So I guess this is the first big livng story patch we have seen. I just got back from the massive event in fireheart rise. We had about 8 commander pins on the map, each with about 30 peopel easily on them. I have a pic of what is undoubtedly 80 people, and it runs so smooth. We acc failed the event. We had 30 secs left on it and 5 percent on the last wave. It was fun though. Thanx Anet this is a hundred times better than last shores. Its seriously impressive in terms of capability. All the different factions, the massive amounts of DE’s. This is exactly what I wanted to see happen with DE’s and the Living Story.
Anet!! You have outdone yourselves!!!
Lucky you I was waiting in overflow, and when I finally could travel to the homeworld the event was over.
It was very fun. I hope it stays this way through the whole thing
Now this is what I call “living”, the invasions are great and so much fun!
Lucky you
I was waiting in overflow, and when I finally could travel to the homeworld the event was over.
But overflows have same events with 10 min delay.
Lucky you
I was waiting in overflow, and when I finally could travel to the homeworld the event was over.
But overflows have same events with 10 min delay.
Been waiten 45 mins…….
Lucky you
I was waiting in overflow, and when I finally could travel to the homeworld the event was over.
But overflows have same events with 10 min delay.
Not the one I was in, waited 35 mins and nothing happend.
Lucky you
I was waiting in overflow, and when I finally could travel to the homeworld the event was over.
But overflows have same events with 10 min delay.
Overflows should have the same events with a 10 minute delay. Unfortunately, kitten’s broken… again.
Clarification: You need to get to the overflow within 10 minutes of the invasion starting or you will need to wait about 45 minutes for the next one to begin.
Pure win as always!!
So I guess this is the first big livng story patch we have seen. I just got back from the massive event in fireheart rise. We had about 8 commander pins on the map, each with about 30 peopel easily on them. I have a pic of what is undoubtedly 80 people, and it runs so smooth. We acc failed the event. We had 30 secs left on it and 5 percent on the last wave. It was fun though. Thanx Anet this is a hundred times better than last shores. Its seriously impressive in terms of capability. All the different factions, the massive amounts of DE’s. This is exactly what I wanted to see happen with DE’s and the Living Story.
soooo…..where is that pic at? come on op you gotta deliver the goods
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
lemme find one. hmmmm.
in this pic you can only see about 40 people, there are a lot more in front.
on GH we got zergs with 300+ peple atm. and you can see each and everyone and dont lag
Clarification: You need to get to the overflow within 10 minutes of the invasion starting or you will need to wait about 45 minutes for the next one to begin.
There should be some sort of notice or timer or countdown thing letting those of us who got stuck in an overflow how much longer the main server has to finish it. It’s really annoying getting to the map and not know how much longer i have to wait for the event to finish.
Orr farming is more fun.
Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Hooray! More zerg Farming! NOT!
“If you want to get rid of “zerk” you have to make content
hard enough to make them cry, not just rivers but oceans."
hard enough to make them cry, not just rivers but oceans."
Thanks for making a living event thats a copy of orr farming.. really funny to just mass form like a zombie and get loads of money for it.. taking away almost all server pop to this and empty out wvw,dung,pvp etcetc
Member of [SoZ] GM of mEIGHT [mEJT]
S1/S2 Legend Engineer @ Gandara EU.
S1/S2 Legend Engineer @ Gandara EU.
I got to overflow and waited 40 minutes for the event to happen or to move out of overflow – only to move out of overflow to nothing. It would have been nice to know I was going to waste my time and should be doing something else. There is a lot of confusion going on right now and people are pretty upset in the overflows.
Oh, and I reported it as a bug since I didn’t know that you have to be in overflow during the first 10 minutes or it won’t happen. guess i shouldn’t have done that.
Just got into the frost gorge sound event… only to get disconnected. I logged back in and now cannot get back into the event. I do not like this event system. I have a feeling I will never be able to complete one of these events.
Lucky you
I was waiting in overflow, and when I finally could travel to the homeworld the event was over.
Could be worse, I got put into an overflow with my group. Our home instance failed, but the overflow succeeded. Wasn’t even sure that was possible.
I finished (we were successful) the Fireheart Rise event a few minutes ago. Well done, ArenaNet! It was tons of fun and cool new rewards. Got around 7 achievements, as well. You weren’t kidding when you said it would be something BIG. Thank you for all your hard work, this content is most enjoyable. =)
I can finally enjoy the game at it’s finest with tons of ppl on the screen….hahahah bye bye culling and never come back.
(edited by Moderator)
I gotta say, turning off culling has made a world of a difference for me. Completing the first invasion event in Tarnished Coast at Fireheart Rise just felt so… epic! Seeing all the cities fully fleshed out with people is a great sight too. Heck, this one change alone has made the patch totally worth it for me.
Thanks for making a living event thats a copy of orr farming.. really funny to just mass form like a zombie and get loads of money for it.. taking away almost all server pop to this and empty out wvw,dung,pvp etcetc
So your problem is that people prefer this event and are leaving wvw, dungeons, and pvp?
…. Your issue is that other people are having fun?
Sending everyone in a server to one map, knowing the system with overflow servers, brilliant …
Could be the worst patch to date on the technical side of things.
Culling removed in combination with an LS patch where the whole server bunches up in one area of one map, with overflows in overflows where events don’t happen and people are stuck.
