I guess they know what's important...
Working as intended
There’s nothing wrong with the Tequatl fight itself. The only thing that could use fixing is the AFK timer for the map.
A minority crying and moaning about a fight being challenging shouldn’t be a priority. There are tons of people who have loved this fight and it’s about time less casual players got something enjoyable and not overly easy. If you want a game company to respond to every little whine and moan, Blizzard is that way —>
What you’re saying is essentially “easier said than done.” I am sure ArenaNet is working on a solution for Conditions being capped out. As for the Overflow issues, this boss illuminated how broken it is, but a quick fix should not be expected either.
(edited by Nokaru.7831)
A simple question with a simple answer like “Are these minipets permanent” is always more likely to get a reply. Its an easy reply that takes a minute to post and runs no risk of telling players more than the devs want to reveal (which is apparently something Anet is extremely careful about).
So for days we’ve been talking about Teq fight, what’s wrong with it and how it could be fixed/adjusted, and discussing how the current problems with the game has a negative impact on the community, mostly the overflow system and condition damage.
To that we got no single comment by Anet.Regarding the availability of a couple minipets we get an answer within a day.
I do like minipets but i think you should get your priorities checked…
Yes, this was my immediate reaction as well.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
A minority crying and moaning about a fight being challenging shouldn’t be a priority.
Except thats not what the majority of the complaints are about.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
A minority crying and moaning about a fight being challenging shouldn’t be a priority.
Except thats not what the majority of the complaints are about.
But, you see, fanboys will spin anything they can.
A minority crying and moaning about a fight being challenging shouldn’t be a priority. There are tons of people who have loved this fight and it’s about time less casual players got something enjoyable and not overly easy. If you want a game company to respond to every little whine and moan, Blizzard is that way —>
Last time I checked the “less casual players” were the minority in this game.
But hey, I’m happy to see you are easily satisfied when someone throws a bone at you.
A minority crying and moaning about a fight being challenging shouldn’t be a priority. There are tons of people who have loved this fight and it’s about time less casual players got something enjoyable and not overly easy. If you want a game company to respond to every little whine and moan, Blizzard is that way —>
So what you’re saying in your response is conditions are fine large scale, right? The way this was implemented and the scale of players needed has had no ill effect for players leveling, map completion, afk’s, welfare guests camping, parties/guilds participation on a home server, community building, players that paid for a transfer, disconnects, and overflow.
This has very little to do with as you put it “challenging” mechanics of Tequatls fight.
I do believe we will see changes to these issues of conditions, and guesting. I just wish they put a better effort in this release of endgame content, lots of eyes were waiting to see if this was the content to bring them back.
Lets not pretend this is some crew in a studio with minimal funds running the show, this is a millions of dollars well oiled money making machine.
1. Optimization
2. Guesting & overflow
3. Conditions (may I hint the word crit pls)
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
A simple question with a simple answer like “Are these minipets permanent” is always more likely to get a reply. Its an easy reply that takes a minute to post and runs no risk of telling players more than the devs want to reveal (which is apparently something Anet is extremely careful about).
Quoted for truth. It takes two seconds to say “The pets will continue to drop. They are permanent” and there’s really no complex discussion to be had there. If a dev talks about Tequatl, however, there’s an endlessly complex amount of discussion as to who the target audience is, how it meets their needs, how much preparation should be expected on the part of the players, etc. Players can, and will, continue to debate it and possible adjustments all day long, and adding a dev to that discussion as a particpant won’t necessarily improve it.
If I were them, I’d be very careful about opening that can of worms on the forum. With minis, however, it’s a very simple “yes” or “no.”
“We are aware, we will try to fix this game to be more fun in the future.”
Or something along those lines, would make us feel more cared about.
The argument of, the questions too hard to answer. Doesn’t really distill much faith…
I know a yes or no question is easier to answer but the problems underline Teq fight are present since release.
