Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
Ele OP GM traits (perma blind/crit immune)
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
it has a 5 second cooldown doesn’t matter about your burn duration. A ele always can keep burning uptime higher then classes like necro and engi without even investing.
Remember these are 30 point investments a ele going 30 fire lost something from another line. Don’t look at these traits as if they will be in the builds you already know the 30 fire, 30 earth, arcana and air will mean the builds you are use to seeing lost something.
I do think these make Ele super survivable, but that’s not really what Ele needed…
“Elementalists are multi-faceted spellcasters that channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.”
Where is my ‘massive damage?’ Also, guardian got burning effectiveness increase instead of Elementalist? AMAZING. Thieves master of invis, Rangers masters of poison, Necros (jeez, masters or Mad Conditions) etc…. But Ele doesn’t do max burning damage/master of nothing? SO kittenED.
Have you seen the rest?
Fire – Terrible traitline. This trait wont change anything. So you can blind them once every 5 seconds…Nothing amazing
Earth – You have terrible skills in this attunement and not a threat attacking. Just means taking longer to kill them. Nothing amazing.
Both traits are bad. Nobody goes 30 points into fire, and if they do it’ll be for persisting flames.
Earth trait is useless. No ele can sit in a single attunement, because ele autoattacks are terrible and an ele sitting on earth attunement means he’s doing no pressure whatsoever.
first of all, lets dispell the ignorance;
30/30/30/30/30 ele wont be happening any time soon, so they will have one or the other, not both unless they go 30/0/30/0/10 or some weird innefective build like that
Attunements are also there. An ele sitting on earth isnt helping anyone….at all. Eles ar not immune to crit builds, eles are simply immune to crits WHILE on earth attunement.
Also, the blind is applied once ever 5 seconds when applying a burn. One blind every 5 seconds is absolutely nothing vs thieves blind every 1 second.
Lastly, in case you didnt notice, ALL classes got giant buffs, such as mesmers and thieves, which now became even worse of a counter to eles with their decreased damage while stealthed and more power while revealed……
Eles will not see any play anytime soon unless thieves are nerfed, until then, enjoy you 1-week-long-FoTM-ele until every realizes they still need help
Legendary SoloQ
The blindness os burning application isn’t that great. It might have situational uses in PvE but I don’t think it’s a big deal for PvP.
The 30 Earth one however … idk, I’m probably mistaken, but a scepter Earth/Water condi bunker build seems fairly viable.
lol and this after they nerfed blinding befuddlement with an icd on mesmer. if u allow this trait how about unnerfing the mesmer bb trait then…..
Isle of Kickaspenwood
The blindness os burning application isn’t that great. It might have situational uses in PvE but I don’t think it’s a big deal for PvP.
The 30 Earth one however … idk, I’m probably mistaken, but a scepter Earth/Water condi bunker build seems fairly viable.
except when it comes to conditions Dagger >Scepter.
Dagger Vs Scepter
Burning = Dagger
Vul = Dagger
Bleeding = Dagger
Weakness = Dagger
Chill = Dagger
Cripple = Dagger
Immobilize = Dagger
Blind = Scepter
The ONLY thing Scepter has over Dagger when it comes to conditions is Blind. Is it worth losing out on everything else? of course not.
this dude must be a thief, if you cant crit them then use conditions -.-
Calling “earth attunement” perma is like calling thiefs in stealth perma (except, earth attunement is used less than stealth).
So theifs have perma 100% crit chance, perma conditional removal every 3 seconds, and better than perma blind. Surely that is way more OP that elementalists perma.
You do realize that in order for 1 blind per 5 seconds to be permanent, you would have to have an attack rate against that ele as slow as 1 attack per 5 seconds.
Honestly, PvP eles won’t ever be going 30 into fire anyway, so it’s a non-factor.
Sitting in earth isn’t viable unless the ele wants to be completely useless, so I’m seeing that more as a instant defense that they can flash into to avoid a large burst from a shatter mes or a backstab thief or something of that sort. Not too bad, just a bit more skilled counterplay.
Honestly, PvP eles won’t ever be going 30 into fire anyway, so it’s a non-factor.
Sitting in earth isn’t viable unless the ele wants to be completely useless, so I’m seeing that more as a instant defense that they can flash into to avoid a large burst from a shatter mes or a backstab thief or something of that sort. Not too bad, just a bit more skilled counterplay.
And no ele will go 30 into earth because it’s a condition traitline and thus useless since most ele attacks are split across attunements with crappy condi coverage and no real condi damage stacking.
