Tower of Nightmares: Sylvari connection?
“Working in secret, the sinister reptilian krait have created the Tower of Nightmares with the help of the Nightmare Court and some other mysterious benefactor” –
So yeah, we’ll have Kraits (who, as lore says, make no alliances due to their religion and xenophobism, but….Scarlet! And everything ridiculous and clunky explained) and more Black Salad. Seriously, we’ve been getting same crap for like months now. Plants, sylvaris, Trees, “mysterious seeds”, technic fetishes….
Arena Net has to be full of people really interested in modern gardening.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Well based on how they have done LS up to this point the update will be:
1. Nightmere court (since we just came from TA) “mysteriously” teams up with the krait
2. Some large “force” (aka scarlet) is behind them teaming up
3. Scarlet does something really weird and some totally ridiculous backstory for her is introduced to explain why the krait love her even though they hate every other race ever created.
4. Scarlet escapes to torture us in the next update.
“Working in secret, the sinister reptilian krait have created the Tower of Nightmares with the help of the Nightmare Court and some other mysterious benefactor” –
So yeah, we’ll have Kraits (who, as lore says, make no alliances due to their religion and xenophobism, but….Scarlet! And everything ridiculous and clunky explained) and more Black Salad. Seriously, we’ve been getting same crap for like months now. Plants, sylvaris, Trees, “mysterious seeds”, technic fetishes….
Arena Net has to be full of people really interested in modern gardening.
Holy kitten this, I’m sick of the Sylvari as the main point for EVERYTHING. I understand it’s part of the lore, but i just don’t find them interesting at all. I’d rather have something with the Dwarves or maybe Moredremoth
“Working in secret, the sinister reptilian krait have created the Tower of Nightmares with the help of the Nightmare Court and some other mysterious benefactor” –
So yeah, we’ll have Kraits (who, as lore says, make no alliances due to their religion and xenophobism, but….Scarlet! And everything ridiculous and clunky explained) and more Black Salad. Seriously, we’ve been getting same crap for like months now. Plants, sylvaris, Trees, “mysterious seeds”, technic fetishes….
Arena Net has to be full of people really interested in modern gardening.Holy kitten this, I’m sick of the Sylvari as the main point for EVERYTHING. I understand it’s part of the lore, but i just don’t find them interesting at all. I’d rather have something with the Dwarves or maybe Moredremoth
ArenaNet using all the potential in their current lore to write an interesting storyline would be too easy.
Um…how credible is that site? They claim Nightmare Court are involved, but the Court seems to have no known presence here (No screenshots showing Nightmare Court or other enemies) and the only thing that might indicate as such is the name “Tower of Nightmare” and that’s still not a flat out “yes, the Court are here”.
And please, no more Scarlet. If this is yet another dungeon along the lines of Twilight Assault and the Aetherblade Retreat, I’m done. I won’t do it.
Scarlet teams with the krait. They bargain with her to gain great power. Scarlet finally pays for her endless ambition, biting off more than she can chew by underestimating the fanaticism and ferocity of the ancient Krait – the Krait, using their new power, enslave her, tear her apart and take her knowledge and soul, infusing it into a twisted constructed body to create a new matriarch, a Blood Witch more powerful, cunning and evil than any that came before. It’s a race against time for the players to bring down the Krait tower before the infusion is complete, and an unstoppable force unleashed to enslave Kryta.
Oh, sorry, I was daydreaming for a second.
Scarlet will make some terrible jokes, we’ll jump through some hoops, she’ll say “tatty bye” and disappear in a puff of smoke to reappear in another themed funhouse in a few weeks time.
I love your version!!!
Scarlet teams with the krait. They bargain with her to gain great power. Scarlet finally pays for her endless ambition, biting off more than she can chew by underestimating the fanaticism and ferocity of the ancient Krait – the Krait, using their new power, enslave her, tear her apart and take her knowledge and soul, infusing it into a twisted constructed body to create a new matriarch, a Blood Witch more powerful, cunning and evil than any that came before. It’s a race against time for the players to bring down the Krait tower before the infusion is complete, and an unstoppable force unleashed to enslave Kryta.
Oh, sorry, I was daydreaming for a second.
Scarlet will make some terrible jokes, we’ll jump through some hoops, she’ll say “tatty bye” and disappear in a puff of smoke to reappear in another themed funhouse in a few weeks time.
3. Scarlet does something really weird and some totally ridiculous backstory for her is introduced to explain why the krait love her even though they hate every other race ever created.
You give them too much credit. They didn’t explain why the dredge and the Flame Legion joined forces (new technology isn’t believable imo). It just happened. There was no ridiculous back story to explain their alliance, it just happened.
3. Scarlet does something really weird and some totally ridiculous backstory for her is introduced to explain why the krait love her even though they hate every other race ever created.
You give them too much credit. They didn’t explain why the dredge and the Flame Legion joined forces (new technology isn’t believable imo). It just happened. There was no ridiculous back story to explain their alliance, it just happened.
On top of that, the one hint we get towards the person who got them together doesn’t even fit Scarlet at all (possibly someone working for her, but it’s never explored any further). And despite spending the entire final act of Flame and Frost destroying their forces and facilities, once Scarlet’s invasions come around, they’re back and in even greater numbers. So…what was the point?