Non-Single Gendered Outfits?
This is something I hope a dev can answer. I am curious as to why Asura are limited to the male option of the noble clothes, and on most armor skins honestly. Their armor in general has little to no variation between the males and the females. Are dresses not part of their culture, is it just difficult to create for Asura, what’s the deal?
Some outfits are split on Asura though. Off the top of my head, there’s the Fancy Winter outfit and the Ancestral Dragon thing.
This is something I hope a dev can answer. I am curious as to why Asura are limited to the male option of the noble clothes, and on most armor skins honestly. Their armor in general has little to no variation between the males and the females. Are dresses not part of their culture, is it just difficult to create for Asura, what’s the deal?
In terms of a “lore” explanation, there’s very little difference in the physical characteristics of male and female Asura (read: no breasts), and since the race values practicality and functionality, there’s not much reason to have separate pieces of clothing for male and female Asura. And Asura do seem to view gender as a less important characteristic overall, as well.
As far as the development reasons for it, the normal female version of the armor wouldn’t work on Asura for much the same reason (no breasts). The female model just doesn’t work for a large number of the armors without fairly heavy modification. And they are very reluctant to create or heavily modify specific armor sets for one single gender of one single and less popular race (they won’t even do it for Charr and their tails most of the time, and that’d be one race but both genders).
In terms of a “lore” explanation, there’s very little difference in the physical characteristics of male and female Asura (read: no breasts), and since the race values practicality and functionality, there’s not much reason to have separate pieces of clothing for male and female Asura. And Asura do seem to view gender as a less important characteristic overall, as well.
As far as the development reasons for it, the normal female version of the armor wouldn’t work on Asura for much the same reason (no breasts). The female model just doesn’t work for a large number of the armors without fairly heavy modification. And they are very reluctant to create or heavily modify specific armor sets for one single gender of one single and less popular race (they won’t even do it for Charr and their tails most of the time, and that’d be one race but both genders).
I would disagree, in the fact that Anet would want to provide appealing outfits for people who play any species. And peoples’ own characters may differ from the norm, not everyone thinks the same.
As for how to make it work, they have successfully put out other outfits which fit on bodies with or without breasts, so it doesn’t really stand as a reason. The Witch outfit, the Ancestral outfit. Work with norn and human and asura just as fine.
Also wondering this. I was incredibly disappointed I couldn’t wear that gorgeous dress on my main. :\
I realize there is little difference in male and female asura in terms of body shape. However, we’ve gotten the female version of other gem store outfits and there appeared to be no problem. It doesn’t make sense to me.
I just wanna run around in a pretty dress.
Yeah. I am perpetually disappointed with how they approach asurans when it comes to females. There are so many limited options for those wanting a more female appearance.
And just because there are few physical separations, doesn’t mean everyone wants to look like an asexual/male. I love playing my asuras. It’s just really hard to put together an outfit that isn’t so abysmally masculine.
I love the current noble dress. I’d spend the money in a heartbeat if it had the same appearance for females of other races. This actually just comes off as anet being lazy and not wanting to create the female version of it on asuras.
[KiS] Kinetic Storm
While I generally like the fact that Asura females are not sexualised in the way female humans/Norn/sylvari are, I do think it was a wasted opportunity not to be able to see one run around in the Noble Count outfit. She’d have been adorable. XD
Yeah. I am perpetually disappointed with how they approach asurans when it comes to females. There are so many limited options for those wanting a more female appearance.
And just because there are few physical separations, doesn’t mean everyone wants to look like an asexual/male. I love playing my asuras. It’s just really hard to put together an outfit that isn’t so abysmally masculine.
I love the current noble dress. I’d spend the money in a heartbeat if it had the same appearance for females of other races. This actually just comes off as anet being lazy and not wanting to create the female version of it on asuras.
This is something I hope a dev can answer. I am curious as to why Asura are limited to the male option of the noble clothes, and on most armor skins honestly. Their armor in general has little to no variation between the males and the females. Are dresses not part of their culture, is it just difficult to create for Asura, what’s the deal?
The answer to both of these questions is pretty much the same – this isn’t part of Asura culture. There concept of “female appearance” is nearly nonexistant for Asura, and they’re “sexualised” differently than humans. For Asura, the attractive points are ears, and most importantly mind. When you’re looking for “female appearance”, you’re limiting yourself to your human definition of female, which doesn’t apply to Asura. They have very little physical differences, and they don’t have a traditional human “pink-is-for-girls” type attitude, so making specific female clothing just doesn’t make sense to them. For them, anyone can wear any clothes they like, and males and females wear the same kinds of clothing. Theres no “masculine” clothing and “feminine” clothing – there’s just clothing.
As Arani said – dresses just aren’t a big part of Asura culture.
While I generally like the fact that Asura females are not sexualised in the way female humans/Norn/sylvari are, I do think it was a wasted opportunity not to be able to see one run around in the Noble Count outfit. She’d have been adorable. XD
Despite the lore… i have to agree to this :p. Although i’m a big fan of lore, i kinda share this standpoint. A few things borrowed from other cultures wouldn’t do harm is what i’m thinking.
I’m more concerned about our totsies clipping through everything. The only outfit which seems to really consider them is the Mad King one.
I think a female version of the Noble Coat for the asura can be really cute.
I mean, I know the asura doesn’t have breast, but this wasn’t a problem in the witch or the ancestral outfits. The dress is not my favorite, but I just want to have the option.