Not to mention an ele going into 30 earth might defend against a shatter or backstab, but will never have the spike or sustained damage to kill said classes.
Not to mention an ele going into 30 earth might defend against a shatter or backstab, but will never have the spike or sustained damage to kill said classes.
Said classes are using glass cannon builds, so even a bunker build can down them in time when/ if they can’t run away.
Also, earth has Stone Splinters, which is pretty much the best damage boost trait eles have.
You do realize that in order for 1 blind per 5 seconds to be permanent, you would have to have an attack rate against that ele as slow as 1 attack per 5 seconds.
the trait is not crazy OP/
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
You won’t achieve perma blindness, because an ele swaps between attunements. It will help their survivability a bit, but at the same time cost them defenses.
- Ele attacks are generally rather slow
- The longer an ele stays in fire, the sooner you win
- ICD is 5 secs
Your hysteria is uncalled for in this case, OP. Actually, it sounds less threatning than a thief and its blinds, but we won’t know until we test it.
The immune to crit thing. Meh. It will be alright to ward off some attacks, but you can’t stay in earth, lest you have a deathwish. It is there to take off the edge of attacks when in trouble only.
I think you’re imagining an ele staying in earth indefinitely while blinding all the time. That will not happen, and it won’t be a viable strategy. Nothing to fear here.
(edited by Malcastus.6240)
On a sidenote. The blindness will be good against hammer characters, as they have slow attacks. Other than that, it’s not going to be a show stopper I believe. Let’s wait and see.
New Fire trait will be annoying to fight against, but I certainly wouldn’t call it OP. Not bad, though, as it does make the line more attractive. Not sure attractive enough though.
I don’t know a single ele that’ll go 30 into fire for this trait alone. Sure. It’ll help slightly. But it is more of an adept trait than a GM trait. It’s just not worth sacrificing points in water and arcana for
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
I don’t know a single ele that’ll go 30 into fire for this trait alone. Sure. It’ll help slightly. But it is more of an adept trait than a GM trait. It’s just not worth sacrificing points in water and arcana for
Nothing’s gonna ever be attractive over water and arcana so long as ele has 10k base health, cloth armor, and needs to spend 2 utilities on arcane ones to do burst every 30 seconds.
Ele is simply dead on arrival if they dont have at least 20 in water, and the attunements still take forever to recharge without points in arcana.
I think this will be awesome. What about 30 Air with weakness on interrupts, 30 in earth for crit damage invulnerability, and then using the Magnetic shield while staying in Earth? NO damage from your enemies xD Sure, probably no damage from you either, but still pretty fun to try out :P
Or for that matter, you could also use the flame axe or greatsword and go 30 in fire and earth, and stay in earth.
(edited by Dragonic Elemental.2674)
I saw complaints of “perma-blind” in Twitch chat when this was shown, and I had hoped that ignorance of the mechanic stayed on Twitch chat inside its intelligence black hole.
Then I saw this thread and. At least people are all over it.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
I think this will be awesome. What about 30 Air with weakness on interrupts, 30 in earth for crit damage invulnerability, and then using the Magnetic shield while staying in Earth? NO damage from your enemies xD Sure, probably no damage from you either, but still pretty fun to try out :P
Or for that matter, you could also use the flame axe or greatsword and go 30 in fire and earth, and stay in earth.
Only staff ele can make somewhat of an interrupt build, and even then ele interrupts are such high cd that the trait will not be used.
They’re both solid. Think the fire trait needs an ICD reduction to 3 seconds however.
Phaatonn, London UK
Oh, I will definitely try out 30/30/x/x/x burst on my ele in PvP. Fire shield actually isn’t too shabby with this. Also there are some nice traits in Fire that synergize with it. I really can see myself playing it with either d/f or s/f, let’s see what will get me killed less. Not sure whether i want stone splinters or vigor. Probably vigor.
Yeah it is a good trait but OP? No, not really.
Look like fine traits to me. One of the things I find cool about eles is how they change in each attunment. Fire is a DPS attunement, water is healing, air has CC, and so forth. It makes it fun to fight them because you have to be aware when and why they will want to use each attunment and play accordingly (for example, you try to condition bomb after they leave water attunment). These traits are the same.. they force you to play defensively when they are attuned toearth because your DPS will be terrivle anyway, and same with fire.
They arent OP, they just mean a little more thought needs to be put into when you attack and when you play defensively, which is a good thing.
Gunnar’s Hold
april fool’s day patch maybe?