Welcome to Blackgate

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Eternal Grace.3157

The Eternal Grace.3157

See the thing is, I went through all that. I spent about 5 hours today gathering 100 players in TS, preparing, communicating etc.

We still couldn’t do it. I don’t know the exact reason, thats not the point.

The point is, what are my options now? I could give up and not do it.. or I could try and guest to a server who knows how to.

Right, but a server with expertise (expertise because we are #1 in WvW, not trying to brag, just the facts) spent 9 hours constant of coordinating and planning…together. 9 hours. These guys spend time together all the time in WvW. They’re used to that sort of thing, and it took them 9 hours. That means that theoretically other servers should have to dedicate more time than that to be able to beat him.

The best option is to keep at it and you’ll get it. Watch some successful videos. Make sure you have commanders who know what they’re doing, make sure there is consumable buffs for everyone, make sure there are guardians putting up reflects, eles/rangers putting down healing, people doing what they need to on turrets, etc. Things take practice, and the fact that this one takes so much practice makes it elite content. It’s that much more rewarding and awesome feeling when you know you finally successfully did it, and without relying on another server’s coordination to do it.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Xcom.1926


I think I might just transfer to a T1 server, after this event I realized how much it sucks being on a low population server. My main is on DR (different account) and it can take me hours to get a group sometimes. Oh and we also get destroyed in WvW all the time.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stx.4857


See the thing is, I went through all that. I spent about 5 hours today gathering 100 players in TS, preparing, communicating etc.

We still couldn’t do it. I don’t know the exact reason, thats not the point.

The point is, what are my options now? I could give up and not do it.. or I could try and guest to a server who knows how to.

Right, but a server with expertise (expertise because we are #1 in WvW, not trying to brag, just the facts) spent 9 hours constant of coordinating and planning…together. 9 hours. These guys spend time together all the time in WvW. They’re used to that sort of thing, and it took them 9 hours. That means that theoretically other servers should have to dedicate more time than that to be able to beat him.

The best option is to keep at it and you’ll get it. Watch some successful videos. Make sure you have commanders who know what they’re doing, make sure there is consumable buffs for everyone, make sure there are guardians putting up reflects, eles/rangers putting down healing, people doing what they need to on turrets, etc. Things take practice, and the fact that this one takes so much practice makes it elite content. It’s that much more rewarding and awesome feeling when you know you finally successfully did it, and without relying on another server’s coordination to do it.

Been there done that. I hated raiding in WoW, and I’m tired of relying on hundreds of other players, tired of trying to herd hundreds of other players. I’ll do whatever I can to get this done, then I wont do it again until it gets nerfed.

“Just don’t do it” is not an acceptable answer, sorry.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Shiren.9532


The point is the guests aren’t a part of our server and shouldn’t be taking away from the rewards that our server gets. Many people are stuck in overflows with afkers and people who don’t listen/understand while guests fill their home server. It isn’t right.

They aren’t taking away from your server. They are participating in the fight and earning whatever rewards that come from it. If someone beats Tequatl they beat him, it doesn’t matter what server they did it on. If the Tarnished Coast map defeats Tequatl, everyone who worked together to do it deserves the reward. If a Tarnished Coast player is in an overflow (or guesting on Blackgate) and they didn’t defeat Tequatl they shouldn’t get rewards. No-one is taking rewards away from a server.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


See the thing is, I went through all that. I spent about 5 hours today gathering 100 players in TS, preparing, communicating etc.

We still couldn’t do it. I don’t know the exact reason, thats not the point.

The point is, what are my options now? I could give up and not do it.. or I could try and guest to a server who knows how to.

Right, but a server with expertise (expertise because we are #1 in WvW, not trying to brag, just the facts) spent 9 hours constant of coordinating and planning…together. 9 hours. These guys spend time together all the time in WvW. They’re used to that sort of thing, and it took them 9 hours. That means that theoretically other servers should have to dedicate more time than that to be able to beat him.

The best option is to keep at it and you’ll get it. Watch some successful videos. Make sure you have commanders who know what they’re doing, make sure there is consumable buffs for everyone, make sure there are guardians putting up reflects, eles/rangers putting down healing, people doing what they need to on turrets, etc. Things take practice, and the fact that this one takes so much practice makes it elite content. It’s that much more rewarding and awesome feeling when you know you finally successfully did it, and without relying on another server’s coordination to do it.

