Rate my Charr? I NEED ZE' APPROVAL
from a charr point of view, he looks okay. sorry, but I just have to critique him now, cuz whenever I see a charr these days, it’s all the same: Enormous horns, huge head, big teeth, everything is pretty much just awfully big.
But, on a scale of 1-10, i might give your char a 7/10.
Teh horns are a bit big, so are your teeth. Maybe it’s just the armor that makes your charr look pudgy XD especially the leggings.
It doesn’t look bad, but I have seen much worse features. I’d say that if u have a makeover kit, make the horns a little smaller or choose a new set and make the teeth smaller too, because they do clip through a few helms.
And 1 more thing, u might wanna go with a different fur color, though black looks cool, so many people use it, same with white and tiger orange. (if u really do want a cool looking charr that stands out)
As charr go he looks fine, but he does look like every other player male-charr. Most players give their charr the biggest teeth and horns possible, black fur or white fur, a big head, and flames. The forward pointing horns are also a common choice. Basically, everybody wants their charr to be as big-mean-and-dark as possible, and you end up with a lot of same-ish looking characters.
My tip is to go to the charr screenshot thread, as well as Lion’s Arch, and take a look at the charr running around. You’ll start to see what gets overused. I think the key in making a charr is to use balance. Some big bold features, and some more subtle or soft features.
Utimately, however, it comes down to what you personally like looking at. And if this character is your ideal charr, that’s what’s most important.
(edited by Weindrasi.3805)
from a charr point of view, he looks okay. sorry, but I just have to critique him now, cuz whenever I see a charr these days, it’s all the same: Enormous horns, huge head, big teeth, everything is pretty much just awfully big.
But, on a scale of 1-10, i might give your char a 7/10.
Teh horns are a bit big, so are your teeth. Maybe it’s just the armor that makes your charr look pudgy XD especially the leggings.
It doesn’t look bad, but I have seen much worse features. I’d say that if u have a makeover kit, make the horns a little smaller or choose a new set and make the teeth smaller too, because they do clip through a few helms.And 1 more thing, u might wanna go with a different fur color, though black looks cool, so many people use it, same with white and tiger orange. (if u really do want a cool looking charr that stands out)
lol it’s all good, that pretty much sums up my choices though. As cliche’ it is now, I made a Charr originally because I wanted a character was big and ferocious looking (I don’t like playing as humans xD). So far I’ve seen one helmet that the over sized does clip through, and that’s the tier 3 cultural helm, but I’m sure there’s more. I wasn’t aware of what was cliche and wasn’t (I didn’t even know people used flames a lot) but that shows just how much I know. I mostly see human characters when I play so it’s hard finding good charr.
A few helms that look pretty good on heavy armor charr: T2 helm, Scaled Helm(draconic), Plated Helm, Kodan Helm, Dark Helm, CoF helm, Vigil Helm, maybe the Barbaric Helm(crafted). that’s about all I can think of for decent looking helms, if ur still looking
A few helms that look pretty good on heavy armor charr: T2 helm, Scaled Helm(draconic), Plated Helm, Kodan Helm, Dark Helm, CoF helm, Vigil Helm, maybe the Barbaric Helm(crafted). that’s about all I can think of for decent looking helms, if ur still looking
Thanks for the suggestions, I’ve been having a hard time looking for a good helm to use for heavy armor. Thankfully my next character will be a female charr in light or medium armor.
I’ve been trying to make a cool looking charr that stands out, I used to use the tier one armor set (which I really love), so I made this charr with some HoM stuff and made his teeth completely oversized lol. I didn’t like the helmet though.
What do you think?
You only need a few more flames and you are all set up
I’d give you 10/10
Armor looks good so does coloring.
I disagree with most of CMStorm’s critque and how some people say that you look like everyone else.
Although I do see the horn type often, I don’t see them usually that large. I see them at default size and most often smaller. The same goes with the teeth. I hardly ever see them oversized on charr. Again, I don’t see why people here are saying that large horns and teeth are common because in my experience, its uncommon.
