Second Crab "double crown" bug.
I experiences this (two crabs) today and I got crabtacular this way. At the time I already doubted that I actually deserved the achievement. I’m 99% certain that at least both crab-holders were up.
I got the achievement for winning on the first day of the event and I’m also 99% certain that I never ranked #1 ever. (I ranked #2 in the bugged game today, other than that I seem to come last or one of the lower ones all the time.) I don’t remember there being two crabs in that game, but I can’t say for sure as it was chaotic and it was one of my first games.
Basically I totally suck at crab toss and don’t spend a lot of time playing it and I somehow managed to get both achievements, and I’m pretty certain that must have been a mistake.
So yeah, I think you’re right that there’s something fishy there.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
You got crabtacular that way? I wish I could too U.U and I wouldn’t say you didn’t deserve it, that achievement is based on dumb luck rather than achieving anything by yourself so you just had an extra bit of dumb luck in the form of a bug, don’t think you “didn’t deserve it”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all sorts of relieved that I have the achievement, but I’m really not happy about how I got it or that it is in the game in its current form in the first place. So I’m happy, but grumpy. Grumpy-happy.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~