Been there done that. I hated raiding in WoW, and I’m tired of relying on hundreds of other players, tired of trying to herd hundreds of other players. I’ll do whatever I can to get this done, then I wont do it again until it gets nerfed.

“Just don’t do it” is not an acceptable answer, sorry.

There are many single player RPG’s availible, but instead you chose to play an MMORPG and then complain when there is massivly multiplayer content? It’s not as if there isn’t small group/solo content as well. They can’t please all the people all of the time, but they do a solid job of making something for every type of player.

I find it odd that some players complain when the new content just happens to not be their style of play and then on top of that force themselves to do it. It’s a game, you’re supposed to be having fun. If it’s not fun, just don’t do it (I don’t see why that’s not acceptable). Literally the only thing your missing out on by not doing it is a title (which would take multiple teq tries to get unless you’re superman, batman, and captain planet all rolled into one) and a tiny chance at some ascended skins. The rest you can buy off of the TP (which I would suggest waiting to do since the prices are falling like a stone)

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stx.4857


“Just don’t do it” isn’t a valid argument, or viable solution.. because that logic can be applied to anything.

For example: You are tired of not being able to zone into your servers Sparkfly Fen? Then go do something else!

See how lame that is?

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


“Just don’t do it” isn’t a valid argument, or viable solution.. because that logic can be applied to anything.

For example: You are tired of not being able to zone into your servers Sparkfly Fen? Then go do something else!

See how lame that is?

There is a large difference between the reasons behind those things. On one hand we have a player that doesn’t like massively multiplayer content in a MMO. On the other we have people abusing a system put in place to allow friends to play together on different servers. Trying to equate/juxtapose the two is a massive stretch.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stx.4857


Except those two reasons are both your opinion.

In the words of Stewie Griffin… I’m out.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cassandra Nea.2507

Cassandra Nea.2507

Is there any kind of cap on how many guests can enter a map on any given server? If not couldn’t that be a kind of solution? Say if a map can contain 200 people (random number pulled out of thin air), a small percentage of those slots are reserved for guesters, the rest are “natives only”.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Guests should not have reservations on servers that are not their own. .

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Except those two reasons are both your opinion.

In the words of Stewie Griffin… I’m out.

The first one is actually your opinion of massive multiplayer content in a massively multiplayer online role playing game >.>

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Gandara hasn’t beaten him yet I’ve never been able to get on its server for Tequatl.

It’s easy, just try like 10 mins before the event, and you will easily get in. The numbers are going down hard in our server, i’m afraid.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ioki.5692


It isn’t just the large servers that are having this problem, HOD is not a particularly large server and I’ve been booted into overflow too…so, basically you are in the same boat as everyone else…these things happen when you have big events that everyone wants to do.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ThePedroKid.2580


I think it’s funny that players, through not skill or fault of there own, on mega pop servers, like Blackgate, talk down to players who are on lower pop servers as if their mega pop server is special.

It is not special. If you are on it, you got lucky. That’s it. People just picked random names from the list when they signed up and Blackgate happened to win the lottery for whatever reason. That larger population and diversity allowed it to field more people for WvW which amplified the affect as more WvW folks wanted to be on a winning server. Now, it’s PvE that the larger population and diversity is drawing people for.

It seems that some people simply do not understand demographics. With a larger population the very small subset of ‘hardcore’ (and I’m one of them) is also larger. The probability of being able to field a ‘competent’ group of 80+ for an event such as Tequatl magnifies as a result. Not only that but this has a compounding affect as well! As people see successes more join in and the energy grows on that server. It even spreads to other servers and more people want to come.

The reality is… There is nothing special about Tequatl that no other server could do. Every server could beat Tequatl just as easily in an idealistic view; however, such ideals do not exist simply do to demographics.

To simply argue that someone should pay substantial money and/or gold to transfer is beyond ludicrous and is simply disrespectful in the highest degree. How about people who have the benefit of accidentally landing on a mega pop server (or doing constant world switches when they were free to find the big size winner, Blackgate) when they made their first toons pay a monthly fee for having extended benefits that other servers do not have? Why don’t we make it free to transfer again and then see how excited these individuals are when their server is practically inaccessible from all the overflows from heavy over population.

The bottomline is, Anet is creating motivating factors that run contrary to their logical objectives (i.e., balancing server populations to keep loads manageable and populations diverse enough to support all activities in the game… Including enhanced WvW balance). The bottomline is, server transfers should have been $10 from day one and never free to ensure populations stayed diverse and balanced. That didn’t happen so now perceived better performing servers became even moreso as people flocked to them.