We should get a bit more than “we’re aware of the issues but we can’t do a bloody thing about them”. They could make a statement on the issue saying what they’ve been testing and how long it would take to implement some actual changes.
As a chemist working on the research field i know it’s not easy to come up with results, much less favorable results, in a short time. Still i have to give regular updates on my work stating what i’ve been doing and what conclusions i can derive from the data.
I don’t want a conclusive answer and a specific date for an update, i just want to know what they’ve been doing the last year to address the problems and, if they’re near a solution, a feasible time frame that could let them implement the changes.
It’s no use to release new content regularly if major issues with the game are still unresolved.
I agree I’m on the " minority are complaining " boat. This is the single greatest change to PvE content for this game. Its only just a first step too, they are most likely aware of the issues but it requires a far greater game design change in whether they decide to just change afk timer? just change overflow system, change overflow and timer? Lock guesting during world boss events? Theres so many options to tweak and lets face it they have read and know of these things. Give it time. People dwell on the negative far too much its stupid.
Ever notice how those that complain about a game…
1) Never point out the positives
2) Flame others that do point out the positives IE: Calling em Fanboi’s
3) Always seem to be the same ones that complain about everything as if nothing ever pleases them.
Interesting thoughts.
So for days we’ve been talking about Teq fight, what’s wrong with it and how it could be fixed/adjusted, and discussing how the current problems with the game has a negative impact on the community, mostly the overflow system and condition damage.
To that we got no single comment by Anet.Regarding the availability of a couple minipets we get an answer within a day.
I do like minipets but i think you should get your priorities checked…
What the devs respond to is not necessarily according to their priorities. Simple questions with simple answers are easy to reply to. More complicated complaints and questions are probably something they are working on internally and have no definitive answer for yet.
A simple question with a simple answer like “Are these minipets permanent” is always more likely to get a reply. Its an easy reply that takes a minute to post and runs no risk of telling players more than the devs want to reveal (which is apparently something Anet is extremely careful about).
Really? Because I posted a very simple question asking if superior rune of strength/rage are going to be fixed soon. My question was first met with people that thought I was wrong about them being broken. Then it was moved to the forums bug subforum. Finally it was removed entirely. I wish it was that simple, I have tons of simple questions with simple answers I would love to get an answer to.
An example of an easy answer:
“Yes, it is in the next big update” or
“No, but we are aware of the problem and we are working on it for our big rune/sigil overhaul”.
Either of those would have been good to hear.
It may be that a minority is complaining, it’s more like a majority just gave up on the event.
This is the only LS that I can remember that I’ve actually seen people complaining about in LA map chat.
There’s nothing wrong with the Tequatl fight itself. The only thing that could use fixing is the AFK timer for the map.
I have seen several screens of home servers with nobody around and TQ spawned. This is not even two weeks into something that is supposed to be permanent content.
Case 1: something that there’s no clear answer yet, they still need to see the fallout, consequences, metrics (what percentage of people were playing, how many kept trying Vs. how many stopped after getting achievements Vs. how many just gave up) and stuff like that, plus knowing us (the community) even saying something like “we’ll see what we can do” will be treated as a promise written in stone and source of further complain down the wall.
Case 2: A clear yes or no answer about something that has a defined and definitive yes or no answer already, no future promises made.
I don’t think there’s even much point of comparison between both.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
A minority crying and moaning about a fight being challenging…..
if only it WAS a challenging fight. It’s not though.
It’s a broken DPS check masquerading as “group coordination required”
It made me feel that with this fight, you have to be a warrior, guardian, elementalist, or a mesmer to do this fight to succeed. All other classes aren’t doing enough dps to get it done. And poor necros, don’t bring them if you are a condi necro, because you can’t crit and conditions have a cap. The other problem is the organization of lower tiered servers to herd their cats into doing what should be done for the fight and then there are the people who are akitten the map or even worse, afk on the turrets during the fight.
GG Anet.