Fur color might also be considered common, but I also don’t see the common factor that much when I play. I see a wide variety of fur colorings, so you being black furred is no biggie.
The body size is fine to me as well. I think you look muscle bound rather than pudgy. When creating a Charr, there’s skinny, tone/muscle, and then pudgy. You’re toon does not look like it has the pudgy form. For some reason people prefer the skinny body type and to me they look scrawny, like starved kittens.
Anyways, I think you have a nice Charr there.
I’d give you 10/10
Armor looks good so does coloring.
I disagree with most of CMStorm’s critque and how some people say that you look like everyone else.
Although I do see the horn type often, I don’t see them usually that large. I see them at default size and most often smaller. The same goes with the teeth. I hardly ever see them oversized on charr. Again, I don’t see why people here are saying that large horns and teeth are common because in my experience, its uncommon.
Fur color might also be considered common, but I also don’t see the common factor that much when I play. I see a wide variety of fur colorings, so you being black furred is no biggie.
The body size is fine to me as well. I think you look muscle bound rather than pudgy. When creating a Charr, there’s skinny, tone/muscle, and then pudgy. You’re toon does not look like it has the pudgy form. For some reason people prefer the skinny body type and to me they look scrawny, like starved kittens.
Anyways, I think you have a nice Charr there.
I did kinda notice a lot of people were variations of black, nasty looking charr, so I used a leftover makeup kit I had to try him look more aged and battle scarred. xD
It’s starting to grow on me now, but here he is. The head looks a little less cat-like, but I like the ambiguity.
Hi fellow Charr,
I saw your post a few hours ago and though I would give you my insight on “charr design”.
Though its seems you already did quite an awsome job gratz! now thats a true Charr!
Not the mainstream black or white… I was about to suggest precisely that set of cutted horns. I agree big teeth simply looks silly… imagine an animal with that teeth size… despite what some might say, the animal would starve to death because they were too big for the mouth, even when it’s wide open, to get any food down his throat.
I think different in that matter of horn size… (no I dont like big horns but…). horns can fit in a male status of dominance and sign of virility. Thus I favor the cutted horns, they give the “illusion” of greatness, of gigantic and imposing horns that for some reason (role play might apply here) where cutted off.
About the overall face, I see you avoided those most common templates which is also pretty cool. There are only two faces in my opinion that fit a true charr, a machine of war… the one you choose and another one from the vanilla templates.
attached you’ll find my own Charr (with the vanilla face I mentioned)
(edited by Regh.8649)
Hi fellow Charr,
I saw your post a few hours ago and though I would give you my insight on “charr design”.
Though its seems you already did quite an awsome job gratz! now thats a true Charr!Not the mainstream black or white… I was about to suggest precisely that set of cutted horns. I agree big teeth simply looks silly… imagine an animal with that teeth size… despite what some might say, the animal would starve to death because they were too big for the mouth, even when it’s wide open, to get any food down his throat.
I think different in that matter of horn size… (no I dont like big horns but…). horns can fit in a male status of dominance and sign of virility. Thus I favor the cutted horns, they give the “illusion” of greatness, of gigantic and imposing horns that for some reason (role play might apply here
) where cutted off.
About the overall face, I see you avoided those most common templates which is also pretty cool. There are only two faces in my opinion that fit a true charr, a machine of war… the one you choose and another one from the vanilla templates.
attached you’ll find my own Charr (with the vanilla face I mentioned)
Thank you! While my Sylvari looks Mesmer pretty awesome, it took a little more to figure out designing a charr. After you guys had pointed out the cliches to me, I walked around Lions Arch and WvW and noticed that most, if not all male charr players were large, panther black, had over sized teeth and horns. It kinda bothered me because I don’t like looking the same lol
I saw the new faces and liked the rugged look of that one, the cut horns you mentioned I felt matched and weren’t quite as common. I think the cut horns make a charr look “experienced” in that they have been scarred from battle. It was REALLY hard picking colors that weren’t cliche, as I didn’t want to pick the same shade as Rytlock, black or white. I found a red brown I thought looked really nice and made the fur pattern chocolate instead of black so it’s more subtle. I just hoped it paid off lol
I dare say it did paid off!
