2 has brought out, you would think a LFG tool would have been something they could have put in.
You can always try this: http://gw2lfg.com/
Yes, tabbing in and out of the game to check for forum posts… because this is 1980?
Just install a freaking LFG tool like a real game. Time to put on your big-boy pants Guild Wars.
With all the good content that Guild Wars 2 has brought out, you would think a LFG tool would have been something they could have put in.
You can always try this: http://gw2lfg.com/
Yes, tabbing in and out of the game to check for forum posts… because this is 1980?
Just install a freaking LFG tool like a real game. Time to put on your big-boy pants Guild Wars.
I don’t think online games existed in 1980, much less alt tabbing…
Time to put on your big boy pants and deal with a very minor inconvenience?
I think that right now people are simply not running the dungeon because the risk of running into the bug where Kiel just stops walking is too high. Once that’s been fixed I think there will be more people doing th dungeon.
You should join a helpful guild.
Or lie.
“Yea, sure guys, I’ve done it before.”
Let them run in first and take aggro, stick close to one guy who looks like he might know what he’s doing.
On a more serious note it has always bugged me how quickly players start asking for “super pro 100-time completer zerker warrior speed clear run fanatics GEARCHEEEEECKKKK!!!!!!!”. I know it’s just how the game works, but still, meh.
(edited by Sarie.1630)
Yes, because the mechanics are so bad there is a steep learning curve and some types of characters are just down right useless against some of the bosses. Especially pet classes. The pets die every ten seconds and are completely useless so half or more of many classes DPS is just gone for most of the fight.
I don’t think it’s true. I tried this DG yesterday with my ranger and I had no problem with my pets. They died of course but this wasn’t so much more then everyone else in my team was downed. I think you should consider to choose proper pet for tasks like this. Fortunately for me, two pets that I like, can be used as a tank because they can be invulnerable for a shot time and heal themselves with some attacks.
We’ve manage to get to the last boss and almost killed it. We would probably killed it at the second attempt but I couldn’t stay so don’t know if my team succeeded.
here on my server:
“pro mes lfg ar, no first timers”
lol ;-)
i hope there are still enough doing it the first time when i want to do it later.
that’s a problem of mmorpgs in general. tons of people do the stuff already at the first day and figure out how to do speed runs and then a few hours after release you are expected to be pro to do the 30 mins runs to farm gold there.
I can sympathize with both sides here.
On one hand, it’s no fun being excluded from groups based on experience or lack there of. Everyone had to go through growing pains at some point and they either probably had someone leading the group, checked the wiki or watched a video on how to do something. Some folks just seem to get off on acting superior, while they can, over a sub-set of players that haven’t had the time to get into the content yet. If you have super-l33t-mad-dungeon-skillz, odds are another player with patience and persistence helped you get there. So pay it forward.
On the other, sometimes you just want to go through with a good group and have a nice smooth, well executed run that doesn’t take a break before every unique encounter so the group leader can give the first timers an explanation. And then the subsequent resets and wipes while unfamiliar members are figuring everything out. Despite what some would like to think, that does take time and can make a run twice as long, or longer, than it should take.
To those having trouble finding a group:
- Use Gw2lfg until the in game tool is released (it is coming)
- Actively look for a guild that enjoys learning and running new content
- If you see a lot of people in /m LFG, don’t be afraid to start your own
- Learning a dungeon, be open to advice and take criticism with a grain of salt.
- Don’t rage quit if you started the instance. Your team will blast you for it in /m (or even on GW2Lfg), making grouping later difficult.
- Having Vent/Mumble/TS and a mic is always helpful, but seldom required.
To those experienced with the new stuff:
- If you aren’t pressed for time, mix a new person into your group here and there. It’s easy for four familiar players to carry one while they figure everything out and doesn’t take much time.
- If you take a spot that opened in a group in progress, ask why the person before you ducked out and explain how to keep that from happening.
- Be patient with new players. Someone was patient with you. If it wasn’t this dungeon then it was Fractals, or Lupi, or Alpha, or a jumping puzzle. At some point your noob-ness irritated someone and they chose to educate instead of lambaste you over it.
Feel free to add…