Princess dolls need to scale to map
They are a little tough. I’ve found on my Ranger, my axe/torch can barely touch them, but my longbow takes them down 99% of the time. I’m not sure why, must be because of range.
Oh, I learned that last year…lol.
I found out a wall of reflection and shield of the avenger can take care of it, most of the time I dont even use the shield, I have wall with me at all times when I open the boxes. Reflections are pretty good vs them, which ever one you have, the reason is because they have a low hp pool but their projectiles hurt a lot, specially to themselves.
Legendary SoloQ
Dem Confusion stacks…
Yeah, they are a nightmare to deal with in groups, but if you can keep your distance you should be fine.
I found running away works best.
Don’t stand in their twirl.
Once you get more than like 7-12 stacks of confusion in PvE, you’ll get insta downed no matter what your vitality is.
stop attacking when you have the confusion on you and/or cleanse it off. When you get in close that’s when they put it on you, so if you insist on going melee, don’t #autospamftw
They’re scaled just fine, you’re just not paying attention :P
Or grab the present and run. Why would anyone participate in such nightmarishly anti-fun content?
Wandering around the world taking on as many or as challenging of mobs as I can find and clearing event chains is probably 90% of my playtime these days, I have PvE builds that can solo a fair portion of the games champion mobs and group events, but I learned pretty quick that there is some amount of content in every area that either can’t be done without advantages particular to a build or class, without a group (excluding group events, which of course are supposed to be that way), or just can’t be done at all. And in spite of a ridiculous amount of bug reports, feedback, and outright complaints ANet is not going to make this content fun (or possible in some cases) to play through, so just leave it and find something that is. And if you can get some kind of reward anyway, all the better.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
fighting those mobs is annoying, best to grab present and run away.
Funny how a tankish/bunker build with lots of active condition cleanse doesn’t even notice its princesses rather than say plushie griffons or skrit.
Nice to know something out there eats Berserkers alive .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Snowden Drifts, elehammer with exo 80 PVT gear, downed in 7 seconds by 5 princess dolls. Couldnt even take one down.
These things need scaling to the zone they’re in, this is ridiculous.
Those things caused me nightmares last Wintersday for my Mesmer. The sound they make fills my soul with terror.
RIP City of Heroes
Cleanse confusions and hit them fast and hard.. if the fight lasts too long, you’ve got to run and reset.
Or, just grab presents and run — the toys don’t seem to have very good drop rates (and the skritt never drop loot at all).
Funny how a tankish/bunker build with lots of active condition cleanse doesn’t even notice its princesses rather than say plushie griffons or skrit.
Nice to know something out there eats Berserkers alive
Meh, my Necro is one of the tankiest things ingame and I still run from these terrors like a little girl, whining all the way. They have no face. NO FACE! Tank whatever, I’m away…
Funny how a tankish/bunker build with lots of active condition cleanse doesn’t even notice its princesses rather than say plushie griffons or skrit.
Nice to know something out there eats Berserkers alive
Zerker gear works fine. You just need to have cleanses.
If you’re pulling them together, make sure you wait for their invulnerability pulse to go off (a few seconds after opening the gift), then pull, cleave/AOE them down.
most of the toys seem pretty tough. with the exception of the griffons. which I thank god doesn’t have some kinda sad puppy dog eye attack or they be the ultimate threat.
I recently fought them with my beserker theif and they went down ez! spam pistol whip…evade, evade, evade. they didnt touch me lol. This was in kessex hills too. Also zerker nec took them out fast with well bombs. For ele mayb u should try opting for zerker gear and go staff. Use meteor shower on them and if they start using confusion use the healing rain+ cleansing fire, u should hav enough time to finish them off. With pvt gear u are just giving them more time to stack confuse on u. Like lord kuru said finish them fast.
Snowden Drifts, elehammer with exo 80 PVT gear, downed in 7 seconds by 5 princess dolls. Couldnt even take one down.
These things need scaling to the zone they’re in, this is ridiculous.
It’s a big joke apparently. Imagine what would happen to level appropriate character with masterwork (green) armor and weapons??
In a way, Anet is promoting zerging. It was same with towers of nightmare. The third level couldn’t be completed with a zerg.
I wonder why doesn’t Anet adds a hard mode for every map (like in gw1). If people wants harder content, they will get it and normal players will get easy content.
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE
Yesterday, I dragged 6 Branded (mostly Charr) into a Princess Doll mob… they got polished off in seconds!
With my Lvl 80 warrior in a lvl 65 zone, I cast all my shouts, and a 100 Blades, took about 10% damage off one of them, then ran like heck!
I was exploring some PvE territory, say two weeks ago.
First one of these open wolrd x-mas boxes i opened spawned 4-6 (5 then) Princess Dolls.
Got wasted rather fast (didnt know or noticed in time they cast Confusion).
Anyway, result, i never touched any of these x-mas boxes since.
The Princess Dolls are incredibly easy if you range them since their ranged attack barely does any damage at all and they can only debuff you with Confusion and Weakness if you get within melee range. They do have a lot of hitpoints though, so I rarely stick around to finish them. Just grab the present and flee.
ahh fond memories from last year when we all ran like girls from the dolls
I find them much easier this year but mostly because I don’t go any where near them…
huddles in the corner rocking back and forth the toys….they just won’t stop coming… they just wouldn’t die…
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
I’ve found that with two people they are fairly easy. I run in circles and aggro the world and the other person kills them.
Edit: I get all the confusion on me and the other person does the killing.
I love the over-tough princess dolls. My engineer usually can take them down with turrets, but they are awesome if you can drag a champion near them, or when like last year they spawned on the Champion harathi warlord inside the fence and kicked his kitten enough so myself and a fellow thief could finish him.
? Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
lol yeah they are funny. Take the gift and run
Easy strategy: Just range them. Their only really dangerous attack is their massive Confusion stacks, and they only use it if you’re close to them. Pop the present, grab any gifts, then run back to a distance and just focus one down, then move to the next.
The Golems are now my most hated Toy, with their non-stop chain Blinds/Daze/KD.
They are princesses and they can do what they want!
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka
I love my mini princess doll- I just wish it could make that screaming sound because I would love to see nearby players scatter when they hear that