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Posted by: Damash.1074


Heey guys,

I haven`t played the game for a while now and missed alot of the story (though i was always up to date by reading my mails and on the site) but here comes my question.

Are the proffs pretty good balanced? Cuz otherwise i dont know what to play. Is every proff equal to another in some way? So it doesnt matter which class i choose i wont be a** kicked by a random OP proffesion?

Thanks in advance,

Alpha Alex

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in Profession Balance

Posted by: P Fun Daddy.1208

P Fun Daddy.1208

If you pick up ele you will probably get your kitten handed to you on a platter for a while, because it requires tons of practice to be anything other than a buffbot, and you will have a hard time against warriors starting out regardless of class choice (unless you take a warrior of course), and rangers are pretty mediocre everywhere when they aren’t autoattacking in PvP with spirits. Other than that, balance is pretty good in PvP/WvW, in PvE you just can’t take a necro or engi in speed runs.

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Posted by: Rezzet.3614


necromancer thief warrior and mesmer are the only viable clases

if destroying groups is your thing go necro

if you like facerolling go warrior or mesmer

if you like insta asasinating people with no risk whatsoever of dieing go thief

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in Profession Balance

Posted by: Uhtameit.2413


necromancer thief warrior and mesmer are the only viable clases

if destroying groups is your thing go necro

if you like facerolling go warrior or mesmer

if you like insta asasinating people with no risk whatsoever of dieing go thief


These days warriors are op as hell, thieves are still very strong, condi necro and spirit rangers are strong as well.

Rest is pretty much average, and eles are teribad.

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in Profession Balance

Posted by: Damash.1074


If i go Necro does that mean i HAVE to use the pets??? Cuz id like to make a necro but i dont want to run with all those things around me

Alpha Alex

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in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


necromancer thief warrior and mesmer are the only viable clases

if destroying groups is your thing go necro

if you like facerolling go warrior or mesmer

if you like insta asasinating people with no risk whatsoever of dieing go thief


These days warriors are op as hell, thieves are still very strong, condi necro and spirit rangers are strong as well.

Rest is pretty much average, and eles are teribad.


Ye warriors dominate new players and people that aren’t that good. But if you plan on becoming a strong player able to dodge the skills you need to dodge and read skill animations, than the game is decently balanced.

If we speak in 1v1, thief and mesmer are the absolute kings. If they are played skillfully than the other classes can’t beat them.

Warriors are double faced, they are amazing against unskilled players that fail to dodge your skills and new players. But if you fight top players, you wont be able to land your damage and lose the fight.

Engi and ele are insanely strong in small fights aswel. A good engi is really hard to catch and kill and he can dumb a lot of condi pressure on you. And if a person masters the elementalist, he’ll dominate a lot of fights aswel. I don’t really get why people complain about ele. They are a strong pick, just enourmously hard to play successfully.

Guardian is one of the most solid pick atm in my opinion. Both great for zerging/PvE and roaming. A zerker roaming guardian literally blows people up. And careful use of blinds and blocks makes him stay alive forever. A great warrior counter aswel.

Necros have strong power builds, but their condi builds are going to be broken OP after the patch. Perplexity condi necros will be the strongest thing for roaming soon.

Last class is the ranger, most likely the hardest class to play as seeing strong ranger players is the rarest thing in game. Bad rangers get killed in seconds by pretty much every class. But those rare good ones are really strong roamers who can stand their own in pretty much every fight.

That is how I see it atleast.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

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Posted by: Uhtameit.2413


Oookay, so :

1) I contradicted this guy because he said you could faceroll with mesmer, which is a joke

2) Warriors are amazing these days, even against good players

3) Elementalists are decent (teribad if focused) in small fights, and teribad at team fights. You don’t get why people complain about ele because you don’t play sPvP.

4) Necros power build are strong, aye. Their condi build is getting nerfed though. With rune of balthazar it might turn out to be okay but they won’t be even better (except WvW where necro with rune of perplexity will be a thing).

5) Power rangers suck.

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in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Oookay, so :

1) I contradicted this guy because he said you could faceroll with mesmer, which is a joke

2) Warriors are amazing these days, even against good players

3) Elementalists are decent (teribad if focused) in small fights, and teribad at team fights. You don’t get why people complain about ele because you don’t play sPvP.

4) Necros power build are strong, aye. Their condi build is getting nerfed though. With rune of balthazar it might turn out to be okay but they won’t be even better (except WvW where necro with rune of perplexity will be a thing).