You can not argue the demographics. They exist and they fundamentally break the comparison of a server like Blackgate to servers like Henge. Simple as that. They can not be compared or judged remotely the same.

Sorry to say, if Henge beats Teq at all it will be a far greater accomplishment that anything Blackgate has ever done given their demographic differences.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ateo.8196


It’s just a matter of time, people will start organizing and killing him by themselves. Several servers have beaten Tequatl without BG helping them. I was lucky to be on only one tho, posted several times already: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJOtEGXACys

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Piecekeeper.4361


This would be an annoying problem, and unfortunately, the only answer to your problems is going to lie with doing things about it yourself. There is absolutely no way Anet is going to do anything about the guesting system. Here are a few possible (if not annoying) solutions.

1. Wait. In 2 weeks Teq will not be very popular, people will stop guesting, plus more servers will have started completing the event, and you will have far less chance of being in overflow.

2. Get groups of people from your server who know the fight onto low population servers. Get like 10-20 people from your server who are good at organizing (and preferably not jerks) to guest onto a specific low population server and try and get them up to snuff. Every server you guys can get going on their own is one less trying to get into yours.

Like I said, these aren’t the answers you’re looking for, but they are probably some of the few workable ones you have available.

I would like to mention the other problem no-one seems to be mentioning about overflows. Part of the reason we are all having to deal with them is all of you out there who camp out on the main server for hours upon hours while the rest of us are at our jobs, school, or just playing the game as intended while you wait. I’m not criticizing here, I know if I had the time to dedicate to it, I’d probably do the same, but you are part of the problem too.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Frenk the Vile.2596

Frenk the Vile.2596

i’ll wait until Tequatle the funless gets nerfed, or until the LFG they promised is really there. No more time and no more money from me, just say somewhere.
i never guested to do it, i think the problem is the boss, not the organisation. it’s not a lv80 RAID like ‘’that game’’ raids, playing with 100 casual player, while my guildies are spread in 3-4 servers/overflows, IS NOT FUN!

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Eternal Grace.3157

The Eternal Grace.3157

Been there done that. I hated raiding in WoW, and I’m tired of relying on hundreds of other players, tired of trying to herd hundreds of other players. I’ll do whatever I can to get this done, then I wont do it again until it gets nerfed.

“Just don’t do it” is not an acceptable answer, sorry.

Wow. I am absolutely astonished by this comment. To sum it up, you essentially said “I don’t like this content, it’s too elite for me. Therefore I am going to keep doing it and I expect Anet to make it easier so that I am able to get my rewards, even though other people have done it fine and like it how it is.”

It’s optional content. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. If you want it done, but in the work for it just like all of the successful servers have.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ThePedroKid.2580


How can anyone call one of the most, and only, interesting fights with the best mechanics in the game ‘optional’?

That is ludicrous to say the least. That’s like saying it’s ‘optional’ to even play this game.

Let’s face it. Anet is not exactly brilliant at encounter design. In fact, historically, they have been downright terrible at it. Hitpoints and one shots with immunity to all player skills is their mantra. I can count the battles that had actual interesting mechanics on one hand.

This fight is not optional. It is a fundamental part of the game as it is Anet finally showing they may have the gonads to produce a real boss fight mechanic.

The problem is, they implemented it in an absolutely horrendous way that did not involve any of the foresight it should have.

It is not ‘elite’ by any means. The fight is not that complex or difficult. Frankly, the first mob in Molten Core vanilla WoW was more complex and difficult. The only thing making this fight difficult is Anet’s inability to manage servers properly and the deployment of the encounter.

If you want someone to blame for overcrowding, stop blaming guests. They are players just like you. No better and no worse. Blame the real source of the problem: Anet development.

I believe there is a reason Anet has been so hush on these topics and it has to do with them knowing they have screwed up big time and painted themselves into a corner.

They are hosed if they ‘nerf’ it as all the lucky few on mega pop servers will cry foul. They are hosed if they don’t because it excludes over 90% of their game’s population who at the very least will become apathetic to it and at the worst will simply leave for another game because they are sick to death of such poor implementations.

Finding that balance is the what I would be spending all my time on right now if I were Anet. Because they really screwed this one up… BIG time.

