A Theory on Scarlet

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

I am not the first person on these forums to suggest that Scarlet saw Mordremoth (the assumed name of the Jungle Dragon) in her vision where she went crazy. However, thinking about it, I realize that it explains the motivation behind pretty much everything she does. Now, it doesn’t really explain how she does it, but so far, that is only really a question regarding her recent investment in Twilight Arbor (given we don’t have confirmation she has anything to do with Tower of Nightmares).

Connecting with an Elder Dragon’s mind is an overwhelming experience. We know this from the novel Edge of Destiny when Snaff directly contacted Kralkatorrik’s mind. Snaff, however, knew exactly what he was attempting and was mentally prepared for it. Scarlet, however, had no idea what she would find in her vision. We only know that the Pale Tree tried to stop her. We can safely assume that, for some reason or another, the Pale Tree is aware of Mordremoth (any connection directly to the dragon is up for debate, but awareness is a different story). The Tree wanted to protect Scarlet from something, but Scarlet pushed ahead anyway.

Now, contacting an elder dragon’s mind by surprise would likely make you a little loopy, but Scarlet probably dove in recklessly and was overwhelmed. She found something to work toward in that vision, and though it was never explicitly stated what, my guess is that she was chosen as Mordremoth’s champion.

Scarlet knew of Zhaitan’s defeat. Tyria’s races had the means and knowledge to take down an elder dragon. To ensure Mordremoth’s awakening does not end with his death, however, the status quo must be changed.

The Molten Alliance was formed from two desperate factions: the Flame Legion had lost their Tribune and was under assault by the other three legions. Despite their isolation, the Flame Legion still follows the intense military society of charr, and with a breakdown in leadership, they were starting to panic. The Dredge were experiencing a civil war of their own. It’s likely that Scarlet directed the factions toward each other with a suggestion that combined, they were stronger than alone (and she would have been right). Of course, part of this manipulation was a bit of a leash. They owed her for the alliance.

The Aetherblades, of course, were easier. We can assume she formed them more directly. Her technical know-how combined with stolen Pact technology created a potent force.

Stealing the Watchknight tech was another story. Scarlet was admittedly sneaky when she got a hold of this, but it allowed her soldiers that could be produced without limit and, more importantly, could not disobey her. Her connection to the Steam creatures is still a mystery.

(continued below)

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

(continued from above)
She was assembling these armies, but for what? She knew that there was another Dragon preparing to awaken, but telling her troops that? She’d lose their support, most likely, and that would make her job harder. Her appearance at the Queen’s Jubilee was only meant to make a statement: “I’m here, and you can’t afford to ignore me”.

Her attacks drew heroes, Seraph, Lionguard, and Pact forces all over to stop her, running them this way and that for some time to run them ragged. Then, she “let slip” that she had something big going on in Twilight Arbor. What was it? Probably just a testing facility for the new hologram generators, really. It also worked as a shipyard for her growing fleet. Even this, though, was just a distraction, meant to burn resources (and possibly kill off Caithe as a bonus). Her involvement in Twilight Arbor was a no-lose situation: either she perfects some new tech and has a personal shipyard, or she gets her enemies to burn resources like mad to stop her. Either way, she wins.

Even though her invasions continue, they do seem like they are rather randomly placed. This is because they are. Scarlet doesn’t care one whit about if her invasions are stopped because they elicit a response, wearing down the heroes and burning resources, either in combat or in rebuilding. Note that all of her invasions take place in Eastern Tyria. Not only is she eliciting a response, but she is doing so as far as possible from the maguuma jungle, where Mordremoth likely sleeps.

All of her attacks and plots make sense now, if she was chosen as Mordremoth’s champion. She attacks randomly because it wears down those that are most capable of responding to her master. Her plots and invasions are not meant to accomplish anything, they are meant to get a response.

Twilight Arbor is her only action that took place anywhere close to Mordremoth’s assumed location. Destiny’s Edge is also a known threat to the Elder Dragons, so she is likely trying to remove them as well. Twilight Arbor was the first attempt to do that, as she clearly was targeting Caithe. I imagine we will see similar actions against the other members, likely going in order of Logan, Eir, Rytlock, then Zojja (based off of location of highest concern for each member relative to the Maguuma Jungle).

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

I like reading these theories. Because it’s much more interesting than what actually happens in game.

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: webtoehobbit.4201


I like reading these theories. Because it’s much more interesting than what actually happens in game.

And then you realize that these theories are the most exciting part of Guild Wars 2 and these theories have never and will never come to pass….. :’(

I am kinda done with this game, I’ll log on once ever two weeks, take a couple days to get all the achievements for whatever the Living World is and then don’t play for another couple weeks.

