25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
Low Tier and the Worthless?
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
Ranger (not counting Spirits)
Elementalist (unless your opponents are too bad to counter burst)
Low thief ?
Hum….I see plenty of thieves playing top level tournament. plenty.
Low thief ?
Hum….I see plenty of thieves playing top level tournament. plenty.
“Top level”… uh huh. Whatever that’s supposed to mean nowadays.
Most of those thieves are overrated or, simply put, bad. I’ve seen them play. They’re hardly effective (perhaps annoying, though).
Low Tier:
Anything But Warriors
Anything But Warriors
@lunacrous , ok while I think that is a bit overreacted let me ask you this:
Is the warrior level ok though? I mean, if all professions would be at the Warrior Tier could that be the goal to aim for? Or is the warrior overpowered?
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
Assuming we’re not restricting to one gameplay-mode (which wouldn’t be meaningful feedback), I can only really see… no wait, actually, class-wise no one is hurting.
Mechanics, that’s a different issue alltogether.