5) Power rangers suck.

Mesmer sucks in sPvP, grant you that. They are beasts in WvW tho. Definitely the hybrid ones. PU is irritating aswel, they might not kill you but you wont kill them either.

I don’t know what you consider good, but there is quite a long list of counters to warriors these days and I don’t recall losing to a warrior recently. Dodge their abilities and they can’t place their damage.

I indeed don’t play sPvP, I did do a few tournements with my guild. But I hate the lack of build diversity and when you find me in sPvP it is for duels. Elementalist is strong in WvW for their great support (waterfields) and aoe pressure (meteorshower). They are really strong in 1vs1s but I only know 2 elementalists who can win most fights. A small roaming group of elementalists can take down way bigger groups in WvW aswel. But ye, they underperform somewhat in sPvP.

Condi necro is getting nerfed (deserved) and they’ll still be strong in PvP, but in WvW with the +40% condi food they will be OP. I think they are pretty fine in PvP actually.


Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

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Posted by: P Fun Daddy.1208

P Fun Daddy.1208

Oookay, so :

1) I contradicted this guy because he said you could faceroll with mesmer, which is a joke

2) Warriors are amazing these days, even against good players

3) Elementalists are decent (teribad if focused) in small fights, and teribad at team fights. You don’t get why people complain about ele because you don’t play sPvP.

4) Necros power build are strong, aye. Their condi build is getting nerfed though. With rune of balthazar it might turn out to be okay but they won’t be even better (except WvW where necro with rune of perplexity will be a thing).

5) Power rangers suck.

Mesmer sucks in sPvP, grant you that. They are beasts in WvW tho. Definitely the hybrid ones. PU is irritating aswel, they might not kill you but you wont kill them either.

I don’t know what you consider good, but there is quite a long list of counters to warriors these days and I don’t recall losing to a warrior recently. Dodge their abilities and they can’t place their damage.

I indeed don’t play sPvP, I did do a few tournements with my guild. But I hate the lack of build diversity and when you find me in sPvP it is for duels. Elementalist is strong in WvW for their great support (waterfields) and aoe pressure (meteorshower). They are really strong in 1vs1s but I only know 2 elementalists who can win most fights. A small roaming group of elementalists can take down way bigger groups in WvW aswel. But ye, they underperform somewhat in sPvP.

Condi necro is getting nerfed (deserved) and they’ll still be strong in PvP, but in WvW with the +40% condi food they will be OP. I think they are pretty fine in PvP actually.


Honestly, 1v1 is not a gamemode. It has little to no bearing on the actual game becasue things that are horrible in actual gameplay as a team or even in consecutive fights are terribly overpowered (or vice versa in the case of stealth/thieves, which are much less powerful when they don’t have the advantage of guaranteed surprise) in a 1v1 that only happens when both parties are ready.
Despite this, you still get people claiming that superburst ele is a good spec because it wins 1v1s in ideal situations, or that thieves are okay because you can duel them in obsidian sanctum (not saying that thieves are OP, but 1v1ing a thief in an arranged 1v1 ignores half of what thieves are good for), despite the fact that starting a fight with all of your 40+ second cooldowns isn’t realistic for a start.
More reason 1v1s aren’t a good representation of class balance:
-No surprises, and especially no inherent advantage to classes that are good at surprising people.
-No focusing from teamfights.
-There are only two real viable spec types: those that can burst someone down near instantly, and those that can outlast a burst (through either invulnerability or avoiding it through stealth etc.) and still kill the other guy.
-AoE is about half as useful as it is in the actual game.
-Forced to stay in combat in cases where disengaging to avoid death would be a better option.
-Stalling specs don’t win 1v1s, so bunkers are pretty much off the table, as are supports.
-You get to pick your opponent. No sane burst spec would really pick a condi warrior or necro as an opponent, in any actual gamemode you don’t have that choice.
-Vastly lower awareness and sustain requirements: In a 1v1, you don’t have to worry about that thief sneaking up on you, so you’re not constantly spending time looking for someone stealthing behind you or saving long cooldowns so that you aren’t bent over the table by the next person you have to fight. You can also use your full concentration on a single player.
-Revive metas don’t exist, because stomping in a 1v1 is bad manners.

Sorry for the off-topic rant, but I really want people to stop thinking about 1v1s as an actual measure of balance.