All-in-all, good idea, poorly executed, terrible design, lag.
Clarification: You need to get to the overflow within 10 minutes of the invasion starting or you will need to wait about 45 minutes for the next one to begin.
You ought to do something about that—how frustrating for some players.
This is broke. I cannot seem to stay in an event. There is no way to get back into an event once you are out of it. Therefore, this has effectively cut me off from game content. I am a casual, non-pvp gamer. This content is what I log-in to play for.
Not playable at all, complete fail. Have tried 3 different events. So many people you can’t see anything on the screen, then it freezes and I get kicked to an overflow. Not happy with this one at all, and it looked like it could have been a lot of fun. I guess I can try guesting to an empty server, otherwise this will be another event that I will not be able to do.
made it to the final wave in timberline falls and then got disconnected. There needs to be a way to reenter the event. This is broke.
In one event, this game is now ruined for me. I am a PVE player and I love the events and living world (up until now). I have spent an entire day trying out this content and have failed to complete it once due to not being able to get into the event. Due to the fact that I cannot reenter the invasion events if i get disconnected, this content is essentially blocked to me. Game over. Very disappointed. I will watch to see if this gets fixed, but have my doubts since I am but a lonely individual. I am so mad right now.
For now, I really dislike this zergfest. From my point of view, Its considered laggy (15fps), disorientating, boring, 45min random spell spaming event, with a bit of running around.
(edited by peter.2738)
Everyone calm down, it’s release day bugs, they will get patched. Maybe play something else for a bit while they hammer out issues, or maybe….gasp go out side, enjoy some fresh air, let the sun wash over you, feel the wind blowing.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
One thing makes me laugh. Nobody cares about Orr. Even dragons and all other villains just ignore it
I want to build a villa here and live here.
English is not my native language, sorry :<
Stuck in overflow, great fun……….not.
Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.
I just cancelled my [next gen console I won’t name in fear of flames] preorder to get a new pc at the end of the year. Why? The direction GW2 seems to be taking is enough to convince me to really commit to this game – again!
Totally brainless zergs autoattacking.
So… Not really fun for me I must admit…
I agree. I think this is an amazing patch. Can’t wait to try the Funhouse.
the rewards might be good, but its so boring running around in a zerg like a mindless robot, can we get rewards as good as those with fun, non-zerg related content already ..please?
My initial reaction: better than flame and frost. But only time can tell.
Brilliant, so far only got into one invasion and lost, but was a great laugh! Finally PvE commanders can be put to use.
I’ve loved it so far – the only complaint I have is NPCs referring to Divinity’s Reach as “DR” in dialogue…. that’s extremely immersion breaking, to be honest. Otherwise fantastic event!
Clarification: You need to get to the overflow within 10 minutes of the invasion starting or you will need to wait about 45 minutes for the next one to begin. Please tell me this is a joke?
Clarification: You need to get to the overflow within 10 minutes of the invasion starting or you will need to wait about 45 minutes for the next one to begin. Please tell me this is a joke?
No. The event lasts 45 minutes, so if it started any later than ten minutes past the hour it would get cut off (on the hour) when the next event started.
I’ve loved it so far – the only complaint I have is NPCs referring to Divinity’s Reach as “DR” in dialogue…. that’s extremely immersion breaking, to be honest. Otherwise fantastic event!
Why? We use initials like that in real life e.g. LA and KL. I don’t see why Tyrians wouldn’t do the same.
Jimibabob – Valkyries of Dwayna [VoD]
Piken Square
Piken Square
I’ve loved it so far – the only complaint I have is NPCs referring to Divinity’s Reach as “DR” in dialogue…. that’s extremely immersion breaking, to be honest. Otherwise fantastic event!
Why? We use initials like that in real life e.g. LA and KL. I don’t see why Tyrians wouldn’t do the same.
Yeah, on the other hand? Scarlet is crazy . . .
Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.
I like it. The new opponents seem to have some interesting abilities and the whole experience seems to make the community more communal and goal oriented. Yes it is possible to zerg the events to a certain extent, BUT if you zerg blob the map the overall event will fail. So far I give it a 9/10 as the overflow can be a pain, and the final boss is too squishy, however the content is solid.
More like these in the future please!
I have truly enjoyed this update! The constant battles and tracking has been fun! Thanks ANet!
Level 80, Sylvari Necromancer
Not So Epic [HAL]
Not So Epic [HAL]
I love the idea, I love the mobs and whilst a kindless zergfest, it does have an epic feel (offset by God awful music which doesn’t set the battle up at all). The story started to improve as well (not great, but better)
The problem is the gating – ie not being able into Pavilion or into an event if you miss an overflow that was active 10mins post. There is no reason not to have multiple maps on the go. It’s a question of “right time” to log in…ie luck.
So far 5 invasions, only got into 2 of them. Hats off to the designers of the mobs though. They are VERY cool to fight. And a nice design. Lots of screenshots of them!!,,
(edited by Randulf.7614)
I logged in late to the Lornar’s Pass one but got into an overflow for the Fireheart Rise one. I crashed into character select screen and entered again but then crashed during loading into Lornar’s Pass. After a few minutes the screen went white and I closed gw2 and reopened. I now missed the Fireheart Rise one. I then closed the game and played a different game.