I feel my asura have boring clothes most of the time…not just in feminine options, but…all I can choose is pants and coat or pants and coat.
In response to claims that it’s a cultural thing among asura…
Do you think lore has any bearing in the gem store? lol.
Not to mention, if it were a cultural thing, then it would be consistent. This is not the case. There is no consistency in the gem store’s treatment of asuras and char. Not to mention, if it were truly neutral for cultural, then it would be neutral, not masculine. The cultural armor smacks of neutrality. Even in some armors there is some diversity but not always. It’s like a hit or miss with asuras. Some are and some aren’t. I think it needs some consistency. This way there is no hope or expectation of anything else. If it were all one way or another then it would be an easy accept of it being how it is. The fact that it is not, leaves a lot of room for disappointment. Such as with the new noble coat.
[KiS] Kinetic Storm
Did some research, there are 4 that are not gender neutral for outfits. Armor is the same across the board, which is fine for consistency.
The outfits that are “neutral” have made sense for being so up until the Raiment and Noble outfits. All the others in the unchanged category don’t leave much room for difference between male and female. Whereas those that are changed have room for difference. As Raiment and Noble have that room, but were obviously just ignored and left neutral for no reason.
[KiS] Kinetic Storm
Good point really. Indeed, like with the witch outfit, Gem store doesn’t care much for lore. Theres also quite a few people (even myself, sometimes) that would like to see their asura in a humanly-considered feminine outfit – it does seem like a missed opportunity.
But Charmmy, i totally agree. We need a bit more diversity in Asura outfits – on females particularly, but also on males. The perpetual “coat and pants”, of which alot look pretty similar, is /really/ starting to tire me out. There’s barely even a simple jacket to find anywhere. And feminine outfits are still very well possible without having to have a character that has breasts. It just.. wouldn’t need a “boob window”.
And i totally agree with your last posts Radiantbliss – Noble does look pretty masculine and could have done with a female version of the outfit. And some consistency would be nice – at some points, i have to agree with the general opinion – it just looks lazily done.
This is probably the main reason why I gave up on my beloved Asura and switched to a human.
I never ever wanted female asura with boobs or skimpy outfits, I just wanted the asura race to be able to wear unique versions of outfits/armor that had been given the same level of love and attention as the human ones. Considering cosmetics seem to be a big and popular part of the game – thereby anet likely make a good deal of money from them – it seems illogical to me that they only wish to design for human female/male. It would be great to see personal touches put in for each race respectively. Alas, this is too much to ask for I suppose.
The new noble dress is gorgeous and it is disappointing that it couldn’t be given the love that the Winter outfit did. Why is it so difficult to give female asura a sweet dress which covers its chest (no bewb window, please)? I am aware of the ‘lore’ but our characters are extremely well-travelled and have met with many different races and cultures, our asura could easily have become interested in the fashion of another race!
On a similar note I must also add that the raiment of the lich is pretty disgusting. Them nipple clamps…ack.
Why is it so difficult to give female asura a sweet dress which covers its chest (no bewb window, please)? I am aware of the ‘lore’ but our characters are extremely well-travelled and have met with many different races and cultures, our asura could easily have become interested in the fashion of another race!
You know, with all the words i wrote in the previous post, i never managed to convey this. But I really, really like this way of doing things – Asura lore would stay Asura lore, but we could still have some cute dresses (with covered chests, please) from the fashions of other races.
This is probably the main reason why I gave up on my beloved Asura and switched to a human.
I never ever wanted female asura with boobs or skimpy outfits, I just wanted the asura race to be able to wear unique versions of outfits/armor that had been given the same level of love and attention as the human ones.
I think that is my biggest criticism of the outfits and cosmetic stuff in GW2. It’s all (or almost all) built around humans, with little regard to the non-normal species.
Here is the biggest problem I have with how they treat asuras. They are not gender neutral. They are male default. The fact that there is a difference between male and female in humans and asuras in armor default to male, means it is NOT GENDER NEUTRAL. Do a side by side comparison. You will be hard pressed to find any instance where asuran armor, outside of cultural, is ever neutral and not defaulting to male. This is just plain being lazy. Asuras are not gender neutral in fashion. They are masculine in fashion. Aside from the outfits mentioned before. The default is MALE. So stop calling it neutral. It’s not. Anet has not shown them as neutral no matter what they claim.
I’m also not buying the b.s claim about body shape and lack of boobs. Because it means they wouldn’t care one way or another if it covers that area or not. As indicated by their obvious okay with feathered vestments random bits across the chest. If they accept open chest they can accept skirts, tank tops, bikini tops, etc.
Of course I have no idea why they would have male/female swimsuits. That just baffles me and leaves me wondering if Anet even puts thought into asuras or just makes it up as they go along and whatever requires the least amount of work.
[KiS] Kinetic Storm
Asuran lore has nothing to do here, nothing.
Charr characters can wear nightmare court armors with plants all over their body, do you truly believe it is part of the charr lore ? :p
You have to distinguish your character from your race : you are supposed to be an exceptional individual within your race so anything that applies for your race doesn’t necessarily apply to you.
As for asuran armors and outfits it truly a shame that there are barely options to distinguish your gender. The only outfit I have found fitting my female asuras is the winter fancy outfit and I have spent quite a lot of time in the wardrobe.
ANet if you read this : I love you guys but please give asura player gendered armors, even if the difference is not significant (in this case the lovely butterflies are really a missed opportunity) it does matter ! Asura are already small and this makes it hard to have a noticeable look so we don’t need more difficulties, really !