Im coming back!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


All the classes are viable, there’s a couple scenarios where some aren’t as good to use in a specific game, but they’re all viable.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

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in Profession Balance

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

Is this game balanced?
Put simply, not by a long shot.

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Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Heey guys,

I haven`t played the game for a while now and missed alot of the story (though i was always up to date by reading my mails and on the site) but here comes my question.

Are the proffs pretty good balanced? Cuz otherwise i dont know what to play. Is every proff equal to another in some way? So it doesnt matter which class i choose i wont be a** kicked by a random OP proffesion?

Thanks in advance,

every class has its advantages, just choose what suits you and what will be most fun Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

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in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Heey guys,

I haven`t played the game for a while now and missed alot of the story (though i was always up to date by reading my mails and on the site) but here comes my question.

Are the proffs pretty good balanced? Cuz otherwise i dont know what to play. Is every proff equal to another in some way? So it doesnt matter which class i choose i wont be a** kicked by a random OP proffesion?

Thanks in advance,

and don’t listen to people saying “the game is broken” “balancing is a huge issue in gw2” because it’s called TEAM PVP not 1 V 1 PVP and a lot of people can’t get passed the fact that they have to support their team with dmg/heal/etc and spec accordingly Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

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Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thief, Warrior and Elementalist.

That’s all i have to say.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

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Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


This thread is so full of misinformation….

Damash what game mode are you most interested in? WvW Roaming? WvW zerging? PvP? PvE?


Im coming back!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Damash.1074


This thread is so full of misinformation….

Damash what game mode are you most interested in? WvW Roaming? WvW zerging? PvP? PvE?

First id like to start in PvE till my 80. Then id like to be a Roamer (solo or small group) and do some dungeons for gear and the fun.

WvW will become a thing id like to do 50/60% of my time and the rest PvE; Dungeons, random events, living world etc.

Will the Necro do well for this? Cuz i like him pretty much and maybe its a good choice for ^these^ things…

Alpha Alex

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in Profession Balance

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Necro is sub par for PvE (pretty nonexistant support/ average DPS). It’ll be fine, but you might meet elitist pvers who dont want to take a necro due to those reasons.

For small group/solo roaming its quite strong, and pretty fun to play imo. Although the lack of disengage/low mobility can be pretty annoying. With a small guild group or a couple of friends, necro has a good selection of builds you could use to roam efficiently. Necros are also good at flipping camps solo.

For tagging stuff in events and living world necro is great.


Im coming back!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Damash.1074


Necro is sub par for PvE (pretty nonexistant support/ average DPS). It’ll be fine, but you might meet elitist pvers who dont want to take a necro due to those reasons.

For small group/solo roaming its quite strong, and pretty fun to play imo. Although the lack of disengage/low mobility can be pretty annoying. With a small guild group or a couple of friends, necro has a good selection of builds you could use to roam efficiently. Necros are also good at flipping camps solo.

For tagging stuff in events and living world necro is great.

I got 1 question left.. Is the Necro`s mobility really that bad??

Alpha Alex

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in Profession Balance

Posted by: jportell.2197


If i go Necro does that mean i HAVE to use the pets??? Cuz id like to make a necro but i dont want to run with all those things around me

There are some very viable power necro builds.
In pve people run 30/25/0/0/15 dagger focus/warhorn (or w.e)
In wvw I run 30/10/0/0/30 wells with deathshroud=50% increase in crit chance and it melts blobs.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

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Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Necro is sub par for PvE (pretty nonexistant support/ average DPS). It’ll be fine, but you might meet elitist pvers who dont want to take a necro due to those reasons.

For small group/solo roaming its quite strong, and pretty fun to play imo. Although the lack of disengage/low mobility can be pretty annoying. With a small guild group or a couple of friends, necro has a good selection of builds you could use to roam efficiently. Necros are also good at flipping camps solo.

For tagging stuff in events and living world necro is great.

I got 1 question left.. Is the Necro`s mobility really that bad??

Necromancers have no leaps or gap closers that can be used outside of combat. They have a good amount of swiftness with warhorn #5 and Spectral Walk, but other than this they are pretty slow.


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Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Also, answering your question about pets:

No, pets aren’t required. Minion aren’t even very good in WvW, you can play power or condition builds with no pets at all and do great for roaming


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in Profession Balance

Posted by: Damash.1074


So no pets required huh.. okaay thats nice but is the mobility that bad its killing you?

Alpha Alex