From what I saw, you strive for uniqueness same as I do not for standard and easy choices, and there you have it…
To strive for uniqueness you cannot think of perfection (the perfect plain colour that matches everything).
Theres an old saying that goes something like this "we cannot love something perfect because true beauty lies in imperfection (if recall it).
My own charr have some details that I dont like… yet I cant get rid of them because at the same time, they’re the reason I like him so much! those details will never get me tired. And are those details that will be eye catching.
Lets put it with a real example… compare a child face with and old person face… who got the story? who can you tell as the most experience? Who can tell a story only by looking at you? and then… the child’s still the prettiest.
Despite what some ppl might say… is that doubt you have, that will make you love your character even more.
And the fact that ppl might even remember you, whether they like it or not, because you are not one more black charr with big teeth and giant horns… go LA and see for youself, either you remember their name or you cant really tell who the hell he/she is… because its just another pretty kitten looking Charr with no differentiating feature.
This is just my personal opinion
Not the mainstream black or white… I was about to suggest precisely that set of cutted horns. I agree big teeth simply looks silly… imagine an animal with that teeth size… despite what some might say, the animal would starve to death because they were too big for the mouth, even when it’s wide open, to get any food down his throat.
Errr….. Smilodon mean anything to you?
Also, I guess it’s just my server, but the things you guys talk about just aren’t that common on mine. /shrug.
Errr….. Smilodon mean anything to you?
Also, I guess it’s just my server, but the things you guys talk about just aren’t that common on mine. /shrug.[/quote]
There’s still animals that function with over sized teeth, it’s pretty bad I didn’t think of smilodon, I was thinking more of a Fangtooth fish. The teeth are so large compared to it’s body size that it can’t even shut it’s mouth.
I guess I have a black charr server xD
My Charr > your Charr.
Don’t worry Aztec, gimme 5-6 days and My Charr>your charr <3
But i do gotta admit that your charr looks pretty good with that setup. The only thing i’d have comment on is how big your horns are…it’s all about proportions, man
My Charr > your Charr.
Don’t worry Aztec, gimme 5-6 days and My Charr>your charr <3
But i do gotta admit that your charr looks pretty good with that setup. The only thing i’d have comment on is how big your horns are…it’s all about proportions, man
Lol, I like ze big horns, and I still don’t think they’re big enough. But, I really don’t think there’s a better looking Charr than mine.
My Charr > your Charr.
Don’t worry Aztec, gimme 5-6 days and My Charr>your charr <3
But i do gotta admit that your charr looks pretty good with that setup. The only thing i’d have comment on is how big your horns are…it’s all about proportions, manLol, I like ze big horns, and I still don’t think they’re big enough. But, I really don’t think there’s a better looking Charr than mine.
You haven’t seen my Charrs then. >:p
I think we’re gonna have a Charr-off here
I’d be down for a Charr-off. You’ve seen mine, your move Charrs.
just wait until tomorrow
I have to say, of all the races in Tyria, Charrs have the most distinctness, most variation. Sylvari are close but with a Charr you can use so much customization and if a player picks the correct armor, there’s nothing quite as imposing as a Charr leaping into a hammer blow just as you look up. Love the colors you chose and yeah, the horns are impressive, my Charr’s horns were nubbed but I still think he rocks. Commando healing build, soldiers armor with plate skins and soldier runes. My “devil” guardian(how ironic), Ponce De Lion:
Edited to add better picture….
(edited by Cassocaster.4576)
I’d give you a 9/10. Only the coloring could be different imo. The black like some have said is overused, but the biggest issue I have with the black fur is you can’t see any fur designs on it. To me fur designs add to the uniqueness as much as horns. Other than that it looks good, plus it reminds me of this guy:
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…