Can't play crab toss

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Xehanort.4589


And you still put it in the daily tasks. Why did you release such a laggy minigame in the first place. I thought the last patch solved it’s problems but they are still there.

Reading the forums seems everyone is happy with it, but i say i wasn’t lagging in the open world, then i join this incomplete release of a minigame and people teleporting, veteran karkas turning me in a hamburger and aliens trying to fertilize my face while i can’t move or i find myself on the other side of the arena without the crab 5 seconds later all was blocked. Thta’s a shame of a game. What happened to: “When it’s ready”?

(edited by Xehanort.4589)

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Crawford.4135


Check you Reflections settings in graphic options. Turn this to Sky and Terrain or completely off. This is one of the largest perforce hits in the game currently. Give that a shot.

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


It works fine. Just lower your graphic settings if your computer can’t handle it.

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Xehanort.4589


I don’t know if it’s a lag or fps issue now, I’ll check that out, though from how it was, it seemed a lag issue and not an fps one.

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: locoman.1974


It’s one out of 11 possible achievements, of which you only need to complete 5 for the daily rewards. So far daily achievements have always been a mix of all the different things you can do in game (jumping puzzles, WvW, mini games which now include crab toss) but in my experience there has always been at least 5 that can be done easily and quickly in regular gameplay without doing one jump puzzle, mini game or stepping in WvW at all.

I did tonight’s particularly quick, though, did 4 of them in the thaumanova reactor (daily kill variety, maguuman event completer with one fire elemental + pre-events, daily champion by doing the bonus boss event with the matrix key someone had, and daily recycler by salvaging the stuff I got as drops from doing those), then I had a choice of krytan killer (which includes southsun), daily gatherer or daily condition remover for the 5th one, ended up being condition remover which I finished quickly fighting a couple of drakes, but that’s because as a DPS/support specced guardian I had lots of condition removal options.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

What happened to: “When it’s ready”?

NCSoft’s bean counters. ’Nuff said.

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Crawford.4135


It’s one out of 11 possible achievements, of which you only need to complete 5 for the daily rewards. So far daily achievements have always been a mix of all the different things you can do in game (jumping puzzles, WvW, mini games which now include crab toss) but in my experience there has always been at least 5 that can be done easily and quickly in regular gameplay without doing one jump puzzle, mini game or stepping in WvW at all.

I did tonight’s particularly quick, though, did 4 of them in the thaumanova reactor (daily kill variety, maguuman event completer with one fire elemental + pre-events, daily champion by doing the bonus boss event with the matrix key someone had, and daily recycler by salvaging the stuff I got as drops from doing those), then I had a choice of krytan killer (which includes southsun), daily gatherer or daily condition remover for the 5th one, ended up being condition remover which I finished quickly fighting a couple of drakes, but that’s because as a DPS/support specced guardian I had lots of condition removal options.

I think you are replying to the wrong thread.

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: BlasiuS.8961


It’s one out of 11 possible achievements, of which you only need to complete 5 for the daily rewards. So far daily achievements have always been a mix of all the different things you can do in game (jumping puzzles, WvW, mini games which now include crab toss) but in my experience there has always been at least 5 that can be done easily and quickly in regular gameplay without doing one jump puzzle, mini game or stepping in WvW at all.

I did tonight’s particularly quick, though, did 4 of them in the thaumanova reactor (daily kill variety, maguuman event completer with one fire elemental + pre-events, daily champion by doing the bonus boss event with the matrix key someone had, and daily recycler by salvaging the stuff I got as drops from doing those), then I had a choice of krytan killer (which includes southsun), daily gatherer or daily condition remover for the 5th one, ended up being condition remover which I finished quickly fighting a couple of drakes, but that’s because as a DPS/support specced guardian I had lots of condition removal options.

I think you are replying to the wrong thread.

No he is clearly responding to the OP’s complaint about the Crab Toss achievement being one of the options for the daily. Re-read the first sentence of the OP since it seems you missed it.

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: locoman.1974


It’s one out of 11 possible achievements, of which you only need to complete 5 for the daily rewards. So far daily achievements have always been a mix of all the different things you can do in game (jumping puzzles, WvW, mini games which now include crab toss) but in my experience there has always been at least 5 that can be done easily and quickly in regular gameplay without doing one jump puzzle, mini game or stepping in WvW at all.

I did tonight’s particularly quick, though, did 4 of them in the thaumanova reactor (daily kill variety, maguuman event completer with one fire elemental + pre-events, daily champion by doing the bonus boss event with the matrix key someone had, and daily recycler by salvaging the stuff I got as drops from doing those), then I had a choice of krytan killer (which includes southsun), daily gatherer or daily condition remover for the 5th one, ended up being condition remover which I finished quickly fighting a couple of drakes, but that’s because as a DPS/support specced guardian I had lots of condition removal options.

I think you are replying to the wrong thread.

The way I read it is that he’s complaining that the crab toss is buggy and laggy (can’t comment there, haven’t played it past the few seconds to get the achievement) and yet is part of the daily achievements, which is what I’m responding to.

Complaining about it being laggy or buggy I can get behind with (again, haven’t tried it fully myself, but I agree that if it is, complains are in order), but can’t really see it bad being a daily, since it is new content and one of the reasons for the dailies is to try to get people experience different aspects of the game, which is why WvW and things like jumping puzzles and crafting are part of the achievements as well. Now, if they made it 4 or 5 different dailies be crab toss related, I’d join you in the complain as well.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Kaaboose.3897


We have a guide here on tips on how to win at crab toss:

But just in case this is a tech issue have you abserved your ping while playing crab toss?
To check alt tab from GW2, press your Windows key and type in “resmon”
Next click the “Network Tab”
Now find the “TCP connection” drop down below and click it.
GW2.EXE should be there.
Look for the latency column and get GW2’s ping from that.
I’m from rural Australia and I play fine with a ping of 400. I’ve deliberatle put some strain on it and pushed it up to 700 and noticed the problems you have highlighted here.
Can you do this for us and let us know what your ping is so we can see if this is a problem on your side or Anets.
Oh! Also try running GW2 as administrator. I’ve found that can clear up all sorts of problems.
If this is a problem on your end (Ping is 500+) let us know and we’ll see if we can work out how to fix it for you. You’d be surprised how helpful people can be from time to time.

(edited by Kaaboose.3897)

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Xehanort.4589


Thank you for the useful windows tip, I’ll check it out.

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Xehanort.4589


While playing the minigame is running at 280 ms max, though i still see latency that i’m unable to move for 2 seconds after i use the running skill. Maybe last evening my connection wasn’t that good though every other part of the game ran fine and when i entered the crab toss it was a lagfest.

Can't play crab toss

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Kaaboose.3897


The lag at the end of the run skill isn’t lag, it’s intended. It’s so players are encouraged not to just chase the horder around. What I quite often do is grab a plank (or whatever I can get my hands on) and wait oposite the horde. Sooner or later somone comes chargeing out of there thinking their safe only to stop in front of me tapping my 2×4 on my hand.
If it does do that crap to you again (lag on everything) check out that resmon and see if there are any programs running there you don’t regonize. It might be spyware, It might be somone else leaching your connetion, It might be a bad connection.
Also don’t forget to run GW2 as Administrator.