When something substansial like an expansion rolls our way, I prolly won’t be spending much time in this game at all. Pity, this game had such potential.

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I like reading these theories. Because it’s much more interesting than what actually happens in game.


I really like the first couple of paragraphs, the idea she went mad because she came in contact with an elder dragons mind, and now he’s using scarlet as his pawn. But then he went and said Destiny’s edge is a threat to the elder dragons – Ummm yeah, not really.

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

I like reading these theories. Because it’s much more interesting than what actually happens in game.


I really like the first couple of paragraphs, the idea she went mad because she came in contact with an elder dragons mind, and now he’s using scarlet as his pawn. But then he went and said Destiny’s edge is a threat to the elder dragons – Ummm yeah, not really.

Whether they actually are or not is up for dabate. They still almost took one down on their own (yes, Glint and Snaff were there then), and succeeded in taking down several champions. Even if they don’t pose a threat to Mordremoth, they do pose a threat to Scarlet herself.

Going through the web-posted stories, there is a bit more evidence I did not mention above. We know that whatever Scarlet saw in her vision, she had new powers after that (being able to grow poisonous vines from her own body and manipulate them in such amount as to fill an Asura lab is not an ability most sylvari have, I believe). Svanir and Morgus Lethe are the only other known cases where we have had a mortal being chosen as a dragon’s champion and both of them developed new powers as well.

From the Aetherpath story, comments from Foreman Spur display that Scarlet doesn’t tell the aetherblades her motives for just about anything, nor does she give any information to any part of her alliances other than “they’re not against us”. This suggests that Scarlet doesn’t trust her troops and wants to keep the factions as isolated as possible from each other while still working for her. Again, this only really makes sense if she had something to hide. If one of the factions finds out and leaves her, the others are unlikely to find out what it is and Scarlet can just tell the others “they served their purpose in my plans.”

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

(edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180)

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The saddest part of this theory is that at this moment i simply no longer care. Scarlet has been presented so badly so far, and so overused, that i’d rather see them kill her quietly off-screen, than wait for a sensible background to be developed and introduced. Especially since i’m pretty sure than even the worst fan theories will still be better than what we’ll get.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: rizzo.1079


That would be cool, but unfortunately in some obscure German interview they said that the box she was in was just a sensory deprivation tank, so she didn’t see the Eternal Alchemy and all the ‘vision quest’ stuff from the story was just in her head.

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: locoman.1974


That would be cool, but unfortunately in some obscure German interview they said that the box she was in was just a sensory deprivation tank, so she didn’t see the Eternal Alchemy and all the ‘vision quest’ stuff from the story was just in her head.

Maybe it was just a sensory deprivation tank, which allowed her to enter into the dream, so it worked for her because she’s a sylvari.

One of the main theories going around is that the sylvari trees (to call them somehow) are Mordremoth champions, which means they are linked to it. The pale tree had ventari’s influence, which became its guiding force (for all we know maybe mordremoth hasn’t fully awakened yet so his influence might still be weak). We do know that the sylvari are permanely connected to the pale tree trough the dream of dreams, even after they wake up while they can’t really read minds or really communicate with each other, sylvari can still sense when there are lots of sylvari near, or even feel strong emotions from other nearby sylvari (like dead or suffering), which means there is a connection that wouldn’t have dissapear in a sensory deprivation tank, instead it would become much stronger as the other senses stops interfering with it.

One thing we do know, Scarlet did unlock some extra powers in there. Before going in, she was just an engineering genius, but coming out she could also grow red thorny vines at will, which in the story first she sees growing around her hands, and then uses them to tie and then kill Omadd.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: MaXi.3642


interesting reading, i wish Living story is at least half this deep and ANet isnt that bad in making stories then how it looks right now i still hope it will become something awesome!

A Theory on Scarlet

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Thobek.1730


One thing we do know, Scarlet did unlock some extra powers in there. Before going in, she was just an engineering genius, but coming out she could also grow red thorny vines at will, which in the story first she sees growing around her hands, and then uses them to tie and then kill Omadd.

Its beginning to look more and more like Mordremoth is behind it, empowering scarlet. Possibly getting into her head, perhaps using trickery by appearing as the pale tree in her vision (I like this theory) but I have my doubts the Anet team have thought up the same thing.

I don’t like the possibility that the Krait and Scarlet could be working together. A xenophobic race suddenly teams up with this crazy teenager, it goes against everything written about the Krait. I wish they would sick to the GW1 lore while developing new and interesting stuff – so far failing with one, possibly both.