The fight should have simply been introduced in a manner that all servers had equal chance of completing it without it’s difficulty being reduced but it’s fun being maintained. It is very possible (get rid of time limit, allow it to scale to lower numbers of people, etc., are just some solutions). They need to do it and do it right away before the boss timer on it enlarges again and people no longer have the frequent access to the fight.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: daimasei.4091


Solution: Don’t do Teq. Let everyone from others servers do it in your server and fail so they move to another server until they get bored and give up or they learn to kill Teq.

Teq is not going to go anywhere. Is a permanent content so you can do it later.

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Alehound.3062


Teq the funless. I’ve made my choice ignore the stupid boss week event as well as teq from here on out. Waiting for 10 hr’s for a chance to get in to a non overflow to fight teq and most likely get a green is not my idea of fun. I wonder how many people were on the brink of leaving gw2 for a bit tried this stupid event and uninstalled the game lol. I don’t need anybody’s opinion because frankly I don’t care, I just wanted to say. GOOD JOB ANET! (for making frustrating content nobody can even get into a good group to do). I wonder how many cars a car manufacturer would sell if every car they made was impossible to start and had a top speed of 1 mph if you did get it started. With the exception of every other tuesday when you where lucky enough to start it in non overflow! In which case it ran fine. Yep Good job! (Clapping)

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rococo.8347


Gandara hasn’t beaten him yet I’ve never been able to get on its server for Tequatl.

It’s easy, just try like 10 mins before the event, and you will easily get in.

I logged into Deso 2 hours before Teq was due TWO hours – and was unable to get in – in fact ive only managed to get in once – at 3am, and when I died and WP got thrown into another bloody overflow.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Serkz.3140


…imagine what it would be like if guesting were allowed in wvw.

80 ele | wolf rank | Bgate

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stx.4857


Been there done that. I hated raiding in WoW, and I’m tired of relying on hundreds of other players, tired of trying to herd hundreds of other players. I’ll do whatever I can to get this done, then I wont do it again until it gets nerfed.

“Just don’t do it” is not an acceptable answer, sorry.

Wow. I am absolutely astonished by this comment. To sum it up, you essentially said “I don’t like this content, it’s too elite for me. Therefore I am going to keep doing it and I expect Anet to make it easier so that I am able to get my rewards, even though other people have done it fine and like it how it is.”

It’s optional content. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. If you want it done, but in the work for it just like all of the successful servers have.

Yes, please put words in my mouth. All you are doing here is showing off your elitist attitude, grats bro.

I have put in the work. Too bad I’m not part of an ‘elite’ server or organized guild like you.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


How can anyone call one of the most, and only, interesting fights with the best mechanics in the game ‘optional’?

That is ludicrous to say the least. That’s like saying it’s ‘optional’ to even play this game.

What’s ludicrous is that what you said isn’t even a valid argument. Teq is optional since the game can function completely without it just like it can without Dredge Commissar. Yes, the game is optional as well. What’s your point? I’ve seen other people use this very same statement and I do not see the rationale behind it.

This fight is not optional. It is a fundamental part of the game as it is Anet finally showing they may have the gonads to produce a real boss fight mechanic.

I think you may need to look up what fundamental means. Fundamental would be a basic aspect of the game such dodging, using your skills ,etc. A redesigned boss is not a fundamental part of the game. Neither is the revamped AC dungeon which your statement would apply to.

If you want someone to blame for overcrowding, stop blaming guests. They are players just like you. No better and no worse. Blame the real source of the problem: Anet development.

Yep. Don’t blame the motorists for the traffic, blame the city for not building larger highways. Don’t blame criminals for breaking laws, blame the lawmakers for making such constricting laws. Overcrowding is largely do to with guests who come to servers that have beaten Teq hoping for a free ride/handout.

It is not ‘elite’ by any means. The fight is not that complex or difficult. Frankly, the first mob in Molten Core vanilla WoW was more complex and difficult. The only thing making this fight difficult is Anet’s inability to manage servers properly and the deployment of the encounter.

Then all servers should be able to do this without any issues. In fact, they can as long as you have a few people that know how to do it and people can LISTEN to and FOLLOW directions. There is really zero need for TS other than to quickly say if you need help with turrets or to save time from typing.

Small servers are capable of filling out a map as there are more than 200 players on a server. Remember how Grenth used to require coordination and now most people know what to do? How about how people felt GL was impossible or incredibly difficult and now he’s a pushover?

