Elementalist WvW

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zutha.5091



I’m so fed up with the lack of balance changes by arena net.

My preferred class is an elementalist… it suits me and I enjoy it.

My friends and I fight in small scale, roaming pvp.
But the amount of work to make the character viable is an absolute joke. I have NEVER lost against another elementalist, infact my friends and I laugh when we see one, it’s primaried, it dies. I’m a D/D build and am primaried every fight, not because of the danger I pose, but the fact it’s easier to get a kitten class off the field rather than let it do what it likes.

We tend to win a majority of group fights as I’m spec’d completely on survival… but doing so means I can not do anything else.

I cycle through 15-20 skills over 10 seconds to keep going, but tonight I got fed up.. i thought kitten it… i’ll have a laugh and jump on my warrior.

So for a joke I said to ym mates, I’ll press 1 only….

It was more viable, survived longer, did more damage than my elementalist (condition sword, shield build).

After an hour I jumped on my thief…. I press 5, then 1 (stealth, backstab) again more viable.

I can note fathom the mentality of the balance team for arenanet.

Condition warrior… press 1 for bleed, things die
Thief, stealth back stab, 10-12k crits
Elementalist….. fire, 4 skills, churning.. dodged every time even with teleport, lucky to get 5k crit with full exotic, skills highly telegraphed so easy to dodge, high cooldown.
dodge, heal, through whole cycle done 10k dmg, warrior regen quick than next load of damage, thieves stealth and heal, condition remove…. engineers use 3 keys to do 15k dmg with another 10k dot tick on top,, mesmers are more and more using conditoon builds where there is NO SKILL INVOLVED in any of these character builds. Yet an ele requires the apm of sc2 professionals to keep up..

it takes MONTHS for Arenanet to even accept there’s an issues (no offence but you’re as dull as two short planks) and after months of debate, change classes than in no way fix anything.. (ferocity upcoming is a laugh as it reinforces meta again).

I personally can not see myself continuing with this lack of insight.


Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deli.1302


And yet you made this post knowing full well that we’re getting a balance patch addressing this very issue.

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zutha.5091


You’re in disneyland if you think the next patch even remotely fixes the fault with elementalists.

In fact, a large amount of elementalists use celestial gears, which is getting a large nerf with the ferocity changes.

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Klocknov.8219


You talk how it fixes ele yet you have yet to see what they have put in to it and how the massive amount of changes will effect all the classes.

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: selan.8354


erm, yeah in roaming eles are barely seen since all the nerfs hit 1v1 eles. but in wvw eles are part of the meta in raids. although war and guard trains could almost run wvw all by themselves….staff ele is the most viable light armor in wvw raids due to 6k meteorshowers(no red circles, make it hard to doge that aoe), cleansing water, cc and high aoe dmg.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

It’s been said that celestial will likely be getting an overall buff to compensate for the reduced crit dmg. Also, not all of the patch notes have been revealed yet, so there’s still quite a bit that they could be changing that we are not aware of.

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ganathar.4956


erm, yeah in roaming eles are barely seen since all the nerfs hit 1v1 eles. but in wvw eles are part of the meta in raids. although war and guard trains could almost run wvw all by themselves….staff ele is the most viable light armor in wvw raids due to 6k meteorshowers(no red circles, make it hard to doge that aoe), cleansing water, cc and high aoe dmg.

Allie said that Meteor Shower is supposed to show a red circle and that it’s a bug that will be fixed in the next patch. Just one more of those bugs that remain from the game’s release, that’s all. I am fine with fixing the bug but I wonder how much it will affect ele viability in WvW raids.

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: selan.8354


erm, yeah in roaming eles are barely seen since all the nerfs hit 1v1 eles. but in wvw eles are part of the meta in raids. although war and guard trains could almost run wvw all by themselves….staff ele is the most viable light armor in wvw raids due to 6k meteorshowers(no red circles, make it hard to doge that aoe), cleansing water, cc and high aoe dmg.