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Eternal Grace.3157

The Eternal Grace.3157

How can anyone call one of the most, and only, interesting fights with the best mechanics in the game ‘optional’?

It is optional. No one’s forcing you to do the event, just like no one’s forcing you to play the game. It really is all optional.

Some people may call SAB the best content that’s been added to this game. Did I like it? Not really, so I didn’t play it much. Simple as that. I didn’t go on the forums saying they should make trib. mode easier just because I want the rewards..

If you don’t like it, don’t do it. There’s plenty of people who love it how it is and Anet will never be able to please everyone.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Eternal Grace.3157

The Eternal Grace.3157

Solution: Don’t do Teq. Let everyone from others servers do it in your server and fail so they move to another server until they get bored and give up or they learn to kill Teq.

Teq is not going to go anywhere. Is a permanent content so you can do it later.

Right. Because the achievements are also perma…oh wait, nevermind.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Eternal Grace.3157

The Eternal Grace.3157

Been there done that. I hated raiding in WoW, and I’m tired of relying on hundreds of other players, tired of trying to herd hundreds of other players. I’ll do whatever I can to get this done, then I wont do it again until it gets nerfed.

“Just don’t do it” is not an acceptable answer, sorry.

Wow. I am absolutely astonished by this comment. To sum it up, you essentially said “I don’t like this content, it’s too elite for me. Therefore I am going to keep doing it and I expect Anet to make it easier so that I am able to get my rewards, even though other people have done it fine and like it how it is.”

It’s optional content. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. If you want it done, but in the work for it just like all of the successful servers have.

Yes, please put words in my mouth. All you are doing here is showing off your elitist attitude, grats bro.

I have put in the work. Too bad I’m not part of an ‘elite’ server or organized guild like you.

You said yourself that you tried for 5 hours. Blackgate tried for 9 hours as a group before they beat him, so yes, I do expect you to have to put in more than 5 hours with a group from your server in order for you to beat him.

If you want to be a part of a more “elite” server or organized guild, transfer server and/or find a new guild. Simple as that.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Eternal Grace.3157

The Eternal Grace.3157

How can anyone call one of the most, and only, interesting fights with the best mechanics in the game ‘optional’?

That is ludicrous to say the least. That’s like saying it’s ‘optional’ to even play this game.

What’s ludicrous is that what you said isn’t even a valid argument. Teq is optional since the game can function completely without it just like it can without Dredge Commissar. Yes, the game is optional as well. What’s your point? I’ve seen other people use this very same statement and I do not see the rationale behind it.

This fight is not optional. It is a fundamental part of the game as it is Anet finally showing they may have the gonads to produce a real boss fight mechanic.

I think you may need to look up what fundamental means. Fundamental would be a basic aspect of the game such dodging, using your skills ,etc. A redesigned boss is not a fundamental part of the game. Neither is the revamped AC dungeon which your statement would apply to.

If you want someone to blame for overcrowding, stop blaming guests. They are players just like you. No better and no worse. Blame the real source of the problem: Anet development.

Yep. Don’t blame the motorists for the traffic, blame the city for not building larger highways. Don’t blame criminals for breaking laws, blame the lawmakers for making such constricting laws. Overcrowding is largely do to with guests who come to servers that have beaten Teq hoping for a free ride/handout.

It is not ‘elite’ by any means. The fight is not that complex or difficult. Frankly, the first mob in Molten Core vanilla WoW was more complex and difficult. The only thing making this fight difficult is Anet’s inability to manage servers properly and the deployment of the encounter.

Then all servers should be able to do this without any issues. In fact, they can as long as you have a few people that know how to do it and people can LISTEN to and FOLLOW directions. There is really zero need for TS other than to quickly say if you need help with turrets or to save time from typing.

Small servers are capable of filling out a map as there are more than 200 players on a server. Remember how Grenth used to require coordination and now most people know what to do? How about how people felt GL was impossible or incredibly difficult and now he’s a pushover?


also sorry for back-to-back comments, just wanting to reply to everyone.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Kerushi.7609


This was a problem for my server too (Northern Shiverpeaks) because all the players who want to beat it are going to Blackgate instead of trying to do it here. Although tonight we did have a really strong and organized effort (getting him to 38%) but I wish that it was like that EVERY time he came up. Instead we literally have to plan when we are going to meet and try to beat him, instead of trying to beat him every time.

~Shirin Shi (Silvari Necro)
TFG Os Northern Shiverpeaks