Allie said that Meteor Shower is supposed to show a red circle and that it’s a bug that will be fixed in the next patch. Just one more of those bugs that remain from the game’s release, that’s all. I am fine with fixing the bug but I wonder how much it will affect ele viability in WvW raids.

well as of now not having the red circle was an issue as during massive battles u wont be able to see the actual hits, so if 3 glass eles pop the showers all at the same time your life melts away and u dont even know why. but i think ele will still be fine after that. u guys are part of the meta because of waters, cc and also high aoe dmg. the more aoe u have the better u will do in raids

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Cush.4063


That’s not the point though. What the op is talking about and what I think is aggravating as well is that Ele is not viable in “competitive” PvP. That means solo roaming, small group roaming, and sPvP. WvW zerging, although may be fun on the occasion is just not competitive in a way that makes you shine as an individual player. I do have high hopes for this upcoming patch though as the devs have singled the Ele out by saying that they are excited about what they are doing with the class here shortly and it should improve it. Also, when people complain about saying that we have to do so many things at once like a piano compared to other classes, that is what we(or at least I) love about the class and don’t feel that the class should be put to easy mode like the others but more so that they should be put more on our level as well as some more survivability for the class.

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zutha.5091


I agree with you Cush,. Just annoying that a lot of classes can use auto attack and do more damage than chaining 3+ abilities

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Well said.

People don’t target the ele first as he’s the most dangerous, they target him first because they know afer he’s blown his few long timered utilities he’s deadmeat.

They gave eles the lowest hp and armour at creation with nil in the way of compensation, this is where anet falls down in their balance.

They made the trinity as soon as they gave warriors high health and armour, yet gave their abilities the same damage as supposed ‘dps’ classes.

Eles are more prone to conditions as well due to low innate health more than any other class.

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Just balance cast time, animation and range of Elementalist weapon skills.
Some effects could be changed also.

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: KarsaiB.9475


Make valk better, phantaram’s idea is brilliant, I want precision on valk, kitten that crit dmg. Make valk niche for ele, give it maybe a bit increased healing power compared to now but slightly reduce the power gain so that warrior can’t use it to their advantage.

Nerf warrior.

Nerf Lyssa Runes.

Nerf infiltrator’s strike. Give it a 5 sec icd or something.

Nerf steal, remove that dumb steal cooldown decrease u get from getting 30 points into trickery. And add a cast that would overlap over other cast times so you’d still be able to pull steal burst combos like before but you could see it coming if you’re fast enough through a quick, nova-type animation.

And nerf scepter damage. Pls.

55 HP Monks // Random scrubadub

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


(note: my fianceĆ© plays ele, not myself…)

I think ele is not an add, it’s a multiplier. She can do amazing things, different kind, all by herself! In small scale engagements she is vulnerable, for sure! But once we managed to win some breathing room for her… Man, she is unstoppable :P Loads of utility, decent damage, fair survivability (thiefs are a nightmare BTW…). She can heal, remove condies, stop the runners, separate the weak, make them use dodges so we can burst the enemy down. Pure chaos and havoc

Just don’t give up! Ele is one of the most rewarding profession to play. Warrior W+1 is not

#I no words have"

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: style.6173



Elementalist needs help in PvP. It does NOT need help in WvW. It is already one of the 3 most important classes to groups, and has good roaming skills. If you are getting killed quickly, it is you.

We do not need a return to the days when ele was overly OP. That will just get it nerfed again.

(edited by style.6173)

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Cush.4063



Elementalist needs help in PvP. It does NOT need help in WvW. It is already one of the 3 most important classes to groups, and has good roaming skills. If you are getting killed quickly, it is you.

We do not need a return to the days when ele was overly OP. That will just get it nerfed again.

Lol no. S/F might have one good combo that can instantly burst someone but that’s it. All CD’s after that if you miss that one huge combination of 20 skills at once and you’re dead. No stealth or mobility like a thief for protection. But then we’re just talking about one weapon set. What about D/D? And staff is only good for zerging with nobody attacking you.

Elementalist WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Axialbloom.8109



Elementalist needs help in PvP. It does NOT need help in WvW. It is already one of the 3 most important classes to groups, and has good roaming skills. If you are getting killed quickly, it is you.

We do not need a return to the days when ele was overly OP. That will just get it nerfed again.

Uh, no. Ele is great in the zerg, and average to poor at roaming.